176 lines
6.5 KiB
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2022-09-17 16:26:13 +04:00
import unittest
from test import audiotests
from test import support
from audioop import byteswap
import io
import struct
import sys
import wave
class WaveTest(audiotests.AudioWriteTests,
module = wave
class WavePCM8Test(WaveTest, unittest.TestCase):
sndfilename = 'pluck-pcm8.wav'
sndfilenframes = 3307
nchannels = 2
sampwidth = 1
framerate = 11025
nframes = 48
comptype = 'NONE'
compname = 'not compressed'
frames = bytes.fromhex("""\
827F CB80 B184 0088 4B86 C883 3F81 837E 387A 3473 A96B 9A66 \
6D64 4662 8E60 6F60 D762 7B68 936F 5877 177B 757C 887B 5F7B \
917A BE7B 3C7C E67F 4F84 C389 418E D192 6E97 0296 FF94 0092 \
C98E D28D 6F8F 4E8F 648C E38A 888A AB8B D18E 0B91 368E C48A \
class WavePCM16Test(WaveTest, unittest.TestCase):
sndfilename = 'pluck-pcm16.wav'
sndfilenframes = 3307
nchannels = 2
sampwidth = 2
framerate = 11025
nframes = 48
comptype = 'NONE'
compname = 'not compressed'
frames = bytes.fromhex("""\
022EFFEA 4B5C00F9 311404EF 80DC0843 CBDF06B2 48AA03F3 BFE701B2 036BFE7C \
B857FA3E B4B2F34F 2999EBCA 1A5FE6D7 EDFCE491 C626E279 0E05E0B8 EF27E02D \
5754E275 FB31E843 1373EF89 D827F72C 978BFB7A F5F7FC11 0866FB9C DF30FB42 \
117FFA36 3EE4FB5D BC75FCB6 66D5FF5F CF16040E 43220978 C1BC0EC8 511F12A4 \
EEDF1755 82061666 7FFF1446 80001296 499C0EB2 52BA0DB9 EFB70F5C CE400FBC \
E4B50CEB 63440A5A 08CA0A1F 2BBA0B0B 51460E47 8BCB113C B6F50EEA 44150A59 \
if sys.byteorder != 'big':
frames = byteswap(frames, 2)
class WavePCM24Test(WaveTest, unittest.TestCase):
sndfilename = 'pluck-pcm24.wav'
sndfilenframes = 3307
nchannels = 2
sampwidth = 3
framerate = 11025
nframes = 48
comptype = 'NONE'
compname = 'not compressed'
frames = bytes.fromhex("""\
022D65FFEB9D 4B5A0F00FA54 3113C304EE2B 80DCD6084303 \
CBDEC006B261 48A99803F2F8 BFE82401B07D 036BFBFE7B5D \
B85756FA3EC9 B4B055F3502B 299830EBCB62 1A5CA7E6D99A \
EDFA3EE491BD C625EBE27884 0E05A9E0B6CF EF2929E02922 \
5758D8E27067 FB3557E83E16 1377BFEF8402 D82C5BF7272A \
978F16FB7745 F5F865FC1013 086635FB9C4E DF30FCFB40EE \
117FE0FA3438 3EE6B8FB5AC3 BC77A3FCB2F4 66D6DAFF5F32 \
CF13B9041275 431D69097A8C C1BB600EC74E 5120B912A2BA \
EEDF641754C0 8207001664B7 7FFFFF14453F 8000001294E6 \
499C1B0EB3B2 52B73E0DBCA0 EFB2B20F5FD8 CE3CDB0FBE12 \
E4B49C0CEA2D 6344A80A5A7C 08C8FE0A1FFE 2BB9860B0A0E \
51486F0E44E1 8BCC64113B05 B6F4EC0EEB36 4413170A5B48 \
if sys.byteorder != 'big':
frames = byteswap(frames, 3)
class WavePCM32Test(WaveTest, unittest.TestCase):
sndfilename = 'pluck-pcm32.wav'
sndfilenframes = 3307
nchannels = 2
sampwidth = 4
framerate = 11025
nframes = 48
comptype = 'NONE'
compname = 'not compressed'
frames = bytes.fromhex("""\
022D65BCFFEB9D92 4B5A0F8000FA549C 3113C34004EE2BC0 80DCD680084303E0 \
CBDEC0C006B26140 48A9980003F2F8FC BFE8248001B07D92 036BFB60FE7B5D34 \
B8575600FA3EC920 B4B05500F3502BC0 29983000EBCB6240 1A5CA7A0E6D99A60 \
EDFA3E80E491BD40 C625EB80E27884A0 0E05A9A0E0B6CFE0 EF292940E0292280 \
5758D800E2706700 FB3557D8E83E1640 1377BF00EF840280 D82C5B80F7272A80 \
978F1600FB774560 F5F86510FC101364 086635A0FB9C4E20 DF30FC40FB40EE28 \
117FE0A0FA3438B0 3EE6B840FB5AC3F0 BC77A380FCB2F454 66D6DA80FF5F32B4 \
CF13B980041275B0 431D6980097A8C00 C1BB60000EC74E00 5120B98012A2BAA0 \
EEDF64C01754C060 820700001664B780 7FFFFFFF14453F40 800000001294E6E0 \
499C1B000EB3B270 52B73E000DBCA020 EFB2B2E00F5FD880 CE3CDB400FBE1270 \
E4B49CC00CEA2D90 6344A8800A5A7CA0 08C8FE800A1FFEE0 2BB986C00B0A0E00 \
51486F800E44E190 8BCC6480113B0580 B6F4EC000EEB3630 441317800A5B48A0 \
if sys.byteorder != 'big':
frames = byteswap(frames, 4)
class MiscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test__all__(self):
blacklist = {'WAVE_FORMAT_PCM'}
support.check__all__(self, wave, blacklist=blacklist)
class WaveLowLevelTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_read_no_chunks(self):
b = b'SPAM'
with self.assertRaises(EOFError):
def test_read_no_riff_chunk(self):
b = b'SPAM' + struct.pack('<L', 0)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error,
'file does not start with RIFF id'):
def test_read_not_wave(self):
b = b'RIFF' + struct.pack('<L', 4) + b'SPAM'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error,
'not a WAVE file'):
def test_read_no_fmt_no_data_chunk(self):
b = b'RIFF' + struct.pack('<L', 4) + b'WAVE'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error,
'fmt chunk and/or data chunk missing'):
def test_read_no_data_chunk(self):
b = b'RIFF' + struct.pack('<L', 28) + b'WAVE'
b += b'fmt ' + struct.pack('<LHHLLHH', 16, 1, 1, 11025, 11025, 1, 8)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error,
'fmt chunk and/or data chunk missing'):
def test_read_no_fmt_chunk(self):
b = b'RIFF' + struct.pack('<L', 12) + b'WAVE'
b += b'data' + struct.pack('<L', 0)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error, 'data chunk before fmt chunk'):
def test_read_wrong_form(self):
b = b'RIFF' + struct.pack('<L', 36) + b'WAVE'
b += b'fmt ' + struct.pack('<LHHLLHH', 16, 2, 1, 11025, 11025, 1, 1)
b += b'data' + struct.pack('<L', 0)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error, 'unknown format: 2'):
def test_read_wrong_number_of_channels(self):
b = b'RIFF' + struct.pack('<L', 36) + b'WAVE'
b += b'fmt ' + struct.pack('<LHHLLHH', 16, 1, 0, 11025, 11025, 1, 8)
b += b'data' + struct.pack('<L', 0)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error, 'bad # of channels'):
def test_read_wrong_sample_width(self):
b = b'RIFF' + struct.pack('<L', 36) + b'WAVE'
b += b'fmt ' + struct.pack('<LHHLLHH', 16, 1, 1, 11025, 11025, 1, 0)
b += b'data' + struct.pack('<L', 0)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(wave.Error, 'bad sample width'):
if __name__ == '__main__':