680 lines
18 KiB
680 lines
18 KiB
import 'dart:io';
class Separators {
static const String dotToConnections = ": ";
static const String dotToLength = "|";
static const String space = " ";
static const String hasLength = "Взвешенный";
static const String hasNoLength = "НеВзвешенный";
static const String isOriented = "Ориентированный";
static const String isNotOriented = "НеОриентированный";
static const String nL = "\n";
static const String end = "END";
class Dot {
// ignore: prefer_final_fields
String _name = "";
int num = -1;
Map<int, int> _ln = <int, int>{};
String getName() => _name;
bool hasConnection(int n) => _ln.containsKey(n);
Map<int, int> getL() => _ln;
int getLength(int x) {
if (hasConnection(x)) {
return _ln[x]!;
return -1;
void setName(String n) => _name = n;
void addPath(int inp, int length) => _ln[inp] = length;
void delPath(int n) => _ln.removeWhere((key, value) =>
key == n); // удалить обратный путь если не ориентированный
void printD() {
stdout.write("$_name: №$num => ");
for (var i in _ln.keys) {
stdout.write("$i|${_ln[i]} ");
Dot([String name = "Undefined", int n = -1]) {
_name = name;
num = n;
_ln = <int, int>{};
Dot.fromTwoLists(String name, List<int> num0, List<int> length,
[int n = -1]) {
_name = name;
num = n;
Map<int, int> nw = <int, int>{};
if (num0.length != length.length) {
print("Error in lists");
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < num0.length; i++) {
nw[num0[i]] = length[i];
_ln = nw;
Dot.fromMap(String name, Map<int, int> l, [int n = -1]) {
_name = name;
num = n;
_ln = l;
Dot.clone(Dot a) {
_name = a.getName();
num = a.num;
_ln = a.getL();
class Graphs {
String _name = "Undefined"; //Имя
int _amount = 0; //Количество вершин
List<Dot> _dots = <Dot>[]; //Список смежности вершин
Map<int, String> _nameTable = <int, String>{}; //Список вершин по именам
bool _useLength = false; //Взвешенность
bool _oriented = false; //Ориентированность
String? addDot(Dot a) {
if (getNumByName(a.getName()) != null) {
return ("Dot name \"${a.getName()}\" already in use. Change name or use addPath");
a.num = _amount;
if (!_oriented) _fullFix();
return null;
bool addDotFromToLists(String name, List<int> num0, List<int> length,
[int n = -1]) {
var a = Dot.fromTwoLists(name, num0, length, n);
if (getNumByName(a.getName()) != null) {
"Dot name ${a.getName()} already in use. Change name or use addPath");
return false;
a.num = _amount;
if (!_oriented) _fixPathAfterInsert(a);
return true;
String? addIsolated(String name) {
var res = addDot(Dot.fromTwoLists(name, [], []));
return res;
String? addPath(int from, int to, [int len = 0]) {
if (from <= 0 || from > _amount || to <= 0 && to > _amount) {
return "Index out of range. Have dots 1..$_amount";
_dots[from - 1].addPath(to, len);
if (!_oriented) {
_dots[to - 1].addPath(from, len);
return null;
String? delPath(int from, int to) {
if (from <= 0 || from > _amount || to <= 0 && to > _amount) {
return "Can't find specified path";
_dots[from - 1].delPath(to);
if (!_oriented) {
_dots[to - 1].delPath(from);
return null;
String? delDot(int inn) {
if (inn > _amount || inn < 1) {
return "Index out of range. Allowed 1..$_amount";
List<int> toDel = <int>[];
for (int i in _dots[inn - 1].getL().keys) {
for (int i in toDel) {
delPath(i, inn);
_dots.removeAt(inn - 1);
return null;
void flushData() {
_dots = <Dot>[];
_amount = 0;
_nameTable = <int, String>{};
bool checkDots([bool verbose = false]) {
for (var a in _dots) {
for (var i in a.getL().keys) {
try {
if (!_dots[i - 1].getL().containsKey(a.num)) {
if (verbose) print("Can't find ${a.num}");
return false;
} catch (e) {
if (verbose) {
print("Can't find Dot $i for path ${a.num}->$i. Exception $e");
_dots[a.num - 1].getL().remove(i);
return false;
return true;
void _fixAfterDel(int inn) {
for (int i = 0; i < _dots.length; i++) {
Map<int, int> l = <int, int>{};
for (int j in _dots[i].getL().keys) {
if (j >= inn) {
l[j - 1] = _dots[i].getL()[j]!;
} else {
l[j] = _dots[i].getL()[j]!;
_dots[i] = Dot.fromMap(_dots[i].getName(), l, _dots[i].num);
void _fixPathAfterInsert(Dot a) {
//Для неориентированного
for (var i in a.getL().keys) {
if (!_dots[i - 1].getL().containsKey(a.num)) {
addPath(i, a.num, a.getL()[i]!);
void _fullFix() {
for (var i in _dots) {
void _syncNameTable() {
_nameTable = <int, String>{};
for (var i in _dots) {
_nameTable[i.num] = i.getName();
void _syncNum() {
_amount = 0;
for (var i in _dots) {
i.num = ++_amount;
void setName(String name) => _name = name;
String? flipUseOrientation() {
if (_amount != 0) {
return "Can change use of orientation only in empty graph";
_oriented = !_oriented;
return null;
String? flipUseLength() {
if (_amount != 0) {
return "Can change use of length only in empty graph";
_useLength = !_useLength;
return null;
String? replaceDataFromFile(String path) {
File file = File(path);
List<String> lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
if (lines.length < 3) {
return "Not enough lines in file";
String name = lines.removeAt(0);
bool oriented;
switch (lines.removeAt(0)) {
case Separators.isOriented:
oriented = true;
case Separators.isNotOriented:
oriented = false;
return "Error on parsing \"IsOriented\"";
bool useLength;
switch (lines.removeAt(0).trim()) {
case Separators.hasLength:
useLength = true;
case Separators.hasNoLength:
useLength = false;
return "Error on parsing \"HasLength\"";
List<Dot> dots = <Dot>[];
for (var l in lines) {
l = l.trimRight();
if (l != Separators.end) {
var spl = l.split(Separators.space);
List<int> dot = <int>[];
List<int> len = <int>[];
String name = spl.removeAt(0);
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
for (var splitted in spl) {
if (splitted != "") {
var dt = splitted.split(Separators.dotToLength);
if (dt.length == 2) {
int? parsed = int.tryParse(dt[0]);
if (parsed == null) {
return "Error while parsing file\nin parsing int in \"${dt[0]}\"";
if (useLength) {
parsed = int.tryParse(dt[1]);
if (parsed == null) {
return "Error while parsing file\nin parsing int in \"${dt[1]}\"";
} else {
} else if (dt.length == 1) {
int? parsed = int.tryParse(splitted);
if (parsed == null) {
return "Error while parsing file\nin parsing int in \"$splitted\"";
dots.add(Dot.fromTwoLists(name, dot, len));
_name = name;
_oriented = oriented;
_useLength = useLength;
_dots = dots;
if (!_oriented) _fullFix();
return null;
bool getDoubleSidedBool() => _oriented;
String getDoubleSidedStr() {
if (_oriented) return Separators.isOriented;
return Separators.isNotOriented;
bool getUseLengthBool() => _useLength;
String getUseLengthStr() {
if (_useLength) return Separators.hasLength;
return Separators.hasNoLength;
List<Dot> getDots() => _dots;
String getName() => _name;
String? getNameByNum(int n) => _nameTable[n];
Map<int, String> getNameTable() => _nameTable;
int getDotAmount() => _dots.length;
int? getNumByName(String n) {
for (var i in _nameTable.keys) {
if (_nameTable[i] == n) return i;
return null;
List<List<int>>? getLenTable() {
List<List<int>>? out = <List<int>>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
List<int> xx = <int>[];
for (int j = 1; j <= _amount; j++) {
return out;
List<List<int>>? getPathTable() {
List<List<int>>? out = <List<int>>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
List<int> xx = <int>[];
for (int j = 1; j <= _amount; j++) {
if (_dots[i].getLength(j) != -1) {
} else {
return out;
/*List<Dot> getNoRepeatDots() {
List<Dot> ret = <Dot>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
ret.add(Dot(_dots[i].getName(), _dots[i].num));
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
for (int j in _dots[i].getL().keys) {
if (!ret[j - 1].hasConnection(i + 1) && !ret[i].hasConnection(j) ||
i == j) {
var len = _dots[i].getLength(j);
ret[i].addPath(j, len);
return ret;
void printG() {
stdout.write("$_name: ");
if (_oriented) {
stdout.write("Ориентированный, ");
} else {
stdout.write("Не ориентированный, ");
if (_useLength) {
} else {
print("Не взвешенный");
for (var i in _dots) {
void printToFile(String name) {
var file = File(name);
if (_oriented) {
mode: FileMode.append);
} else {
mode: FileMode.append);
if (_useLength) {
mode: FileMode.append);
} else {
mode: FileMode.append);
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
file.writeAsStringSync((i + 1).toString() + Separators.dotToConnections,
mode: FileMode.append);
var d = _dots[i].getL();
for (var j in d.keys) {
j.toString() + Separators.dotToLength + d[j].toString() + " ",
mode: FileMode.append);
file.writeAsStringSync(Separators.nL, mode: FileMode.append);
file.writeAsStringSync(Separators.end, mode: FileMode.append);
[String name = "Undefined",
bool hasLen = false,
bool isOriented = false]) {
_name = name;
_dots = <Dot>[];
_useLength = hasLen;
_oriented = isOriented;
_amount = 0;
_nameTable = <int, String>{};
Graphs.fromList(String name, List<Dot> dots, bool hasLen, bool oriented) {
_name = name;
_dots = dots;
_useLength = hasLen;
_amount = _dots.length;
_oriented = oriented;
if (!_oriented) _fullFix();
Graphs.fromFile(String path) {
/*File file = File(path);
List<String> lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
_name = lines.removeAt(0);
_oriented = lines.removeAt(0) == Separators.isOriented.trim();
_useLength = lines.removeAt(0) == Separators.hasLength.trim();
_dots = <Dot>[];
for (var l in lines) {
if (l != Separators.end) {
var spl = l.split(Separators.space);
List<int> dot = <int>[];
List<int> len = <int>[];
String name = spl.removeAt(0);
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
for (var splitted in spl) {
var dt = splitted.split(Separators.dotToLength);
if (dt.length == 2) {
if (_useLength) {
} else {
} else if (dt.length == 1) {
_dots.add(Dot.fromTwoLists(name, dot, len));
if (!_oriented) _fullFix();*/
Graphs.clone(Graphs a) {
_name = a.getName();
_dots = a.getDots();
_oriented = a.getDoubleSidedBool();
_useLength = a.getUseLengthBool();
_amount = _dots.length;
/* bool bfsHasPath(int startDot, int goalDot) {
// обход в ширину
List<bool> visited = <bool>[];
List<int> queue = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
} // изначально список посещённых узлов пуст
queue.add(startDot); // начиная с узла-источника
visited[startDot] = true;
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
// пока очередь не пуста
int node = queue.removeAt(0); // извлечь первый элемент в очереди
if (node == goalDot) {
return true; // проверить, не является ли текущий узел целевым
for (int child in _dots[node].getL().keys) {
// все преемники текущего узла, ...
if (!visited[child - 1]) {
// ... которые ещё не были посещены ...
queue.add(child - 1); // ... добавить в конец очереди...
visited[child - 1] = true; // ... и пометить как посещённые
return false; // Целевой узел недостижим
List<int>? bfsPath(int startDot, int goalDot) {
if (startDot == goalDot) return [startDot];
//if (!bfsHasPath(startDot, goalDot)) return null;
List<List<int>>? graph = getLenTable();
List<bool> used = <bool>[];
List<int> dst = <int>[];
List<int> pr = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
List<int> q = <int>[];
used[startDot] = true;
dst[startDot] = 0;
pr[startDot] =
-1; //Пометка, означающая, что у вершины startDot нет предыдущей.
while (q.isNotEmpty) {
int cur = q.removeAt(0);
int x = 0;
for (int neighbor in graph![cur]) {
if (neighbor != -1) {
if (!used[x]) {
used[x] = true;
dst[x] = dst[cur] + 1;
pr[x] = cur; //сохранение предыдущей вершины
//Восстановим кратчайший путь
//Для восстановления пути пройдём его в обратном порядке, и развернём.
List<int> path = <int>[];
int cur = goalDot; //текущая вершина пути
path.add(cur + 1);
while (pr[cur] != -1) {
//пока существует предыдущая вершина
cur = pr[cur]; //переходим в неё
path.add(cur + 1); //и дописываем к пути
path = path.reversed.toList();
//print("Shortest path between vertices ${startDot+1} and ${goalDot+1} is: $path");
if (path[0] == (startDot + 1) &&
path[1] == (goalDot + 1) &&
!_dots[startDot].hasConnection(goalDot + 1)) return null;
return path;
List<bool>? dfsIterative(int v) {
//List<int>? pos = <int>[];
List<bool> label = <bool>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _amount; i++) {
List<int> stack = <int>[];
while (stack.isNotEmpty) {
v = stack.removeLast();
if (!label[v]) {
label[v] = true;
for (int i in _dots[v].getL().keys) {
stack.add(i - 1);
return label;
void dijkstra(int source) {
create vertex set Q;
for each vertex v in Graph{
dist[v] ← INFINITY ;
prev[v] ← UNDEFINED ;
add v to Q;}
dist[source] ← 0;
while Q is not empty{
u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u]
remove u from Q
for each neighbor v of u still in Q{
alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v);
if alt < dist[v]: {
dist[v] ← alt;
prev[v] ← u;}
return dist[], prev[]*/