2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
# Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Python Software Foundation
# Contact: email-sig@python.org
# email package unit tests
import re
import time
import base64
import unittest
import textwrap
from io import StringIO , BytesIO
from itertools import chain
from random import choice
from threading import Thread
from unittest . mock import patch
import email
import email . policy
from email . charset import Charset
from email . generator import Generator , DecodedGenerator , BytesGenerator
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from email . header import Header , decode_header , make_header
from email . headerregistry import HeaderRegistry
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from email . message import Message
from email . mime . application import MIMEApplication
from email . mime . audio import MIMEAudio
from email . mime . base import MIMEBase
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from email . mime . image import MIMEImage
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from email . mime . message import MIMEMessage
from email . mime . multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email . mime . nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
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from email . mime . text import MIMEText
from email . parser import Parser , HeaderParser
from email import base64mime
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from email import encoders
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from email import errors
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from email import iterators
from email import quoprimime
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from email import utils
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from test . support import threading_helper
from test . support . os_helper import unlink
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from test . test_email import openfile , TestEmailBase
# These imports are documented to work, but we are testing them using a
# different path, so we import them here just to make sure they are importable.
from email . parser import FeedParser , BytesFeedParser
NL = ' \n '
SPACE = ' '
# Test various aspects of the Message class's API
class TestMessageAPI ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_get_all ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_20.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_all ( ' cc ' ) , [ ' ccc@zzz.org ' , ' ddd@zzz.org ' , ' eee@zzz.org ' ] )
eq ( msg . get_all ( ' xx ' , ' n/a ' ) , ' n/a ' )
def test_getset_charset ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) , None )
charset = Charset ( ' iso-8859-1 ' )
msg . set_charset ( charset )
eq ( msg [ ' mime-version ' ] , ' 1.0 ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " iso-8859-1 " ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' charset ' ) , ' iso-8859-1 ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' quoted-printable ' )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) . input_charset , ' iso-8859-1 ' )
# Remove the charset
msg . set_charset ( None )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) , None )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain ' )
# Try adding a charset when there's already MIME headers present
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' MIME-Version ' ] = ' 2.0 '
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' text/x-weird '
msg [ ' Content-Transfer-Encoding ' ] = ' quinted-puntable '
msg . set_charset ( charset )
eq ( msg [ ' mime-version ' ] , ' 2.0 ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/x-weird; charset= " iso-8859-1 " ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' quinted-puntable ' )
def test_set_charset_from_string ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_charset ( ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) . input_charset , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " us-ascii " ' )
def test_set_payload_with_charset ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
charset = Charset ( ' iso-8859-1 ' )
msg . set_payload ( ' This is a string payload ' , charset )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_charset ( ) . input_charset , ' iso-8859-1 ' )
def test_set_payload_with_8bit_data_and_charset ( self ) :
data = b ' \xd0 \x90 \xd0 \x91 \xd0 \x92 '
charset = Charset ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_payload ( data , charset )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' base64 ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , data )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' 0JDQkdCS \n ' )
def test_set_payload_with_non_ascii_and_charset_body_encoding_none ( self ) :
data = b ' \xd0 \x90 \xd0 \x91 \xd0 \x92 '
charset = Charset ( ' utf-8 ' )
charset . body_encoding = None # Disable base64 encoding
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_payload ( data . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) , charset )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' 8bit ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , data )
def test_set_payload_with_8bit_data_and_charset_body_encoding_none ( self ) :
data = b ' \xd0 \x90 \xd0 \x91 \xd0 \x92 '
charset = Charset ( ' utf-8 ' )
charset . body_encoding = None # Disable base64 encoding
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_payload ( data , charset )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' 8bit ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , data )
def test_set_payload_to_list ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_payload ( [ ] )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , [ ] )
def test_attach_when_payload_is_string ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' multipart/mixed '
msg . set_payload ( ' string payload ' )
sub_msg = MIMEMessage ( Message ( ) )
self . assertRaisesRegex ( TypeError , " [Aa]ttach.*non-multipart " ,
msg . attach , sub_msg )
def test_get_charsets ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_08.txt ' )
charsets = msg . get_charsets ( )
eq ( charsets , [ None , ' us-ascii ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' , ' iso-8859-2 ' , ' koi8-r ' ] )
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_09.txt ' )
charsets = msg . get_charsets ( ' dingbat ' )
eq ( charsets , [ ' dingbat ' , ' us-ascii ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' , ' dingbat ' ,
' koi8-r ' ] )
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_12.txt ' )
charsets = msg . get_charsets ( )
eq ( charsets , [ None , ' us-ascii ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' , None , ' iso-8859-2 ' ,
' iso-8859-3 ' , ' us-ascii ' , ' koi8-r ' ] )
def test_get_filename ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_04.txt ' )
filenames = [ p . get_filename ( ) for p in msg . get_payload ( ) ]
eq ( filenames , [ ' msg.txt ' , ' msg.txt ' ] )
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_07.txt ' )
subpart = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( subpart . get_filename ( ) , ' dingusfish.gif ' )
def test_get_filename_with_name_parameter ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_44.txt ' )
filenames = [ p . get_filename ( ) for p in msg . get_payload ( ) ]
eq ( filenames , [ ' msg.txt ' , ' msg.txt ' ] )
def test_get_boundary ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_07.txt ' )
# No quotes!
eq ( msg . get_boundary ( ) , ' BOUNDARY ' )
def test_set_boundary ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# This one has no existing boundary parameter, but the Content-Type:
# header appears fifth.
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
msg . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
header , value = msg . items ( ) [ 4 ]
eq ( header . lower ( ) , ' content-type ' )
eq ( value , ' text/plain; charset= " us-ascii " ; boundary= " BOUNDARY " ' )
# This one has a Content-Type: header, with a boundary, stuck in the
# middle of its headers. Make sure the order is preserved; it should
# be fifth.
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_04.txt ' )
msg . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
header , value = msg . items ( ) [ 4 ]
eq ( header . lower ( ) , ' content-type ' )
eq ( value , ' multipart/mixed; boundary= " BOUNDARY " ' )
# And this one has no Content-Type: header at all.
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_03.txt ' )
self . assertRaises ( errors . HeaderParseError ,
msg . set_boundary , ' BOUNDARY ' )
def test_make_boundary ( self ) :
msg = MIMEMultipart ( ' form-data ' )
# Note that when the boundary gets created is an implementation
# detail and might change.
self . assertEqual ( msg . items ( ) [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , ' multipart/form-data ' )
# Trigger creation of boundary
msg . as_string ( )
self . assertEqual ( msg . items ( ) [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ : 33 ] ,
' multipart/form-data; boundary= " == ' )
# XXX: there ought to be tests of the uniqueness of the boundary, too.
def test_message_rfc822_only ( self ) :
# Issue 7970: message/rfc822 not in multipart parsed by
# HeaderParser caused an exception when flattened.
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with openfile ( ' msg_46.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
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msgdata = fp . read ( )
parser = HeaderParser ( )
msg = parser . parsestr ( msgdata )
out = StringIO ( )
gen = Generator ( out , True , 0 )
gen . flatten ( msg , False )
self . assertEqual ( out . getvalue ( ) , msgdata )
def test_byte_message_rfc822_only ( self ) :
# Make sure new bytes header parser also passes this.
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with openfile ( ' msg_46.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
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msgdata = fp . read ( ) . encode ( ' ascii ' )
parser = email . parser . BytesHeaderParser ( )
msg = parser . parsebytes ( msgdata )
out = BytesIO ( )
gen = email . generator . BytesGenerator ( out )
gen . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( out . getvalue ( ) , msgdata )
def test_get_decoded_payload ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_10.txt ' )
# The outer message is a multipart
eq ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , None )
# Subpart 1 is 7bit encoded
eq ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' This is a 7bit encoded message. \n ' )
# Subpart 2 is quopri
eq ( msg . get_payload ( 1 ) . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' \xa1 This is a Quoted Printable encoded message! \n ' )
# Subpart 3 is base64
eq ( msg . get_payload ( 2 ) . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' This is a Base64 encoded message. ' )
# Subpart 4 is base64 with a trailing newline, which
# used to be stripped (issue 7143).
eq ( msg . get_payload ( 3 ) . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' This is a Base64 encoded message. \n ' )
# Subpart 5 has no Content-Transfer-Encoding: header.
eq ( msg . get_payload ( 4 ) . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' This has no Content-Transfer-Encoding: header. \n ' )
def test_get_decoded_uu_payload ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_payload ( ' begin 666 - \n +:&5L;& \\ @=V]R;&0 \n \n end \n ' )
for cte in ( ' x-uuencode ' , ' uuencode ' , ' uue ' , ' x-uue ' ) :
msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] = cte
eq ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , b ' hello world ' )
# Now try some bogus data
msg . set_payload ( ' foo ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , b ' foo ' )
def test_get_payload_n_raises_on_non_multipart ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
self . assertRaises ( TypeError , msg . get_payload , 1 )
def test_decoded_generator ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_07.txt ' )
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with openfile ( ' msg_17.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
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text = fp . read ( )
s = StringIO ( )
g = DecodedGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( s . getvalue ( ) , text )
def test__contains__ ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = ' Me '
msg [ ' to ' ] = ' You '
# Check for case insensitivity
self . assertIn ( ' from ' , msg )
self . assertIn ( ' From ' , msg )
self . assertIn ( ' FROM ' , msg )
self . assertIn ( ' to ' , msg )
self . assertIn ( ' To ' , msg )
self . assertIn ( ' TO ' , msg )
def test_as_string ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
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with openfile ( ' msg_01.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
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text = fp . read ( )
self . assertEqual ( text , str ( msg ) )
fullrepr = msg . as_string ( unixfrom = True )
lines = fullrepr . split ( ' \n ' )
self . assertTrue ( lines [ 0 ] . startswith ( ' From ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( text , NL . join ( lines [ 1 : ] ) )
def test_as_string_policy ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
newpolicy = msg . policy . clone ( linesep = ' \r \n ' )
fullrepr = msg . as_string ( policy = newpolicy )
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s , policy = newpolicy )
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( fullrepr , s . getvalue ( ) )
def test_nonascii_as_string_without_cte ( self ) :
m = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - type : text / plain ; charset = " iso-8859-1 "
Test if non - ascii messages with no Content - Transfer - Encoding set
can be as_string ' d:
Föö bär
""" )
source = m . encode ( ' iso-8859-1 ' )
expected = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - type : text / plain ; charset = " iso-8859-1 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : quoted - printable
Test if non - ascii messages with no Content - Transfer - Encoding set
can be as_string ' d:
F = F6 = F6 b = E4r
""" )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( source )
self . assertEqual ( msg . as_string ( ) , expected )
def test_nonascii_as_string_without_content_type_and_cte ( self ) :
m = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Test if non - ascii messages with no Content - Type nor
Content - Transfer - Encoding set can be as_string ' d:
Föö bär
""" )
source = m . encode ( ' iso-8859-1 ' )
expected = source . decode ( ' ascii ' , ' replace ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( source )
self . assertEqual ( msg . as_string ( ) , expected )
def test_as_bytes ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
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with openfile ( ' msg_01.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
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data = fp . read ( ) . encode ( ' ascii ' )
self . assertEqual ( data , bytes ( msg ) )
fullrepr = msg . as_bytes ( unixfrom = True )
lines = fullrepr . split ( b ' \n ' )
self . assertTrue ( lines [ 0 ] . startswith ( b ' From ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( data , b ' \n ' . join ( lines [ 1 : ] ) )
def test_as_bytes_policy ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
newpolicy = msg . policy . clone ( linesep = ' \r \n ' )
fullrepr = msg . as_bytes ( policy = newpolicy )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = BytesGenerator ( s , policy = newpolicy )
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( fullrepr , s . getvalue ( ) )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.bad_params
def test_bad_param ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_string ( " Content-Type: blarg; baz; boo \n " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' baz ' ) , ' ' )
def test_missing_filename ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_string ( " From: foo \n " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) , None )
def test_bogus_filename ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_string (
" Content-Disposition: blarg; filename \n " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) , ' ' )
def test_missing_boundary ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_string ( " From: foo \n " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_boundary ( ) , None )
def test_get_params ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = email . message_from_string (
' X-Header: foo=one; bar=two; baz=three \n ' )
eq ( msg . get_params ( header = ' x-header ' ) ,
[ ( ' foo ' , ' one ' ) , ( ' bar ' , ' two ' ) , ( ' baz ' , ' three ' ) ] )
msg = email . message_from_string (
' X-Header: foo; bar=one; baz=two \n ' )
eq ( msg . get_params ( header = ' x-header ' ) ,
[ ( ' foo ' , ' ' ) , ( ' bar ' , ' one ' ) , ( ' baz ' , ' two ' ) ] )
eq ( msg . get_params ( ) , None )
msg = email . message_from_string (
' X-Header: foo; bar= " one " ; baz=two \n ' )
eq ( msg . get_params ( header = ' x-header ' ) ,
[ ( ' foo ' , ' ' ) , ( ' bar ' , ' one ' ) , ( ' baz ' , ' two ' ) ] )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.spaces_around_param_equals
def test_get_param_liberal ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' Content-Type: Multipart/mixed; boundary = " CPIMSSMTPC06p5f3tG " '
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' boundary ' ) , ' CPIMSSMTPC06p5f3tG ' )
def test_get_param ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = email . message_from_string (
" X-Header: foo=one; bar=two; baz=three \n " )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' bar ' , header = ' x-header ' ) , ' two ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' quuz ' , header = ' x-header ' ) , None )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' quuz ' ) , None )
msg = email . message_from_string (
' X-Header: foo; bar= " one " ; baz=two \n ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' foo ' , header = ' x-header ' ) , ' ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' bar ' , header = ' x-header ' ) , ' one ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' baz ' , header = ' x-header ' ) , ' two ' )
# XXX: We are not RFC-2045 compliant! We cannot parse:
# msg["Content-Type"] = 'text/plain; weird="hey; dolly? [you] @ <\\"home\\">?"'
# msg.get_param("weird")
# yet.
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.spaces_around_semis
def test_get_param_funky_continuation_lines ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_22.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( 1 ) . get_param ( ' name ' ) , ' wibble.JPG ' )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.semis_inside_quotes
def test_get_param_with_semis_in_quotes ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_string (
' Content-Type: image/pjpeg; name= " Jim&&Jill " \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' name ' ) , ' Jim&&Jill ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' name ' , unquote = False ) ,
' " Jim&&Jill " ' )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.quotes_inside_rfc2231_value
def test_get_param_with_quotes ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_string (
' Content-Type: foo; bar*0= " baz \\ " foobar " ; bar*1= " \\ " baz " ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' bar ' ) , ' baz " foobar " baz ' )
msg = email . message_from_string (
" Content-Type: foo; bar*0= \" baz \\ \" foobar \" ; bar*1= \" \\ \" baz \" " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' bar ' ) , ' baz " foobar " baz ' )
def test_field_containment ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_string ( ' Header: exists ' )
self . assertIn ( ' header ' , msg )
self . assertIn ( ' Header ' , msg )
self . assertIn ( ' HEADER ' , msg )
self . assertNotIn ( ' headerx ' , msg )
def test_set_param ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_param ( ' charset ' , ' iso-2022-jp ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' charset ' ) , ' iso-2022-jp ' )
msg . set_param ( ' importance ' , ' high value ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' importance ' ) , ' high value ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' importance ' , unquote = False ) , ' " high value " ' )
eq ( msg . get_params ( ) , [ ( ' text/plain ' , ' ' ) ,
( ' charset ' , ' iso-2022-jp ' ) ,
( ' importance ' , ' high value ' ) ] )
eq ( msg . get_params ( unquote = False ) , [ ( ' text/plain ' , ' ' ) ,
( ' charset ' , ' " iso-2022-jp " ' ) ,
( ' importance ' , ' " high value " ' ) ] )
msg . set_param ( ' charset ' , ' iso-9999-xx ' , header = ' X-Jimmy ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' charset ' , header = ' X-Jimmy ' ) , ' iso-9999-xx ' )
def test_del_param ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_05.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_params ( ) ,
[ ( ' multipart/report ' , ' ' ) , ( ' report-type ' , ' delivery-status ' ) ,
( ' boundary ' , ' D1690A7AC1.996856090/mail.example.com ' ) ] )
old_val = msg . get_param ( " report-type " )
msg . del_param ( " report-type " )
eq ( msg . get_params ( ) ,
[ ( ' multipart/report ' , ' ' ) ,
( ' boundary ' , ' D1690A7AC1.996856090/mail.example.com ' ) ] )
msg . set_param ( " report-type " , old_val )
eq ( msg . get_params ( ) ,
[ ( ' multipart/report ' , ' ' ) ,
( ' boundary ' , ' D1690A7AC1.996856090/mail.example.com ' ) ,
( ' report-type ' , old_val ) ] )
def test_del_param_on_other_header ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' , filename = ' bud.gif ' )
msg . del_param ( ' filename ' , ' content-disposition ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' content-disposition ' ] , ' attachment ' )
def test_del_param_on_nonexistent_header ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
# Deleting param on empty msg should not raise exception.
msg . del_param ( ' filename ' , ' content-disposition ' )
def test_del_nonexistent_param ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Type ' , ' text/plain ' , charset = ' utf-8 ' )
existing_header = msg [ ' Content-Type ' ]
msg . del_param ( ' foobar ' , header = ' Content-Type ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] , existing_header )
def test_set_type ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
self . assertRaises ( ValueError , msg . set_type , ' text ' )
msg . set_type ( ' text/plain ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain ' )
msg . set_param ( ' charset ' , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " us-ascii " ' )
msg . set_type ( ' text/html ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/html; charset= " us-ascii " ' )
def test_set_type_on_other_header ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' X-Content-Type ' ] = ' text/plain '
msg . set_type ( ' application/octet-stream ' , ' X-Content-Type ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' x-content-type ' ] , ' application/octet-stream ' )
def test_get_content_type_missing ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
def test_get_content_type_missing_with_default_type ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_default_type ( ' message/rfc822 ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
def test_get_content_type_from_message_implicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_30.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_content_type ( ) ,
' message/rfc822 ' )
def test_get_content_type_from_message_explicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_28.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_content_type ( ) ,
' message/rfc822 ' )
def test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_implicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_03.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
def test_get_content_type_from_message_text_plain_explicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
def test_get_content_maintype_missing ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
def test_get_content_maintype_missing_with_default_type ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_default_type ( ' message/rfc822 ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' message ' )
def test_get_content_maintype_from_message_implicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_30.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' message ' )
def test_get_content_maintype_from_message_explicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_28.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' message ' )
def test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_implicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_03.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
def test_get_content_maintype_from_message_text_plain_explicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
def test_get_content_subtype_missing ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
def test_get_content_subtype_missing_with_default_type ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_default_type ( ' message/rfc822 ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' rfc822 ' )
def test_get_content_subtype_from_message_implicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_30.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' rfc822 ' )
def test_get_content_subtype_from_message_explicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_28.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' rfc822 ' )
def test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_implicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_03.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
def test_get_content_subtype_from_message_text_plain_explicit ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
def test_get_content_maintype_error ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' no-slash-in-this-string '
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
def test_get_content_subtype_error ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' no-slash-in-this-string '
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
def test_replace_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' First ' , ' One ' )
msg . add_header ( ' Second ' , ' Two ' )
msg . add_header ( ' Third ' , ' Three ' )
eq ( msg . keys ( ) , [ ' First ' , ' Second ' , ' Third ' ] )
eq ( msg . values ( ) , [ ' One ' , ' Two ' , ' Three ' ] )
msg . replace_header ( ' Second ' , ' Twenty ' )
eq ( msg . keys ( ) , [ ' First ' , ' Second ' , ' Third ' ] )
eq ( msg . values ( ) , [ ' One ' , ' Twenty ' , ' Three ' ] )
msg . add_header ( ' First ' , ' Eleven ' )
msg . replace_header ( ' First ' , ' One Hundred ' )
eq ( msg . keys ( ) , [ ' First ' , ' Second ' , ' Third ' , ' First ' ] )
eq ( msg . values ( ) , [ ' One Hundred ' , ' Twenty ' , ' Three ' , ' Eleven ' ] )
self . assertRaises ( KeyError , msg . replace_header , ' Fourth ' , ' Missing ' )
def test_get_content_disposition ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
self . assertIsNone ( msg . get_content_disposition ( ) )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = ' random.avi ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_disposition ( ) , ' attachment ' )
msg . replace_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' inline ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_disposition ( ) , ' inline ' )
msg . replace_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' InlinE ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_disposition ( ) , ' inline ' )
# test_defect_handling:test_invalid_chars_in_base64_payload
def test_broken_base64_payload ( self ) :
x = ' AwDp0P7//y6LwKEAcPa/6Q=9 '
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' content-type ' ] = ' audio/x-midi '
msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] = ' base64 '
msg . set_payload ( x )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
( b ' \x03 \x00 \xe9 \xd0 \xfe \xff \xff . \x8b \xc0 '
b ' \xa1 \x00 p \xf6 \xbf \xe9 \x0f ' ) )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . defects [ 0 ] ,
errors . InvalidBase64CharactersDefect )
def test_broken_unicode_payload ( self ) :
# This test improves coverage but is not a compliance test.
# The behavior in this situation is currently undefined by the API.
x = ' this is a br \xf6 ken thing to do '
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' content-type ' ] = ' text/plain '
msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] = ' 8bit '
msg . set_payload ( x )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
bytes ( x , ' raw-unicode-escape ' ) )
def test_questionable_bytes_payload ( self ) :
# This test improves coverage but is not a compliance test,
# since it involves poking inside the black box.
x = ' this is a quéstionable thing to do ' . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' content-type ' ] = ' text/plain; charset= " utf-8 " '
msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] = ' 8bit '
msg . _payload = x
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , x )
# Issue 1078919
def test_ascii_add_header ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = ' bud.gif ' )
self . assertEqual ( ' attachment; filename= " bud.gif " ' ,
msg [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] )
def test_noascii_add_header ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = " Fußballer.ppt " )
self . assertEqual (
' attachment; filename*=utf-8 \' \' Fu % C3 %9F baller.ppt ' ,
msg [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] )
def test_nonascii_add_header_via_triple ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = ( ' iso-8859-1 ' , ' ' , ' Fußballer.ppt ' ) )
self . assertEqual (
' attachment; filename*=iso-8859-1 \' \' Fu % DFballer.ppt ' ,
msg [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] )
def test_ascii_add_header_with_tspecial ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = " windows [filename].ppt " )
self . assertEqual (
' attachment; filename= " windows [filename].ppt " ' ,
msg [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] )
def test_nonascii_add_header_with_tspecial ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = " Fußballer [filename].ppt " )
self . assertEqual (
" attachment; filename*=utf-8 ' ' Fu % C3 %9F baller %20% 5Bfilename % 5D.ppt " ,
msg [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] )
def test_binary_quopri_payload ( self ) :
for charset in ( ' latin-1 ' , ' ascii ' ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' content-type ' ] = ' text/plain; charset= %s ' % charset
msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] = ' quoted-printable '
msg . set_payload ( b ' foo=e6=96=87bar ' )
self . assertEqual (
msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' foo \xe6 \x96 \x87 bar ' ,
' get_payload returns wrong result with charset %s . ' % charset )
def test_binary_base64_payload ( self ) :
for charset in ( ' latin-1 ' , ' ascii ' ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' content-type ' ] = ' text/plain; charset= %s ' % charset
msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] = ' base64 '
msg . set_payload ( b ' Zm9v5paHYmFy ' )
self . assertEqual (
msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' foo \xe6 \x96 \x87 bar ' ,
' get_payload returns wrong result with charset %s . ' % charset )
def test_binary_uuencode_payload ( self ) :
for charset in ( ' latin-1 ' , ' ascii ' ) :
for encoding in ( ' x-uuencode ' , ' uuencode ' , ' uue ' , ' x-uue ' ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' content-type ' ] = ' text/plain; charset= %s ' % charset
msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] = encoding
msg . set_payload ( b " begin 666 - \n )9F]OYI: ' 8F % R \n \n end \n " )
self . assertEqual (
msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
b ' foo \xe6 \x96 \x87 bar ' ,
str ( ( ' get_payload returns wrong result ' ,
' with charset {0} and encoding {1} . ' ) ) . \
format ( charset , encoding ) )
def test_add_header_with_name_only_param ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' inline ' , foo_bar = None )
self . assertEqual ( " inline; foo-bar " , msg [ ' Content-Disposition ' ] )
def test_add_header_with_no_value ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' X-Status ' , None )
self . assertEqual ( ' ' , msg [ ' X-Status ' ] )
# Issue 5871: reject an attempt to embed a header inside a header value
# (header injection attack).
def test_embedded_header_via_Header_rejected ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Dummy ' ] = Header ( ' dummy \n X-Injected-Header: test ' )
self . assertRaises ( errors . HeaderParseError , msg . as_string )
def test_embedded_header_via_string_rejected ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Dummy ' ] = ' dummy \n X-Injected-Header: test '
self . assertRaises ( errors . HeaderParseError , msg . as_string )
def test_unicode_header_defaults_to_utf8_encoding ( self ) :
# Issue 14291
m = MIMEText ( ' abc \n ' )
m [ ' Subject ' ] = ' É test '
self . assertEqual ( str ( m ) , textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
Subject : = ? utf - 8 ? q ? = C3 = 89 _test ? =
""" ))
def test_unicode_body_defaults_to_utf8_encoding ( self ) :
# Issue 14291
m = MIMEText ( ' É testabc \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( str ( m ) , textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " utf-8 "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : base64
w4kgdGVzdGFiYwo =
""" ))
# Test the email.encoders module
class TestEncoders ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def test_EncodersEncode_base64 ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' PyBanner048.gif ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
bindata = fp . read ( )
mimed = email . mime . image . MIMEImage ( bindata )
base64ed = mimed . get_payload ( )
# the transfer-encoded body lines should all be <=76 characters
lines = base64ed . split ( ' \n ' )
self . assertLessEqual ( max ( [ len ( x ) for x in lines ] ) , 76 )
def test_encode_empty_payload ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_charset ( ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' 7bit ' )
def test_default_cte ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# 7bit data and the default us-ascii _charset
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello world ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' 7bit ' )
# Similar, but with 8bit data
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello \xf8 world ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' base64 ' )
# And now with a different charset
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello \xf8 world ' , _charset = ' iso-8859-1 ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' quoted-printable ' )
def test_encode7or8bit ( self ) :
# Make sure a charset whose input character set is 8bit but
# whose output character set is 7bit gets a transfer-encoding
# of 7bit.
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = MIMEText ( ' 文 \n ' , _charset = ' euc-jp ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' 7bit ' )
eq ( msg . as_string ( ) , textwrap . dedent ( """ \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " iso-2022-jp "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
\x1b $ BJ8 \x1b ( B
""" ))
def test_qp_encode_latin1 ( self ) :
msg = MIMEText ( ' \xe1 \xf6 \n ' , ' text ' , ' ISO-8859-1 ' )
self . assertEqual ( str ( msg ) , textwrap . dedent ( """ \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / text ; charset = " iso-8859-1 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : quoted - printable
= E1 = F6
""" ))
def test_qp_encode_non_latin1 ( self ) :
# Issue 16948
msg = MIMEText ( ' \u017c \n ' , ' text ' , ' ISO-8859-2 ' )
self . assertEqual ( str ( msg ) , textwrap . dedent ( """ \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / text ; charset = " iso-8859-2 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : quoted - printable
= BF
""" ))
# Test long header wrapping
class TestLongHeaders ( TestEmailBase ) :
maxDiff = None
def test_split_long_continuation ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = email . message_from_string ( """ \
Subject : bug demonstration
\tmore text
""" )
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
Subject : bug demonstration
\tmore text
""" )
def test_another_long_almost_unsplittable_header ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
hstr = """ \
bug demonstration
\tmore text """
h = Header ( hstr , continuation_ws = ' \t ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
bug demonstration
\tmore text """ )
h = Header ( hstr . replace ( ' \t ' , ' ' ) )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
bug demonstration
more text """ )
def test_long_nonstring ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
g = Charset ( " iso-8859-1 " )
cz = Charset ( " iso-8859-2 " )
utf8 = Charset ( " utf-8 " )
g_head = ( b ' Die Mieter treten hier ein werden mit einem Foerderband '
b ' komfortabel den Korridor entlang, an s \xfc dl \xfc ndischen '
b ' Wandgem \xe4 lden vorbei, gegen die rotierenden Klingen '
b ' bef \xf6 rdert. ' )
cz_head = ( b ' Finan \xe8 ni metropole se hroutily pod tlakem jejich '
b ' d \xf9 vtipu.. ' )
utf8_head = ( ' \u6b63 \u78ba \u306b \u8a00 \u3046 \u3068 \u7ffb \u8a33 \u306f '
' \u3055 \u308c \u3066 \u3044 \u307e \u305b \u3093 \u3002 \u4e00 '
' \u90e8 \u306f \u30c9 \u30a4 \u30c4 \u8a9e \u3067 \u3059 \u304c '
' \u3001 \u3042 \u3068 \u306f \u3067 \u305f \u3089 \u3081 \u3067 '
' \u3059 \u3002 \u5b9f \u969b \u306b \u306f \u300c Wenn ist das '
' Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder '
' die Flipperwaldt gersput. \u300d \u3068 \u8a00 \u3063 \u3066 '
' \u3044 \u307e \u3059 \u3002 ' )
h = Header ( g_head , g , header_name = ' Subject ' )
h . append ( cz_head , cz )
h . append ( utf8_head , utf8 )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Subject ' ] = h
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
Subject : = ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? Die_Mieter_treten_hier_ein_werden_mit_einem_Foerderb ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? and_komfortabel_den_Korridor_entlang = 2 C_an_s = FCdl = FCndischen ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _Wandgem = E4lden_vorbei = 2 C_gegen_die_rotierenden_Klingen_bef ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? = F6rdert = 2 E_ ? = = ? iso - 8859 - 2 ? q ? Finan = E8ni_metropole_se_hrouti ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 2 ? q ? ly_pod_tlakem_jejich_d = F9vtipu = 2 E = 2 E_ ? = = ? utf - 8 ? b ? 5 q2j56K6 ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 Gr6KiA44GG44Go57 + 76 Kiz44Gv44GV44KM44Gm44GE44G + 44 Gb44KT44CC5LiA ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 6 YOo44Gv44OJ44Kk44OE6Kqe44Gn44GZ44GM44CB44GC44Go44Gv44Gn44Gf44KJ ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 KB44Gn44GZ44CC5a6f6Zqb44Gr44Gv44CMV2VubiBpc3QgZGFzIE51bnN0dWNr ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? IGdpdCB1bmQgU2xvdGVybWV5ZXI / IEphISBCZWloZXJodW5kIGRhcyBPZGVyIGRp ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? ZSBGbGlwcGVyd2FsZHQgZ2Vyc3B1dC7jgI3jgajoqIDjgaPjgabjgYTjgb7jgZk = ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 CC ? =
""" )
eq ( h . encode ( maxlinelen = 76 ) , """ \
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? Die_Mieter_treten_hier_ein_werden_mit_einem_Foerde ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? rband_komfortabel_den_Korridor_entlang = 2 C_an_s = FCdl = FCndis ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? chen_Wandgem = E4lden_vorbei = 2 C_gegen_die_rotierenden_Klinge ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? n_bef = F6rdert = 2 E_ ? = = ? iso - 8859 - 2 ? q ? Finan = E8ni_metropole_se ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 2 ? q ? _hroutily_pod_tlakem_jejich_d = F9vtipu = 2 E = 2 E_ ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 5 q2j56K644Gr6KiA44GG44Go57 + 76 Kiz44Gv44GV44KM44Gm44GE44G + 44 Gb ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 KT44CC5LiA6YOo44Gv44OJ44Kk44OE6Kqe44Gn44GZ44GM44CB44GC44Go ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 Gv44Gn44Gf44KJ44KB44Gn44GZ44CC5a6f6Zqb44Gr44Gv44CMV2VubiBp ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? c3QgZGFzIE51bnN0dWNrIGdpdCB1bmQgU2xvdGVybWV5ZXI / IEphISBCZWlo ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? ZXJodW5kIGRhcyBPZGVyIGRpZSBGbGlwcGVyd2FsZHQgZ2Vyc3B1dC7jgI0 = ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 Go6KiA44Gj44Gm44GE44G + 44 GZ44CC ? = """ )
def test_long_header_encode ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' wasnipoop; giraffes= " very-long-necked-animals " ; '
' spooge= " yummy " ; hippos= " gargantuan " ; marshmallows= " gooey " ' ,
header_name = ' X-Foobar-Spoink-Defrobnit ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ''' \
wasnipoop ; giraffes = " very-long-necked-animals " ;
spooge = " yummy " ; hippos = " gargantuan " ; marshmallows = " gooey " ''' )
def test_long_header_encode_with_tab_continuation_is_just_a_hint ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' wasnipoop; giraffes= " very-long-necked-animals " ; '
' spooge= " yummy " ; hippos= " gargantuan " ; marshmallows= " gooey " ' ,
header_name = ' X-Foobar-Spoink-Defrobnit ' ,
continuation_ws = ' \t ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ''' \
wasnipoop ; giraffes = " very-long-necked-animals " ;
spooge = " yummy " ; hippos = " gargantuan " ; marshmallows = " gooey " ''' )
def test_long_header_encode_with_tab_continuation ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' wasnipoop; giraffes= " very-long-necked-animals " ; \t '
' spooge= " yummy " ; hippos= " gargantuan " ; marshmallows= " gooey " ' ,
header_name = ' X-Foobar-Spoink-Defrobnit ' ,
continuation_ws = ' \t ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ''' \
wasnipoop ; giraffes = " very-long-necked-animals " ;
\tspooge = " yummy " ; hippos = " gargantuan " ; marshmallows = " gooey " ''' )
def test_header_encode_with_different_output_charset ( self ) :
h = Header ( ' 文 ' , ' euc-jp ' )
self . assertEqual ( h . encode ( ) , " =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCSjgbKEI=?= " )
def test_long_header_encode_with_different_output_charset ( self ) :
h = Header ( b ' test-ja \xa4 \xd8 \xc5 \xea \xb9 \xc6 \xa4 \xb5 \xa4 \xec \xa4 '
b ' \xbf \xa5 \xe1 \xa1 \xbc \xa5 \xeb \xa4 \xcf \xbb \xca \xb2 \xf1 \xbc \xd4 '
b ' \xa4 \xce \xbe \xb5 \xc7 \xa7 \xa4 \xf2 \xc2 \xd4 \xa4 \xc3 \xa4 \xc6 \xa4 '
b ' \xa4 \xa4 \xde \xa4 \xb9 ' . decode ( ' euc-jp ' ) , ' euc-jp ' )
res = """ \
= ? iso - 2022 - jp ? b ? dGVzdC1qYSAbJEIkWEVqOUYkNSRsJD8lYSE8JWskTztKMnE8VCROPjUbKEI = ? =
= ? iso - 2022 - jp ? b ? GyRCRyckckJUJEMkRiQkJF4kORsoQg == ? = """
self . assertEqual ( h . encode ( ) , res )
def test_header_splitter ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = MIMEText ( ' ' )
# It'd be great if we could use add_header() here, but that doesn't
# guarantee an order of the parameters.
msg [ ' X-Foobar-Spoink-Defrobnit ' ] = (
' wasnipoop; giraffes= " very-long-necked-animals " ; '
' spooge= " yummy " ; hippos= " gargantuan " ; marshmallows= " gooey " ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
X - Foobar - Spoink - Defrobnit : wasnipoop ; giraffes = " very-long-necked-animals " ;
spooge = " yummy " ; hippos = " gargantuan " ; marshmallows = " gooey "
''' )
def test_no_semis_header_splitter ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = ' test@dom.ain '
msg [ ' References ' ] = SPACE . join ( ' < %d @dom.ain> ' % i for i in range ( 10 ) )
msg . set_payload ( ' Test ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
From : test @dom.ain
References : < 0 @dom.ain > < 1 @dom.ain > < 2 @dom.ain > < 3 @dom.ain > < 4 @dom.ain >
< 5 @dom.ain > < 6 @dom.ain > < 7 @dom.ain > < 8 @dom.ain > < 9 @dom.ain >
Test """ )
def test_last_split_chunk_does_not_fit ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' Subject: the first part of this is short, but_the_second '
' _part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line '
' _all_by_itself ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
Subject : the first part of this is short ,
but_the_second_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself """ )
def test_splittable_leading_char_followed_by_overlong_unsplittable ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' , but_the_second '
' _part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line '
' _all_by_itself ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
but_the_second_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself """ )
def test_multiple_splittable_leading_char_followed_by_overlong_unsplittable ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' , , but_the_second '
' _part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line '
' _all_by_itself ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
, ,
but_the_second_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself """ )
def test_trailing_splittable_on_overlong_unsplittable ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_ '
' be_on_a_line_all_by_itself; ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , " this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_ "
" be_on_a_line_all_by_itself; " )
def test_trailing_splittable_on_overlong_unsplittable_with_leading_splittable ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' ; '
' this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_ '
' be_on_a_line_all_by_itself; ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself ; """ )
def test_long_header_with_multiple_sequential_split_chars ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' This is a long line that has two whitespaces in a row. '
' This used to cause truncation of the header when folded ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
This is a long line that has two whitespaces in a row . This used to cause
truncation of the header when folded """ )
def test_splitter_split_on_punctuation_only_if_fws_with_header ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' thisverylongheaderhas;semicolons;and,commas,but '
' they;arenotlegal;fold,points ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , " thisverylongheaderhas;semicolons;and,commas,butthey; "
" arenotlegal;fold,points " )
def test_leading_splittable_in_the_middle_just_before_overlong_last_part ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' this is a test where we need to have more than one line '
' before; our final line that is just too big to fit;; '
' this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_ '
' be_on_a_line_all_by_itself; ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
this is a test where we need to have more than one line before ;
our final line that is just too big to fit ; ;
this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself ; """ )
def test_overlong_last_part_followed_by_split_point ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_ '
' be_on_a_line_all_by_itself ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , " this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_ "
" should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself " )
def test_multiline_with_overlong_parts_separated_by_two_split_points ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' this_is_a__test_where_we_need_to_have_more_than_one_line_ '
' before_our_final_line_; ; '
' this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_ '
' be_on_a_line_all_by_itself; ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
this_is_a__test_where_we_need_to_have_more_than_one_line_before_our_final_line_ ;
this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself ; """ )
def test_multiline_with_overlong_last_part_followed_by_split_point ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' this is a test where we need to have more than one line '
' before our final line; ; '
' this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_ '
' be_on_a_line_all_by_itself; ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
this is a test where we need to have more than one line before our final line ;
this_part_does_not_fit_within_maxlinelen_and_thus_should_be_on_a_line_all_by_itself ; """ )
def test_long_header_with_whitespace_runs ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = ' test@dom.ain '
msg [ ' References ' ] = SPACE . join ( [ ' <foo@dom.ain> ' ] * 10 )
msg . set_payload ( ' Test ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
From : test @dom.ain
References : < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain >
< foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain >
< foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > \x20 \x20
Test """ )
def test_long_run_with_semi_header_splitter ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = ' test@dom.ain '
msg [ ' References ' ] = SPACE . join ( [ ' <foo@dom.ain> ' ] * 10 ) + ' ; abc '
msg . set_payload ( ' Test ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
From : test @dom.ain
References : < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain >
< foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain > < foo @dom.ain >
< foo @dom.ain > ; abc
Test """ )
def test_splitter_split_on_punctuation_only_if_fws ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = ' test@dom.ain '
msg [ ' References ' ] = ( ' thisverylongheaderhas;semicolons;and,commas,but '
' they;arenotlegal;fold,points ' )
msg . set_payload ( ' Test ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
# XXX the space after the header should not be there.
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
From : test @dom.ain
References : \x20
thisverylongheaderhas ; semicolons ; and , commas , butthey ; arenotlegal ; fold , points
Test """ )
def test_no_split_long_header ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
hstr = ' References: ' + ' x ' * 80
h = Header ( hstr )
# These come on two lines because Headers are really field value
# classes and don't really know about their field names.
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
References :
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx """ )
h = Header ( ' x ' * 80 )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' )
def test_splitting_multiple_long_lines ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
hstr = """ \
from babylon . socal - raves . org ( localhost [ 127.0 .0 .1 ] ) ; by babylon . socal - raves . org ( Postfix ) with ESMTP id B570E51B81 ; for < mailman - admin @babylon.socal - raves . org > ; Sat , 2 Feb 2002 17 : 00 : 06 - 0800 ( PST )
\tfrom babylon . socal - raves . org ( localhost [ 127.0 .0 .1 ] ) ; by babylon . socal - raves . org ( Postfix ) with ESMTP id B570E51B81 ; for < mailman - admin @babylon.socal - raves . org > ; Sat , 2 Feb 2002 17 : 00 : 06 - 0800 ( PST )
\tfrom babylon . socal - raves . org ( localhost [ 127.0 .0 .1 ] ) ; by babylon . socal - raves . org ( Postfix ) with ESMTP id B570E51B81 ; for < mailman - admin @babylon.socal - raves . org > ; Sat , 2 Feb 2002 17 : 00 : 06 - 0800 ( PST )
h = Header ( hstr , continuation_ws = ' \t ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
from babylon . socal - raves . org ( localhost [ 127.0 .0 .1 ] ) ;
by babylon . socal - raves . org ( Postfix ) with ESMTP id B570E51B81 ;
for < mailman - admin @babylon.socal - raves . org > ;
Sat , 2 Feb 2002 17 : 00 : 06 - 0800 ( PST )
\tfrom babylon . socal - raves . org ( localhost [ 127.0 .0 .1 ] ) ;
by babylon . socal - raves . org ( Postfix ) with ESMTP id B570E51B81 ;
for < mailman - admin @babylon.socal - raves . org > ;
Sat , 2 Feb 2002 17 : 00 : 06 - 0800 ( PST )
\tfrom babylon . socal - raves . org ( localhost [ 127.0 .0 .1 ] ) ;
by babylon . socal - raves . org ( Postfix ) with ESMTP id B570E51B81 ;
for < mailman - admin @babylon.socal - raves . org > ;
Sat , 2 Feb 2002 17 : 00 : 06 - 0800 ( PST ) """ )
def test_splitting_first_line_only_is_long ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
hstr = """ \
from modemcable093 . 139 - 201 - 24. que . mc . videotron . ca ( [ 24.201 .139 .93 ] helo = cthulhu . gerg . ca )
\tby kronos . mems - exchange . org with esmtp ( Exim 4.05 )
\tid 17 k4h5 - 00034 i - 00
\tfor test @mems - exchange . org ; Wed , 28 Aug 2002 11 : 25 : 20 - 0400 """
h = Header ( hstr , maxlinelen = 78 , header_name = ' Received ' ,
continuation_ws = ' \t ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , """ \
from modemcable093 . 139 - 201 - 24. que . mc . videotron . ca ( [ 24.201 .139 .93 ]
helo = cthulhu . gerg . ca )
\tby kronos . mems - exchange . org with esmtp ( Exim 4.05 )
\tid 17 k4h5 - 00034 i - 00
\tfor test @mems - exchange . org ; Wed , 28 Aug 2002 11 : 25 : 20 - 0400 """ )
def test_long_8bit_header ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
h = Header ( ' Britische Regierung gibt ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ,
header_name = ' Subject ' )
h . append ( ' gr \xfc nes Licht f \xfc r Offshore-Windkraftprojekte ' )
eq ( h . encode ( maxlinelen = 76 ) , """ \
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? Britische_Regierung_gibt_gr = FCnes_Licht_f = FCr_Offs ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? hore - Windkraftprojekte ? = """ )
msg [ ' Subject ' ] = h
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 76 ) , """ \
Subject : = ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? Britische_Regierung_gibt_gr = FCnes_Licht_f = FCr_Offs ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? hore - Windkraftprojekte ? =
""" )
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 0 ) , """ \
Subject : = ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? Britische_Regierung_gibt_gr = FCnes_Licht_f = FCr_Offshore - Windkraftprojekte ? =
""" )
def test_long_8bit_header_no_charset ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
header_string = ( ' Britische Regierung gibt gr \xfc nes Licht '
' f \xfc r Offshore-Windkraftprojekte '
' <a-very-long-address@example.com> ' )
msg [ ' Reply-To ' ] = header_string
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
Reply - To : = ? utf - 8 ? q ? Britische_Regierung_gibt_gr = C3 = BCnes_Licht_f = C3 = BCr_Offs ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? hore - Windkraftprojekte_ = 3 Ca - very - long - address = 40 example = 2 Ecom = 3 E ? =
""" )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Reply-To ' ] = Header ( header_string ,
header_name = ' Reply-To ' )
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
Reply - To : = ? utf - 8 ? q ? Britische_Regierung_gibt_gr = C3 = BCnes_Licht_f = C3 = BCr_Offs ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? hore - Windkraftprojekte_ = 3 Ca - very - long - address = 40 example = 2 Ecom = 3 E ? =
""" )
def test_long_to_header ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
to = ( ' " Someone Test #A " <someone@eecs.umich.edu>, '
' <someone@eecs.umich.edu>, '
' " Someone Test #B " <someone@umich.edu>, '
' " Someone Test #C " <someone@eecs.umich.edu>, '
' " Someone Test #D " <someone@eecs.umich.edu> ' )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' To ' ] = to
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , ''' \
To : " Someone Test #A " < someone @eecs.umich.edu > , < someone @eecs.umich.edu > ,
" Someone Test #B " < someone @umich.edu > ,
" Someone Test #C " < someone @eecs.umich.edu > ,
" Someone Test #D " < someone @eecs.umich.edu >
''' )
def test_long_line_after_append ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
s = ' This is an example of string which has almost the limit of header length. '
h = Header ( s )
h . append ( ' Add another line. ' )
eq ( h . encode ( maxlinelen = 76 ) , """ \
This is an example of string which has almost the limit of header length .
Add another line . """ )
def test_shorter_line_with_append ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
s = ' This is a shorter line. '
h = Header ( s )
h . append ( ' Add another sentence. (Surprise?) ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) ,
' This is a shorter line. Add another sentence. (Surprise?) ' )
def test_long_field_name ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
fn = ' X-Very-Very-Very-Long-Header-Name '
gs = ( ' Die Mieter treten hier ein werden mit einem Foerderband '
' komfortabel den Korridor entlang, an s \xfc dl \xfc ndischen '
' Wandgem \xe4 lden vorbei, gegen die rotierenden Klingen '
' bef \xf6 rdert. ' )
h = Header ( gs , ' iso-8859-1 ' , header_name = fn )
# BAW: this seems broken because the first line is too long
eq ( h . encode ( maxlinelen = 76 ) , """ \
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? Die_Mieter_treten_hier_e ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? in_werden_mit_einem_Foerderband_komfortabel_den_Korridor_e ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? ntlang = 2 C_an_s = FCdl = FCndischen_Wandgem = E4lden_vorbei = 2 C_ge ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? gen_die_rotierenden_Klingen_bef = F6rdert = 2 E_ ? = """ )
def test_long_received_header ( self ) :
h = ( ' from FOO.TLD (vizworld.acl.foo.tld [123.452.678.9]) '
' by hrothgar.la.mastaler.com (tmda-ofmipd) with ESMTP; '
' Wed, 05 Mar 2003 18:10:18 -0700 ' )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Received-1 ' ] = Header ( h , continuation_ws = ' \t ' )
msg [ ' Received-2 ' ] = h
# This should be splitting on spaces not semicolons.
self . ndiffAssertEqual ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
Received - 1 : from FOO . TLD ( vizworld . acl . foo . tld [ 123.452 .678 .9 ] ) by
hrothgar . la . mastaler . com ( tmda - ofmipd ) with ESMTP ;
Wed , 05 Mar 2003 18 : 10 : 18 - 0700
Received - 2 : from FOO . TLD ( vizworld . acl . foo . tld [ 123.452 .678 .9 ] ) by
hrothgar . la . mastaler . com ( tmda - ofmipd ) with ESMTP ;
Wed , 05 Mar 2003 18 : 10 : 18 - 0700
""" )
def test_string_headerinst_eq ( self ) :
h = ( ' <15975.17901.207240.414604@sgigritzmann1.mathematik. '
' tu-muenchen.de> (David Bremner \' s message of '
' " Thu, 6 Mar 2003 13:58:21 +0100 " ) ' )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Received-1 ' ] = Header ( h , header_name = ' Received-1 ' ,
continuation_ws = ' \t ' )
msg [ ' Received-2 ' ] = h
# XXX The space after the ':' should not be there.
self . ndiffAssertEqual ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
Received - 1 : \x20
< 15975.17901 .207240 .414604 @sgigritzmann1.mathematik.tu - muenchen . de > ( David
Bremner ' s message of \" Thu, 6 Mar 2003 13:58:21 +0100 \" )
Received - 2 : \x20
< 15975.17901 .207240 .414604 @sgigritzmann1.mathematik.tu - muenchen . de > ( David
Bremner ' s message of \" Thu, 6 Mar 2003 13:58:21 +0100 \" )
""" )
def test_long_unbreakable_lines_with_continuation ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
t = """ \
locQDQ4zJykFBAXJfWDjAAACYUlEQVR4nF2TQY / jIAyFc6lydlG5x8Nyp1Y69wj1PN2I5gzp """
msg [ ' Face-1 ' ] = t
msg [ ' Face-2 ' ] = Header ( t , header_name = ' Face-2 ' )
msg [ ' Face-3 ' ] = ' ' + t
# XXX This splitting is all wrong. It the first value line should be
# snug against the field name or the space after the header not there.
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
Face - 1 : \x20
locQDQ4zJykFBAXJfWDjAAACYUlEQVR4nF2TQY / jIAyFc6lydlG5x8Nyp1Y69wj1PN2I5gzp
Face - 2 : \x20
locQDQ4zJykFBAXJfWDjAAACYUlEQVR4nF2TQY / jIAyFc6lydlG5x8Nyp1Y69wj1PN2I5gzp
Face - 3 : \x20
locQDQ4zJykFBAXJfWDjAAACYUlEQVR4nF2TQY / jIAyFc6lydlG5x8Nyp1Y69wj1PN2I5gzp
""" )
def test_another_long_multiline_header ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
m = ( ' Received: from siimage.com '
' ([]) by zima.siliconimage.com with '
' Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4905); '
' Wed, 16 Oct 2002 07:41:11 -0700 ' )
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , ''' \
Received : from siimage . com ( [ 172.25 .1 .3 ] ) by zima . siliconimage . com with
Microsoft SMTPSVC ( 5.0 .2195 .4905 ) ; Wed , 16 Oct 2002 07 : 41 : 11 - 0700
''' )
def test_long_lines_with_different_header ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = ( ' List-Unsubscribe: '
' <http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk>, '
' <mailto:spamassassin-talk-request@lists.sourceforge.net '
' ?subject=unsubscribe> ' )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' List ' ] = h
msg [ ' List ' ] = Header ( h , header_name = ' List ' )
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
List : List - Unsubscribe :
< http : / / lists . sourceforge . net / lists / listinfo / spamassassin - talk > ,
< mailto : spamassassin - talk - request @lists.sourceforge.net ? subject = unsubscribe >
List : List - Unsubscribe :
< http : / / lists . sourceforge . net / lists / listinfo / spamassassin - talk > ,
< mailto : spamassassin - talk - request @lists.sourceforge.net ? subject = unsubscribe >
""" )
def test_long_rfc2047_header_with_embedded_fws ( self ) :
h = Header ( textwrap . dedent ( """ \
We ' re going to pretend this header is in a non-ascii character set
\tto see if line wrapping with encoded words and embedded
folding white space works """ ),
charset = ' utf-8 ' ,
header_name = ' Test ' )
self . assertEqual ( h . encode ( ) + ' \n ' , textwrap . dedent ( """ \
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? We = 27 re_going_to_pretend_this_header_is_in_a_non - ascii_chara ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? cter_set ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? _to_see_if_line_wrapping_with_encoded_words_and_embedded ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? _folding_white_space_works ? = """ )+ ' \n ' )
# Test mangling of "From " lines in the body of a message
class TestFromMangling ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . msg = Message ( )
self . msg [ ' From ' ] = ' aaa@bbb.org '
self . msg . set_payload ( """ \
From the desk of A . A . A . :
Blah blah blah
""" )
def test_mangled_from ( self ) :
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s , mangle_from_ = True )
g . flatten ( self . msg )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , """ \
From : aaa @bbb.org
> From the desk of A . A . A . :
Blah blah blah
""" )
def test_dont_mangle_from ( self ) :
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s , mangle_from_ = False )
g . flatten ( self . msg )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , """ \
From : aaa @bbb.org
From the desk of A . A . A . :
Blah blah blah
""" )
def test_mangle_from_in_preamble_and_epilog ( self ) :
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s , mangle_from_ = True )
msg = email . message_from_string ( textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : foo @bar.com
Mime - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = XXX
From somewhere unknown
- - XXX
Content - Type : text / plain
- - XXX - -
From somewhere unknowable
""" ))
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( len ( [ 1 for x in s . getvalue ( ) . split ( ' \n ' )
if x . startswith ( ' >From ' ) ] ) , 2 )
def test_mangled_from_with_bad_bytes ( self ) :
source = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " utf-8 "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
From : aaa @bbb.org
""" ).encode( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( source + b ' From R \xc3 \xb6 lli \n ' )
b = BytesIO ( )
g = BytesGenerator ( b , mangle_from_ = True )
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( b . getvalue ( ) , source + b ' >From R \xc3 \xb6 lli \n ' )
def test_multipart_with_bad_bytes_in_cte ( self ) :
# bpo30835
source = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : aperson @example.com
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " 1 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : \xc8
""" ).encode( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( source )
# Test the basic MIMEAudio class
class TestMIMEAudio ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' audiotest.au ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
self . _audiodata = fp . read ( )
self . _au = MIMEAudio ( self . _audiodata )
def test_guess_minor_type ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( self . _au . get_content_type ( ) , ' audio/basic ' )
def test_encoding ( self ) :
payload = self . _au . get_payload ( )
self . assertEqual ( base64 . decodebytes ( bytes ( payload , ' ascii ' ) ) ,
self . _audiodata )
def test_checkSetMinor ( self ) :
au = MIMEAudio ( self . _audiodata , ' fish ' )
self . assertEqual ( au . get_content_type ( ) , ' audio/fish ' )
def test_add_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
self . _au . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = ' audiotest.au ' )
eq ( self . _au [ ' content-disposition ' ] ,
' attachment; filename= " audiotest.au " ' )
eq ( self . _au . get_params ( header = ' content-disposition ' ) ,
[ ( ' attachment ' , ' ' ) , ( ' filename ' , ' audiotest.au ' ) ] )
eq ( self . _au . get_param ( ' filename ' , header = ' content-disposition ' ) ,
' audiotest.au ' )
missing = [ ]
eq ( self . _au . get_param ( ' attachment ' , header = ' content-disposition ' ) , ' ' )
self . assertIs ( self . _au . get_param ( ' foo ' , failobj = missing ,
header = ' content-disposition ' ) , missing )
# Try some missing stuff
self . assertIs ( self . _au . get_param ( ' foobar ' , missing ) , missing )
self . assertIs ( self . _au . get_param ( ' attachment ' , missing ,
header = ' foobar ' ) , missing )
# Test the basic MIMEImage class
class TestMIMEImage ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' PyBanner048.gif ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
self . _imgdata = fp . read ( )
self . _im = MIMEImage ( self . _imgdata )
def test_guess_minor_type ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( self . _im . get_content_type ( ) , ' image/gif ' )
def test_encoding ( self ) :
payload = self . _im . get_payload ( )
self . assertEqual ( base64 . decodebytes ( bytes ( payload , ' ascii ' ) ) ,
self . _imgdata )
def test_checkSetMinor ( self ) :
im = MIMEImage ( self . _imgdata , ' fish ' )
self . assertEqual ( im . get_content_type ( ) , ' image/fish ' )
def test_add_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
self . _im . add_header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = ' dingusfish.gif ' )
eq ( self . _im [ ' content-disposition ' ] ,
' attachment; filename= " dingusfish.gif " ' )
eq ( self . _im . get_params ( header = ' content-disposition ' ) ,
[ ( ' attachment ' , ' ' ) , ( ' filename ' , ' dingusfish.gif ' ) ] )
eq ( self . _im . get_param ( ' filename ' , header = ' content-disposition ' ) ,
' dingusfish.gif ' )
missing = [ ]
eq ( self . _im . get_param ( ' attachment ' , header = ' content-disposition ' ) , ' ' )
self . assertIs ( self . _im . get_param ( ' foo ' , failobj = missing ,
header = ' content-disposition ' ) , missing )
# Try some missing stuff
self . assertIs ( self . _im . get_param ( ' foobar ' , missing ) , missing )
self . assertIs ( self . _im . get_param ( ' attachment ' , missing ,
header = ' foobar ' ) , missing )
# Test the basic MIMEApplication class
class TestMIMEApplication ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def test_headers ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = MIMEApplication ( b ' \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' application/octet-stream ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' base64 ' )
def test_body ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
bytesdata = b ' \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff '
msg = MIMEApplication ( bytesdata )
# whitespace in the cte encoded block is RFC-irrelevant.
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) . strip ( ) , ' +vv8/f7/ ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
def test_binary_body_with_encode_7or8bit ( self ) :
# Issue 17171.
bytesdata = b ' \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff '
msg = MIMEApplication ( bytesdata , _encoder = encoders . encode_7or8bit )
# Treated as a string, this will be invalid code points.
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' \uFFFD ' * len ( bytesdata ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' Content-Transfer-Encoding ' ] , ' 8bit ' )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
wireform = s . getvalue ( )
msg2 = email . message_from_bytes ( wireform )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' \uFFFD ' * len ( bytesdata ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg2 . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
self . assertEqual ( msg2 [ ' Content-Transfer-Encoding ' ] , ' 8bit ' )
def test_binary_body_with_encode_noop ( self ) :
# Issue 16564: This does not produce an RFC valid message, since to be
# valid it should have a CTE of binary. But the below works in
# Python2, and is documented as working this way.
bytesdata = b ' \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff '
msg = MIMEApplication ( bytesdata , _encoder = encoders . encode_noop )
# Treated as a string, this will be invalid code points.
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' \uFFFD ' * len ( bytesdata ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
wireform = s . getvalue ( )
msg2 = email . message_from_bytes ( wireform )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' \uFFFD ' * len ( bytesdata ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg2 . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
def test_binary_body_with_unicode_linend_encode_noop ( self ) :
# Issue 19003: This is a variation on #16564.
bytesdata = b ' \x0b \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff '
msg = MIMEApplication ( bytesdata , _encoder = encoders . encode_noop )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
wireform = s . getvalue ( )
msg2 = email . message_from_bytes ( wireform )
self . assertEqual ( msg2 . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
def test_binary_body_with_encode_quopri ( self ) :
# Issue 14360.
bytesdata = b ' \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff '
msg = MIMEApplication ( bytesdata , _encoder = encoders . encode_quopri )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' =FA=FB=FC=FD=FE=FF=20 ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' Content-Transfer-Encoding ' ] , ' quoted-printable ' )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
wireform = s . getvalue ( )
msg2 = email . message_from_bytes ( wireform )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' =FA=FB=FC=FD=FE=FF=20 ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg2 . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
self . assertEqual ( msg2 [ ' Content-Transfer-Encoding ' ] , ' quoted-printable ' )
def test_binary_body_with_encode_base64 ( self ) :
bytesdata = b ' \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff '
msg = MIMEApplication ( bytesdata , _encoder = encoders . encode_base64 )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' +vv8/f7/ \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
wireform = s . getvalue ( )
msg2 = email . message_from_bytes ( wireform )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' +vv8/f7/ \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg2 . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytesdata )
# Test the basic MIMEText class
class TestMIMEText ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . _msg = MIMEText ( ' hello there ' )
def test_types ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( self . _msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( self . _msg . get_param ( ' charset ' ) , ' us-ascii ' )
missing = [ ]
self . assertIs ( self . _msg . get_param ( ' foobar ' , missing ) , missing )
self . assertIs ( self . _msg . get_param ( ' charset ' , missing , header = ' foobar ' ) ,
missing )
def test_payload ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( self . _msg . get_payload ( ) , ' hello there ' )
self . assertFalse ( self . _msg . is_multipart ( ) )
def test_charset ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello there ' , _charset = ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) . input_charset , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " us-ascii " ' )
# Also accept a Charset instance
charset = Charset ( ' utf-8 ' )
charset . body_encoding = None
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello there ' , _charset = charset )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) . input_charset , ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " utf-8 " ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' hello there ' )
def test_7bit_input ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello there ' , _charset = ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) . input_charset , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " us-ascii " ' )
def test_7bit_input_no_charset ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello there ' )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " us-ascii " ' )
self . assertIn ( ' hello there ' , msg . as_string ( ) )
def test_utf8_input ( self ) :
teststr = ' \u043a \u0438 \u0440 \u0438 \u043b \u0438 \u0446 \u0430 '
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = MIMEText ( teststr , _charset = ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( msg . get_charset ( ) . output_charset , ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset= " utf-8 " ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , teststr . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
@unittest.skip ( " can ' t fix because of backward compat in email5, "
" will fix in email6 " )
def test_utf8_input_no_charset ( self ) :
teststr = ' \u043a \u0438 \u0440 \u0438 \u043b \u0438 \u0446 \u0430 '
self . assertRaises ( UnicodeEncodeError , MIMEText , teststr )
# Test complicated multipart/* messages
class TestMultipart ( TestEmailBase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' PyBanner048.gif ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
data = fp . read ( )
container = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' , boundary = ' BOUNDARY ' )
image = MIMEImage ( data , name = ' dingusfish.gif ' )
image . add_header ( ' content-disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = ' dingusfish.gif ' )
intro = MIMEText ( ''' \
Hi there ,
This is the dingus fish .
''' )
container . attach ( intro )
container . attach ( image )
container [ ' From ' ] = ' Barry <barry@digicool.com> '
container [ ' To ' ] = ' Dingus Lovers <cravindogs@cravindogs.com> '
container [ ' Subject ' ] = ' Here is your dingus fish '
now = 987809702.54848599
timetuple = time . localtime ( now )
if timetuple [ - 1 ] == 0 :
tzsecs = time . timezone
else :
tzsecs = time . altzone
if tzsecs > 0 :
sign = ' - '
else :
sign = ' + '
tzoffset = ' %s %04d ' % ( sign , tzsecs / 36 )
container [ ' Date ' ] = time . strftime (
' %a , %d % b % Y % H: % M: % S ' ,
time . localtime ( now ) ) + tzoffset
self . _msg = container
self . _im = image
self . _txt = intro
def test_hierarchy ( self ) :
# convenience
eq = self . assertEqual
raises = self . assertRaises
# tests
m = self . _msg
self . assertTrue ( m . is_multipart ( ) )
eq ( m . get_content_type ( ) , ' multipart/mixed ' )
eq ( len ( m . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
raises ( IndexError , m . get_payload , 2 )
m0 = m . get_payload ( 0 )
m1 = m . get_payload ( 1 )
self . assertIs ( m0 , self . _txt )
self . assertIs ( m1 , self . _im )
eq ( m . get_payload ( ) , [ m0 , m1 ] )
self . assertFalse ( m0 . is_multipart ( ) )
self . assertFalse ( m1 . is_multipart ( ) )
def test_empty_multipart_idempotent ( self ) :
text = """ \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
- - BOUNDARY - -
msg = Parser ( ) . parsestr ( text )
self . ndiffAssertEqual ( text , msg . as_string ( ) )
def test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue ( self ) :
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
self . ndiffAssertEqual ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_no_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue ( self ) :
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . preamble = ' '
outer . epilogue = ' '
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
self . ndiffAssertEqual ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_one_part_in_a_multipart ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello world ' )
outer . attach ( msg )
eq ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
hello world
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_preamble ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . preamble = ' '
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello world ' )
outer . attach ( msg )
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
eq ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
hello world
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_preamble ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . preamble = None
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello world ' )
outer . attach ( msg )
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
eq ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
hello world
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_none_epilogue ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . epilogue = None
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello world ' )
outer . attach ( msg )
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
eq ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
hello world
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_empty_epilogue ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . epilogue = ' '
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello world ' )
outer . attach ( msg )
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
eq ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
hello world
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart_with_nl_epilogue ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
outer = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
outer [ ' Subject ' ] = ' A subject '
outer [ ' To ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
outer [ ' From ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
outer . epilogue = ' \n '
msg = MIMEText ( ' hello world ' )
outer . attach ( msg )
outer . set_boundary ( ' BOUNDARY ' )
eq ( outer . as_string ( ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : A subject
To : aperson @dom.ain
From : bperson @dom.ain
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
hello world
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_message_external_body ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_36.txt ' )
eq ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
msg1 = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( msg1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' multipart/alternative ' )
eq ( len ( msg1 . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
for subpart in msg1 . get_payload ( ) :
eq ( subpart . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/external-body ' )
eq ( len ( subpart . get_payload ( ) ) , 1 )
subsubpart = subpart . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( subsubpart . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
def test_double_boundary ( self ) :
# msg_37.txt is a multipart that contains two dash-boundary's in a
# row. Our interpretation of RFC 2046 calls for ignoring the second
# and subsequent boundaries.
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_37.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 3 )
def test_nested_inner_contains_outer_boundary ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
# msg_38.txt has an inner part that contains outer boundaries. My
# interpretation of RFC 2046 (based on sections 5.1 and 5.1.2) say
# these are illegal and should be interpreted as unterminated inner
# parts.
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_38.txt ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
iterators . _structure ( msg , sfp )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
multipart / mixed
multipart / mixed
multipart / alternative
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
""" )
def test_nested_with_same_boundary ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
# msg 39.txt is similarly evil in that it's got inner parts that use
# the same boundary as outer parts. Again, I believe the way this is
# parsed is closest to the spirit of RFC 2046
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_39.txt ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
iterators . _structure ( msg , sfp )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
multipart / mixed
multipart / mixed
multipart / alternative
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
text / plain
""" )
def test_boundary_in_non_multipart ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_40.txt ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . as_string ( ) , ''' \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / html ; boundary = " --961284236552522269 "
- - - - 961284236552522269
Content - Type : text / html ;
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 Bit
< html > < / html >
- - - - 961284236552522269 - -
''' )
def test_boundary_with_leading_space ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = email . message_from_string ( ''' \
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " XXXX "
- - XXXX
Content - Type : text / plain
- - XXXX
Content - Type : text / plain
- - XXXX - -
''' )
self . assertTrue ( msg . is_multipart ( ) )
eq ( msg . get_boundary ( ) , ' XXXX ' )
eq ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
def test_boundary_without_trailing_newline ( self ) :
m = Parser ( ) . parsestr ( """ \
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " ===============0012394164== "
MIME - Version : 1.0
- - == == == == == == == = 0012394164 ==
Content - Type : image / file1 . jpg
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : base64
YXNkZg ==
- - == == == == == == == = 0012394164 == - - """ )
self . assertEqual ( m . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_payload ( ) , ' YXNkZg== ' )
def test_mimebase_default_policy ( self ) :
m = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' )
self . assertIs ( m . policy , email . policy . compat32 )
def test_mimebase_custom_policy ( self ) :
m = MIMEBase ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' , policy = email . policy . default )
self . assertIs ( m . policy , email . policy . default )
# Test some badly formatted messages
class TestNonConformant ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_parse_missing_minor_type ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_14.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
# test_defect_handling
def test_same_boundary_inner_outer ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_15.txt ' )
# XXX We can probably eventually do better
inner = msg . get_payload ( 0 )
self . assertTrue ( hasattr ( inner , ' defects ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( len ( inner . defects ) , 1 )
self . assertIsInstance ( inner . defects [ 0 ] ,
errors . StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect )
# test_defect_handling
def test_multipart_no_boundary ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_25.txt ' )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . get_payload ( ) , str )
self . assertEqual ( len ( msg . defects ) , 2 )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . defects [ 0 ] ,
errors . NoBoundaryInMultipartDefect )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . defects [ 1 ] ,
errors . MultipartInvariantViolationDefect )
multipart_msg = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Date : Wed , 14 Nov 2007 12 : 56 : 23 GMT
From : foo @bar.invalid
To : foo @bar.invalid
Subject : Content - Transfer - Encoding : base64 and multipart
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ;
boundary = " ===============3344438784458119861== " { }
- - == == == == == == == = 3344438784458119861 ==
Content - Type : text / plain
Test message
- - == == == == == == == = 3344438784458119861 ==
Content - Type : application / octet - stream
Content - Transfer - Encoding : base64
- - == == == == == == == = 3344438784458119861 == - -
""" )
# test_defect_handling
def test_multipart_invalid_cte ( self ) :
msg = self . _str_msg (
self . multipart_msg . format ( " \n Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 " ) )
self . assertEqual ( len ( msg . defects ) , 1 )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . defects [ 0 ] ,
errors . InvalidMultipartContentTransferEncodingDefect )
# test_defect_handling
def test_multipart_no_cte_no_defect ( self ) :
msg = self . _str_msg ( self . multipart_msg . format ( ' ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( len ( msg . defects ) , 0 )
# test_defect_handling
def test_multipart_valid_cte_no_defect ( self ) :
for cte in ( ' 7bit ' , ' 8bit ' , ' BINary ' ) :
msg = self . _str_msg (
self . multipart_msg . format (
" \n Content-Transfer-Encoding: {} " . format ( cte ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( len ( msg . defects ) , 0 )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTyopeHeader invalid_1 and invalid_2.
def test_invalid_content_type ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
neq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
# RFC 2045, $5.2 says invalid yields text/plain
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' text '
eq ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
# Clear the old value and try something /really/ invalid
del msg [ ' content-type ' ]
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' foo '
eq ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
# Still, make sure that the message is idempotently generated
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
neq ( s . getvalue ( ) , ' Content-Type: foo \n \n ' )
def test_no_start_boundary ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_31.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , """ \
Content - Type : text / plain
message 1
Content - Type : text / plain
message 2
- - BOUNDARY - -
""" )
def test_no_separating_blank_line ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_35.txt ' )
eq ( msg . as_string ( ) , """ \
From : aperson @dom.ain
To : bperson @dom.ain
Subject : here ' s something interesting
counter to RFC 2822 , there ' s no separating newline here
""" )
# test_defect_handling
def test_lying_multipart ( self ) :
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_41.txt ' )
self . assertTrue ( hasattr ( msg , ' defects ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( len ( msg . defects ) , 2 )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . defects [ 0 ] ,
errors . NoBoundaryInMultipartDefect )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . defects [ 1 ] ,
errors . MultipartInvariantViolationDefect )
# test_defect_handling
def test_missing_start_boundary ( self ) :
outer = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_42.txt ' )
# The message structure is:
# multipart/mixed
# text/plain
# message/rfc822
# multipart/mixed [*]
# [*] This message is missing its start boundary
bad = outer . get_payload ( 1 ) . get_payload ( 0 )
self . assertEqual ( len ( bad . defects ) , 1 )
self . assertIsInstance ( bad . defects [ 0 ] ,
errors . StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect )
# test_defect_handling
def test_first_line_is_continuation_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = ' Line 1 \n Subject: test \n \n body '
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
eq ( msg . keys ( ) , [ ' Subject ' ] )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' body ' )
eq ( len ( msg . defects ) , 1 )
self . assertDefectsEqual ( msg . defects ,
[ errors . FirstHeaderLineIsContinuationDefect ] )
eq ( msg . defects [ 0 ] . line , ' Line 1 \n ' )
# test_defect_handling
def test_missing_header_body_separator ( self ) :
# Our heuristic if we see a line that doesn't look like a header (no
# leading whitespace but no ':') is to assume that the blank line that
# separates the header from the body is missing, and to stop parsing
# headers and start parsing the body.
msg = self . _str_msg ( ' Subject: test \n not a header \n To: abc \n \n b \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . keys ( ) , [ ' Subject ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' not a header \n To: abc \n \n b \n ' )
self . assertDefectsEqual ( msg . defects ,
[ errors . MissingHeaderBodySeparatorDefect ] )
# Test RFC 2047 header encoding and decoding
class TestRFC2047 ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_rfc2047_multiline ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
s = """ Re: =?mac-iceland?q?r=8Aksm=9Arg=8Cs?= baz
foo bar = ? mac - iceland ? q ? r = 8 Aksm = 9 Arg = 8 Cs ? = """
dh = decode_header ( s )
eq ( dh , [
( b ' Re: ' , None ) ,
( b ' r \x8a ksm \x9a rg \x8c s ' , ' mac-iceland ' ) ,
( b ' baz foo bar ' , None ) ,
( b ' r \x8a ksm \x9a rg \x8c s ' , ' mac-iceland ' ) ] )
header = make_header ( dh )
eq ( str ( header ) ,
' Re: r \xe4 ksm \xf6 rg \xe5 s baz foo bar r \xe4 ksm \xf6 rg \xe5 s ' )
self . ndiffAssertEqual ( header . encode ( maxlinelen = 76 ) , """ \
Re : = ? mac - iceland ? q ? r = 8 Aksm = 9 Arg = 8 Cs ? = baz foo bar = ? mac - iceland ? q ? r = 8 Aksm ? =
= ? mac - iceland ? q ? = 9 Arg = 8 Cs ? = """ )
def test_whitespace_keeper_unicode ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
s = ' =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Pirard <pirard@dom.ain> '
dh = decode_header ( s )
eq ( dh , [ ( b ' Andr \xe9 ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ,
( b ' Pirard <pirard@dom.ain> ' , None ) ] )
header = str ( make_header ( dh ) )
eq ( header , ' Andr \xe9 Pirard <pirard@dom.ain> ' )
def test_whitespace_keeper_unicode_2 ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
s = ' The =?iso-8859-1?b?cXVpY2sgYnJvd24gZm94?= jumped over the =?iso-8859-1?b?bGF6eSBkb2c=?= '
dh = decode_header ( s )
eq ( dh , [ ( b ' The ' , None ) , ( b ' quick brown fox ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ,
( b ' jumped over the ' , None ) , ( b ' lazy dog ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ] )
hu = str ( make_header ( dh ) )
eq ( hu , ' The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog ' )
def test_rfc2047_missing_whitespace ( self ) :
s = ' Sm=?ISO-8859-1?B?9g==?=rg=?ISO-8859-1?B?5Q==?=sbord '
dh = decode_header ( s )
self . assertEqual ( dh , [ ( b ' Sm ' , None ) , ( b ' \xf6 ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ,
( b ' rg ' , None ) , ( b ' \xe5 ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ,
( b ' sbord ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_with_whitespace ( self ) :
s = ' Sm =?ISO-8859-1?B?9g==?= rg =?ISO-8859-1?B?5Q==?= sbord '
dh = decode_header ( s )
self . assertEqual ( dh , [ ( b ' Sm ' , None ) , ( b ' \xf6 ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ,
( b ' rg ' , None ) , ( b ' \xe5 ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ,
( b ' sbord ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_B_bad_padding ( self ) :
s = ' =?iso-8859-1?B? %s ?= '
data = [ # only test complete bytes
( ' dm== ' , b ' v ' ) , ( ' dm= ' , b ' v ' ) , ( ' dm ' , b ' v ' ) ,
( ' dmk= ' , b ' vi ' ) , ( ' dmk ' , b ' vi ' )
for q , a in data :
dh = decode_header ( s % q )
self . assertEqual ( dh , [ ( a , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_Q_invalid_digits ( self ) :
# issue 10004.
s = ' =?iso-8859-1?Q?andr=e9=zz?= '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' andr \xe9 =zz ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_1 ( self ) :
# 1st testcase at end of rfc2047
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?=) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' a ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' ) ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_2 ( self ) :
# 2nd testcase at end of rfc2047
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= b) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' a ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' b) ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_3 ( self ) :
# 3rd testcase at end of rfc2047
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?=) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' ab ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' ) ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_4 ( self ) :
# 4th testcase at end of rfc2047
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?=) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' ab ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' ) ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_5a ( self ) :
# 5th testcase at end of rfc2047 newline is \r\n
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= \r \n =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?=) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' ab ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' ) ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_5b ( self ) :
# 5th testcase at end of rfc2047 newline is \n
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= \n =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?=) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' ab ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' ) ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_6 ( self ) :
# 6th testcase at end of rfc2047
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a_b?=) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' a b ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' ) ' , None ) ] )
def test_rfc2047_rfc2047_7 ( self ) :
# 7th testcase at end of rfc2047
s = ' (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= =?ISO-8859-2?Q?_b?=) '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' ( ' , None ) , ( b ' a ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) , ( b ' b ' , ' iso-8859-2 ' ) ,
( b ' ) ' , None ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) . encode ( ) , s . lower ( ) )
self . assertEqual ( str ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) ) , ' (a b) ' )
def test_multiline_header ( self ) :
s = ' =?windows-1252?q?=22M=FCller_T=22?= \r \n <T.Mueller@xxx.com> '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( s ) ,
[ ( b ' " M \xfc ller T " ' , ' windows-1252 ' ) ,
( b ' <T.Mueller@xxx.com> ' , None ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) . encode ( ) ,
' ' . join ( s . splitlines ( ) ) )
self . assertEqual ( str ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) ) ,
' " Müller T " <T.Mueller@xxx.com> ' )
# Test the MIMEMessage class
class TestMIMEMessage ( TestEmailBase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_11.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
self . _text = fp . read ( )
def test_type_error ( self ) :
self . assertRaises ( TypeError , MIMEMessage , ' a plain string ' )
def test_valid_argument ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
subject = ' A sub-message '
m = Message ( )
m [ ' Subject ' ] = subject
r = MIMEMessage ( m )
eq ( r . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
payload = r . get_payload ( )
self . assertIsInstance ( payload , list )
eq ( len ( payload ) , 1 )
subpart = payload [ 0 ]
self . assertIs ( subpart , m )
eq ( subpart [ ' subject ' ] , subject )
def test_bad_multipart ( self ) :
msg1 = Message ( )
msg1 [ ' Subject ' ] = ' subpart 1 '
msg2 = Message ( )
msg2 [ ' Subject ' ] = ' subpart 2 '
r = MIMEMessage ( msg1 )
self . assertRaises ( errors . MultipartConversionError , r . attach , msg2 )
def test_generate ( self ) :
# First craft the message to be encapsulated
m = Message ( )
m [ ' Subject ' ] = ' An enclosed message '
m . set_payload ( ' Here is the body of the message. \n ' )
r = MIMEMessage ( m )
r [ ' Subject ' ] = ' The enclosing message '
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s )
g . flatten ( r )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , """ \
Content - Type : message / rfc822
MIME - Version : 1.0
Subject : The enclosing message
Subject : An enclosed message
Here is the body of the message .
""" )
def test_parse_message_rfc822 ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_11.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
payload = msg . get_payload ( )
self . assertIsInstance ( payload , list )
eq ( len ( payload ) , 1 )
submsg = payload [ 0 ]
self . assertIsInstance ( submsg , Message )
eq ( submsg [ ' subject ' ] , ' An enclosed message ' )
eq ( submsg . get_payload ( ) , ' Here is the body of the message. \n ' )
def test_dsn ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# msg 16 is a Delivery Status Notification, see RFC 1894
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_16.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' multipart/report ' )
self . assertTrue ( msg . is_multipart ( ) )
eq ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 3 )
# Subpart 1 is a text/plain, human readable section
subpart = msg . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( subpart . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( subpart . get_payload ( ) , """ \
This report relates to a message you sent with the following header fields :
Message - id : < 002001 c144a6 $ 8752e060 $ 56104586 @oxy.edu >
Date : Sun , 23 Sep 2001 20 : 10 : 55 - 0700
From : " Ian T. Henry " < henryi @oxy.edu >
To : SoCal Raves < scr @socal - raves . org >
Subject : [ scr ] yeah for Ians ! !
Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients :
Recipient address : jangel1 @cougar.noc.ucla.edu
Reason : recipient reached disk quota
""" )
# Subpart 2 contains the machine parsable DSN information. It
# consists of two blocks of headers, represented by two nested Message
# objects.
subpart = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( subpart . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/delivery-status ' )
eq ( len ( subpart . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
# message/delivery-status should treat each block as a bunch of
# headers, i.e. a bunch of Message objects.
dsn1 = subpart . get_payload ( 0 )
self . assertIsInstance ( dsn1 , Message )
eq ( dsn1 [ ' original-envelope-id ' ] , ' 0GK500B4HD0888@cougar.noc.ucla.edu ' )
eq ( dsn1 . get_param ( ' dns ' , header = ' reporting-mta ' ) , ' ' )
# Try a missing one <wink>
eq ( dsn1 . get_param ( ' nsd ' , header = ' reporting-mta ' ) , None )
dsn2 = subpart . get_payload ( 1 )
self . assertIsInstance ( dsn2 , Message )
eq ( dsn2 [ ' action ' ] , ' failed ' )
eq ( dsn2 . get_params ( header = ' original-recipient ' ) ,
[ ( ' rfc822 ' , ' ' ) , ( ' jangel1@cougar.noc.ucla.edu ' , ' ' ) ] )
eq ( dsn2 . get_param ( ' rfc822 ' , header = ' final-recipient ' ) , ' ' )
# Subpart 3 is the original message
subpart = msg . get_payload ( 2 )
eq ( subpart . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
payload = subpart . get_payload ( )
self . assertIsInstance ( payload , list )
eq ( len ( payload ) , 1 )
subsubpart = payload [ 0 ]
self . assertIsInstance ( subsubpart , Message )
eq ( subsubpart . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( subsubpart [ ' message-id ' ] ,
' <002001c144a6$8752e060$56104586@oxy.edu> ' )
def test_epilogue ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_21.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
text = fp . read ( )
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
msg [ ' To ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
msg [ ' Subject ' ] = ' Test '
msg . preamble = ' MIME message '
msg . epilogue = ' End of MIME message \n '
msg1 = MIMEText ( ' One ' )
msg2 = MIMEText ( ' Two ' )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Type ' , ' multipart/mixed ' , boundary = ' BOUNDARY ' )
msg . attach ( msg1 )
msg . attach ( msg2 )
sfp = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( sfp )
g . flatten ( msg )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , text )
def test_no_nl_preamble ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' From ' ] = ' aperson@dom.ain '
msg [ ' To ' ] = ' bperson@dom.ain '
msg [ ' Subject ' ] = ' Test '
msg . preamble = ' MIME message '
msg . epilogue = ' '
msg1 = MIMEText ( ' One ' )
msg2 = MIMEText ( ' Two ' )
msg . add_header ( ' Content-Type ' , ' multipart/mixed ' , boundary = ' BOUNDARY ' )
msg . attach ( msg1 )
msg . attach ( msg2 )
eq ( msg . as_string ( ) , """ \
From : aperson @dom.ain
To : bperson @dom.ain
Subject : Test
Content - Type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME message
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
- - BOUNDARY - -
""" )
def test_default_type ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_30.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = email . message_from_file ( fp )
container1 = msg . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( container1 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( container1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
container2 = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( container2 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( container2 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
container1a = container1 . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( container1a . get_default_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( container1a . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
container2a = container2 . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( container2a . get_default_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( container2a . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
def test_default_type_with_explicit_container_type ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_28.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = email . message_from_file ( fp )
container1 = msg . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( container1 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( container1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
container2 = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( container2 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( container2 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
container1a = container1 . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( container1a . get_default_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( container1a . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
container2a = container2 . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( container2a . get_default_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( container2a . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
def test_default_type_non_parsed ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
neq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
# Set up container
container = MIMEMultipart ( ' digest ' , ' BOUNDARY ' )
container . epilogue = ' '
# Set up subparts
subpart1a = MIMEText ( ' message 1 \n ' )
subpart2a = MIMEText ( ' message 2 \n ' )
subpart1 = MIMEMessage ( subpart1a )
subpart2 = MIMEMessage ( subpart2a )
container . attach ( subpart1 )
container . attach ( subpart2 )
eq ( subpart1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( subpart1 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( subpart2 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( subpart2 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
neq ( container . as_string ( 0 ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / digest ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : message / rfc822
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
message 1
Content - Type : message / rfc822
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
message 2
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
del subpart1 [ ' content-type ' ]
del subpart1 [ ' mime-version ' ]
del subpart2 [ ' content-type ' ]
del subpart2 [ ' mime-version ' ]
eq ( subpart1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( subpart1 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( subpart2 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( subpart2 . get_default_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
neq ( container . as_string ( 0 ) , ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / digest ; boundary = " BOUNDARY "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
message 1
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii "
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
message 2
- - BOUNDARY - -
''' )
def test_mime_attachments_in_constructor ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
text1 = MIMEText ( ' ' )
text2 = MIMEText ( ' ' )
msg = MIMEMultipart ( _subparts = ( text1 , text2 ) )
eq ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) , text1 )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( 1 ) , text2 )
def test_default_multipart_constructor ( self ) :
msg = MIMEMultipart ( )
self . assertTrue ( msg . is_multipart ( ) )
def test_multipart_default_policy ( self ) :
msg = MIMEMultipart ( )
msg [ ' To ' ] = ' a@b.com '
msg [ ' To ' ] = ' c@d.com '
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_all ( ' to ' ) , [ ' a@b.com ' , ' c@d.com ' ] )
def test_multipart_custom_policy ( self ) :
msg = MIMEMultipart ( policy = email . policy . default )
msg [ ' To ' ] = ' a@b.com '
with self . assertRaises ( ValueError ) as cm :
msg [ ' To ' ] = ' c@d.com '
self . assertEqual ( str ( cm . exception ) ,
' There may be at most 1 To headers in a message ' )
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
# Test the NonMultipart class
class TestNonMultipart ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_nonmultipart_is_not_multipart ( self ) :
msg = MIMENonMultipart ( ' text ' , ' plain ' )
self . assertFalse ( msg . is_multipart ( ) )
def test_attach_raises_exception ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Subject ' ] = ' subpart 1 '
r = MIMENonMultipart ( ' text ' , ' plain ' )
self . assertRaises ( errors . MultipartConversionError , r . attach , msg )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
# A general test of parser->model->generator idempotency. IOW, read a message
# in, parse it into a message object tree, then without touching the tree,
# regenerate the plain text. The original text and the transformed text
# should be identical. Note: that we ignore the Unix-From since that may
# contain a changed date.
class TestIdempotent ( TestEmailBase ) :
linesep = ' \n '
def _msgobj ( self , filename ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( filename , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
data = fp . read ( )
msg = email . message_from_string ( data )
return msg , data
def _idempotent ( self , msg , text , unixfrom = False ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s , maxheaderlen = 0 )
g . flatten ( msg , unixfrom = unixfrom )
eq ( text , s . getvalue ( ) )
def test_parse_text_message ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , ' plain ' )
eq ( msg . get_params ( ) [ 1 ] , ( ' charset ' , ' us-ascii ' ) )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' charset ' ) , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg . preamble , None )
eq ( msg . epilogue , None )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_parse_untyped_message ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_03.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( msg . get_params ( ) , None )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' charset ' ) , None )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_simple_multipart ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_04.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_MIME_digest ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_02.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_long_header ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_27.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_MIME_digest_with_part_headers ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_28.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_mixed_with_image ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_06.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_multipart_report ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_05.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_dsn ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_16.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_preamble_epilogue ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_21.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_multipart_one_part ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_23.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_multipart_no_parts ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_24.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_no_start_boundary ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_31.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_rfc2231_charset ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_32.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_more_rfc2231_parameters ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_33.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_text_plain_in_a_multipart_digest ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_34.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_nested_multipart_mixeds ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_12a.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_message_external_body_idempotent ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_36.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_message_delivery_status ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_43.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text , unixfrom = True )
def test_message_signed_idempotent ( self ) :
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_45.txt ' )
self . _idempotent ( msg , text )
def test_content_type ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# Get a message object and reset the seek pointer for other tests
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_05.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' multipart/report ' )
# Test the Content-Type: parameters
params = { }
for pk , pv in msg . get_params ( ) :
params [ pk ] = pv
eq ( params [ ' report-type ' ] , ' delivery-status ' )
eq ( params [ ' boundary ' ] , ' D1690A7AC1.996856090/mail.example.com ' )
eq ( msg . preamble , ' This is a MIME-encapsulated message. ' + self . linesep )
eq ( msg . epilogue , self . linesep )
eq ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 3 )
# Make sure the subparts are what we expect
msg1 = msg . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( msg1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( msg1 . get_payload ( ) , ' Yadda yadda yadda ' + self . linesep )
msg2 = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( msg2 . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( msg2 . get_payload ( ) , ' Yadda yadda yadda ' + self . linesep )
msg3 = msg . get_payload ( 2 )
eq ( msg3 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg3 , Message )
payload = msg3 . get_payload ( )
self . assertIsInstance ( payload , list )
eq ( len ( payload ) , 1 )
msg4 = payload [ 0 ]
self . assertIsInstance ( msg4 , Message )
eq ( msg4 . get_payload ( ) , ' Yadda yadda yadda ' + self . linesep )
def test_parser ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg , text = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_06.txt ' )
# Check some of the outer headers
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
# Make sure the payload is a list of exactly one sub-Message, and that
# that submessage has a type of text/plain
payload = msg . get_payload ( )
self . assertIsInstance ( payload , list )
eq ( len ( payload ) , 1 )
msg1 = payload [ 0 ]
self . assertIsInstance ( msg1 , Message )
eq ( msg1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg1 . get_payload ( ) , str )
eq ( msg1 . get_payload ( ) , self . linesep )
# Test various other bits of the package's functionality
class TestMiscellaneous ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_message_from_string ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_01.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
text = fp . read ( )
msg = email . message_from_string ( text )
s = StringIO ( )
# Don't wrap/continue long headers since we're trying to test
# idempotency.
g = Generator ( s , maxheaderlen = 0 )
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( text , s . getvalue ( ) )
def test_message_from_file ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_01.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
text = fp . read ( )
fp . seek ( 0 )
msg = email . message_from_file ( fp )
s = StringIO ( )
# Don't wrap/continue long headers since we're trying to test
# idempotency.
g = Generator ( s , maxheaderlen = 0 )
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( text , s . getvalue ( ) )
def test_message_from_string_with_class ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_01.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
text = fp . read ( )
# Create a subclass
class MyMessage ( Message ) :
msg = email . message_from_string ( text , MyMessage )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg , MyMessage )
# Try something more complicated
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_02.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
text = fp . read ( )
msg = email . message_from_string ( text , MyMessage )
for subpart in msg . walk ( ) :
self . assertIsInstance ( subpart , MyMessage )
def test_message_from_file_with_class ( self ) :
# Create a subclass
class MyMessage ( Message ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_01.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = email . message_from_file ( fp , MyMessage )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg , MyMessage )
# Try something more complicated
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_02.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = email . message_from_file ( fp , MyMessage )
for subpart in msg . walk ( ) :
self . assertIsInstance ( subpart , MyMessage )
def test_custom_message_does_not_require_arguments ( self ) :
class MyMessage ( Message ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
msg = self . _str_msg ( " Subject: test \n \n test " , MyMessage )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg , MyMessage )
def test__all__ ( self ) :
module = __import__ ( ' email ' )
self . assertEqual ( sorted ( module . __all__ ) , [
' base64mime ' , ' charset ' , ' encoders ' , ' errors ' , ' feedparser ' ,
' generator ' , ' header ' , ' iterators ' , ' message ' ,
' message_from_binary_file ' , ' message_from_bytes ' ,
' message_from_file ' , ' message_from_string ' , ' mime ' , ' parser ' ,
' quoprimime ' , ' utils ' ,
] )
def test_formatdate ( self ) :
now = time . time ( )
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate ( utils . formatdate ( now ) ) [ : 6 ] ,
time . gmtime ( now ) [ : 6 ] )
def test_formatdate_localtime ( self ) :
now = time . time ( )
self . assertEqual (
utils . parsedate ( utils . formatdate ( now , localtime = True ) ) [ : 6 ] ,
time . localtime ( now ) [ : 6 ] )
def test_formatdate_usegmt ( self ) :
now = time . time ( )
self . assertEqual (
utils . formatdate ( now , localtime = False ) ,
time . strftime ( ' %a , %d % b % Y % H: % M: % S -0000 ' , time . gmtime ( now ) ) )
self . assertEqual (
utils . formatdate ( now , localtime = False , usegmt = True ) ,
time . strftime ( ' %a , %d % b % Y % H: % M: % S GMT ' , time . gmtime ( now ) ) )
# parsedate and parsedate_tz will become deprecated interfaces someday
def test_parsedate_returns_None_for_invalid_strings ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
# See also test_parsedate_to_datetime_with_invalid_raises_valueerror
# in test_utils.
invalid_dates = [
' ' ,
' ' ,
' 0 ' ,
' A Complete Waste of Time ' ,
' Wed, 3 Apr 2002 ' ,
' 17 June , 2022 ' ,
' Friday, -Nov-82 16:14:55 EST ' ,
' Friday, Nov--82 16:14:55 EST ' ,
' Friday, 19-Nov- 16:14:55 EST ' ,
for dtstr in invalid_dates :
with self . subTest ( dtstr = dtstr ) :
self . assertIsNone ( utils . parsedate ( dtstr ) )
self . assertIsNone ( utils . parsedate_tz ( dtstr ) )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
# Not a part of the spec but, but this has historically worked:
self . assertIsNone ( utils . parsedate ( None ) )
self . assertIsNone ( utils . parsedate_tz ( None ) )
def test_parsedate_compact ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:58:26 +0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 28800 ) )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
# The FWS after the comma is optional
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed,3 Apr 2002 14:58:26 +0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 28800 ) )
# The comma is optional
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed 3 Apr 2002 14:58:26 +0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 28800 ) )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
def test_parsedate_no_dayofweek ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 5 Feb 2003 13:47:26 -0800 ' ) ,
( 2003 , 2 , 5 , 13 , 47 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , - 28800 ) )
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
eq ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' February 5, 2003 13:47:26 -0800 ' ) ,
( 2003 , 2 , 5 , 13 , 47 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , - 28800 ) )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
def test_parsedate_no_space_before_positive_offset ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:58:26+0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 28800 ) )
def test_parsedate_no_space_before_negative_offset ( self ) :
# Issue 1155362: we already handled '+' for this case.
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:58:26-0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , - 28800 ) )
def test_parsedate_accepts_time_with_dots ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 5 Feb 2003 13.47.26 -0800 ' ) ,
( 2003 , 2 , 5 , 13 , 47 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , - 28800 ) )
eq ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 5 Feb 2003 13.47 -0800 ' ) ,
( 2003 , 2 , 5 , 13 , 47 , 0 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , - 28800 ) )
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
def test_parsedate_rfc_850 ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Friday, 19-Nov-82 16:14:55 EST ' ) ,
( 1982 , 11 , 19 , 16 , 14 , 55 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , - 18000 ) )
def test_parsedate_no_seconds ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:58 +0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 0 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 28800 ) )
def test_parsedate_dot_time_delimiter ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14.58.26 +0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 26 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 28800 ) )
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14.58 +0800 ' ) ,
( 2002 , 4 , 3 , 14 , 58 , 0 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 28800 ) )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
def test_parsedate_acceptable_to_time_functions ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
timetup = utils . parsedate ( ' 5 Feb 2003 13:47:26 -0800 ' )
t = int ( time . mktime ( timetup ) )
eq ( time . localtime ( t ) [ : 6 ] , timetup [ : 6 ] )
eq ( int ( time . strftime ( ' % Y ' , timetup ) ) , 2003 )
timetup = utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 5 Feb 2003 13:47:26 -0800 ' )
t = int ( time . mktime ( timetup [ : 9 ] ) )
eq ( time . localtime ( t ) [ : 6 ] , timetup [ : 6 ] )
eq ( int ( time . strftime ( ' % Y ' , timetup [ : 9 ] ) ) , 2003 )
def test_mktime_tz ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( utils . mktime_tz ( ( 1970 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
- 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 0 ) ) , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( utils . mktime_tz ( ( 1970 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
- 1 , - 1 , - 1 , 1234 ) ) , - 1234 )
def test_parsedate_y2k ( self ) :
""" Test for parsing a date with a two-digit year.
Parsing a date with a two - digit year should return the correct
four - digit year . RFC822 allows two - digit years , but RFC2822 ( which
obsoletes RFC822 ) requires four - digit years .
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 25 Feb 03 13:47:26 -0800 ' ) ,
utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 25 Feb 2003 13:47:26 -0800 ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 25 Feb 71 13:47:26 -0800 ' ) ,
utils . parsedate_tz ( ' 25 Feb 1971 13:47:26 -0800 ' ) )
def test_parseaddr_empty ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( utils . parseaddr ( ' <> ' ) , ( ' ' , ' ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( utils . formataddr ( utils . parseaddr ( ' <> ' ) ) , ' ' )
def test_parseaddr_multiple_domains ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
utils . parseaddr ( ' a@b@c ' ) ,
( ' ' , ' ' )
self . assertEqual (
utils . parseaddr ( ' a@b.c@c ' ) ,
( ' ' , ' ' )
self . assertEqual (
utils . parseaddr ( ' a@ ' ) ,
( ' ' , ' ' )
def test_noquote_dump ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
utils . formataddr ( ( ' A Silly Person ' , ' person@dom.ain ' ) ) ,
' A Silly Person <person@dom.ain> ' )
def test_escape_dump ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
utils . formataddr ( ( ' A (Very) Silly Person ' , ' person@dom.ain ' ) ) ,
r ' " A (Very) Silly Person " <person@dom.ain> ' )
self . assertEqual (
utils . parseaddr ( r ' " A \ (Very \ ) Silly Person " <person@dom.ain> ' ) ,
( ' A (Very) Silly Person ' , ' person@dom.ain ' ) )
a = r ' A \ (Special \ ) Person '
b = ' person@dom.ain '
self . assertEqual ( utils . parseaddr ( utils . formataddr ( ( a , b ) ) ) , ( a , b ) )
def test_escape_backslashes ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
utils . formataddr ( ( r ' Arthur \ Backslash \ Foobar ' , ' person@dom.ain ' ) ) ,
r ' " Arthur \\ Backslash \\ Foobar " <person@dom.ain> ' )
a = r ' Arthur \ Backslash \ Foobar '
b = ' person@dom.ain '
self . assertEqual ( utils . parseaddr ( utils . formataddr ( ( a , b ) ) ) , ( a , b ) )
def test_quotes_unicode_names ( self ) :
# issue 1690608. email.utils.formataddr() should be rfc2047 aware.
name = " H \u00e4 ns W \u00fc rst "
addr = ' person@dom.ain '
utf8_base64 = " =?utf-8?b?SMOkbnMgV8O8cnN0?= <person@dom.ain> "
latin1_quopri = " =?iso-8859-1?q?H=E4ns_W=FCrst?= <person@dom.ain> "
self . assertEqual ( utils . formataddr ( ( name , addr ) ) , utf8_base64 )
self . assertEqual ( utils . formataddr ( ( name , addr ) , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) ,
latin1_quopri )
def test_accepts_any_charset_like_object ( self ) :
# issue 1690608. email.utils.formataddr() should be rfc2047 aware.
name = " H \u00e4 ns W \u00fc rst "
addr = ' person@dom.ain '
utf8_base64 = " =?utf-8?b?SMOkbnMgV8O8cnN0?= <person@dom.ain> "
foobar = " FOOBAR "
class CharsetMock :
def header_encode ( self , string ) :
return foobar
mock = CharsetMock ( )
mock_expected = " %s < %s > " % ( foobar , addr )
self . assertEqual ( utils . formataddr ( ( name , addr ) , mock ) , mock_expected )
self . assertEqual ( utils . formataddr ( ( name , addr ) , Charset ( ' utf-8 ' ) ) ,
utf8_base64 )
def test_invalid_charset_like_object_raises_error ( self ) :
# issue 1690608. email.utils.formataddr() should be rfc2047 aware.
name = " H \u00e4 ns W \u00fc rst "
addr = ' person@dom.ain '
# An object without a header_encode method:
bad_charset = object ( )
self . assertRaises ( AttributeError , utils . formataddr , ( name , addr ) ,
bad_charset )
def test_unicode_address_raises_error ( self ) :
# issue 1690608. email.utils.formataddr() should be rfc2047 aware.
addr = ' pers \u00f6 n@dom.in '
self . assertRaises ( UnicodeError , utils . formataddr , ( None , addr ) )
self . assertRaises ( UnicodeError , utils . formataddr , ( " Name " , addr ) )
def test_name_with_dot ( self ) :
x = ' John X. Doe <jxd@example.com> '
y = ' " John X. Doe " <jxd@example.com> '
a , b = ( ' John X. Doe ' , ' jxd@example.com ' )
self . assertEqual ( utils . parseaddr ( x ) , ( a , b ) )
self . assertEqual ( utils . parseaddr ( y ) , ( a , b ) )
# formataddr() quotes the name if there's a dot in it
self . assertEqual ( utils . formataddr ( ( a , b ) ) , y )
def test_parseaddr_preserves_quoted_pairs_in_addresses ( self ) :
# issue 10005. Note that in the third test the second pair of
# backslashes is not actually a quoted pair because it is not inside a
# comment or quoted string: the address being parsed has a quoted
# string containing a quoted backslash, followed by 'example' and two
# backslashes, followed by another quoted string containing a space and
# the word 'example'. parseaddr copies those two backslashes
# literally. Per rfc5322 this is not technically correct since a \ may
# not appear in an address outside of a quoted string. It is probably
# a sensible Postel interpretation, though.
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( utils . parseaddr ( ' " " example " example " @example.com ' ) ,
( ' ' , ' " " example " example " @example.com ' ) )
eq ( utils . parseaddr ( ' " \\ " example \\ " example " @example.com ' ) ,
( ' ' , ' " \\ " example \\ " example " @example.com ' ) )
eq ( utils . parseaddr ( ' " \\ \\ " example \\ \\ " example " @example.com ' ) ,
( ' ' , ' " \\ \\ " example \\ \\ " example " @example.com ' ) )
def test_parseaddr_preserves_spaces_in_local_part ( self ) :
# issue 9286. A normal RFC5322 local part should not contain any
# folding white space, but legacy local parts can (they are a sequence
# of atoms, not dotatoms). On the other hand we strip whitespace from
# before the @ and around dots, on the assumption that the whitespace
# around the punctuation is a mistake in what would otherwise be
# an RFC5322 local part. Leading whitespace is, usual, stripped as well.
self . assertEqual ( ( ' ' , " merwok wok@xample.com " ) ,
utils . parseaddr ( " merwok wok@xample.com " ) )
self . assertEqual ( ( ' ' , " merwok wok@xample.com " ) ,
utils . parseaddr ( " merwok wok@xample.com " ) )
self . assertEqual ( ( ' ' , " merwok wok@xample.com " ) ,
utils . parseaddr ( " merwok wok @xample.com " ) )
self . assertEqual ( ( ' ' , ' merwok " wok " wok@xample.com ' ) ,
utils . parseaddr ( ' merwok " wok " wok@xample.com ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( ( ' ' , ' merwok.wok.wok@xample.com ' ) ,
utils . parseaddr ( ' merwok. wok . wok@xample.com ' ) )
def test_formataddr_does_not_quote_parens_in_quoted_string ( self ) :
addr = ( " ' foo@example.com ' (foo@example.com) " ,
' foo@example.com ' )
addrstr = ( ' " \' foo@example.com \' '
' (foo@example.com) " <foo@example.com> ' )
self . assertEqual ( utils . parseaddr ( addrstr ) , addr )
self . assertEqual ( utils . formataddr ( addr ) , addrstr )
def test_multiline_from_comment ( self ) :
x = """ \
\tBar < foo @example.com > """
self . assertEqual ( utils . parseaddr ( x ) , ( ' Foo Bar ' , ' foo@example.com ' ) )
def test_quote_dump ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
utils . formataddr ( ( ' A Silly; Person ' , ' person@dom.ain ' ) ) ,
r ' " A Silly; Person " <person@dom.ain> ' )
def test_charset_richcomparisons ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
ne = self . assertNotEqual
cset1 = Charset ( )
cset2 = Charset ( )
eq ( cset1 , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( cset1 , ' US-ASCII ' )
eq ( cset1 , ' Us-AsCiI ' )
eq ( ' us-ascii ' , cset1 )
eq ( ' US-ASCII ' , cset1 )
eq ( ' Us-AsCiI ' , cset1 )
ne ( cset1 , ' usascii ' )
ne ( cset1 , ' USASCII ' )
ne ( cset1 , ' UsAsCiI ' )
ne ( ' usascii ' , cset1 )
ne ( ' USASCII ' , cset1 )
ne ( ' UsAsCiI ' , cset1 )
eq ( cset1 , cset2 )
eq ( cset2 , cset1 )
def test_getaddresses ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( utils . getaddresses ( [ ' aperson@dom.ain (Al Person) ' ,
' Bud Person <bperson@dom.ain> ' ] ) ,
[ ( ' Al Person ' , ' aperson@dom.ain ' ) ,
( ' Bud Person ' , ' bperson@dom.ain ' ) ] )
def test_getaddresses_nasty ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( utils . getaddresses ( [ ' foo: ; ' ] ) , [ ( ' ' , ' ' ) ] )
eq ( utils . getaddresses (
[ ' []*-- =~$ ' ] ) ,
[ ( ' ' , ' ' ) , ( ' ' , ' ' ) , ( ' ' , ' *-- ' ) ] )
eq ( utils . getaddresses (
[ ' foo: ; ' , ' " Jason R. Mastaler " <jason@dom.ain> ' ] ) ,
[ ( ' ' , ' ' ) , ( ' Jason R. Mastaler ' , ' jason@dom.ain ' ) ] )
def test_getaddresses_embedded_comment ( self ) :
""" Test proper handling of a nested comment """
eq = self . assertEqual
addrs = utils . getaddresses ( [ ' User ((nested comment)) <foo@bar.com> ' ] )
eq ( addrs [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , ' foo@bar.com ' )
def test_getaddresses_header_obj ( self ) :
""" Test the handling of a Header object. """
addrs = utils . getaddresses ( [ Header ( ' Al Person <aperson@dom.ain> ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( addrs [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , ' aperson@dom.ain ' )
def test_make_msgid_collisions ( self ) :
# Test make_msgid uniqueness, even with multiple threads
class MsgidsThread ( Thread ) :
def run ( self ) :
# generate msgids for 3 seconds
self . msgids = [ ]
append = self . msgids . append
make_msgid = utils . make_msgid
clock = time . monotonic
tfin = clock ( ) + 3.0
while clock ( ) < tfin :
append ( make_msgid ( domain = ' testdomain-string ' ) )
threads = [ MsgidsThread ( ) for i in range ( 5 ) ]
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with threading_helper . start_threads ( threads ) :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
all_ids = sum ( [ t . msgids for t in threads ] , [ ] )
self . assertEqual ( len ( set ( all_ids ) ) , len ( all_ids ) )
def test_utils_quote_unquote ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg . add_header ( ' content-disposition ' , ' attachment ' ,
filename = ' foo \\ wacky " name ' )
eq ( msg . get_filename ( ) , ' foo \\ wacky " name ' )
def test_get_body_encoding_with_bogus_charset ( self ) :
charset = Charset ( ' not a charset ' )
self . assertEqual ( charset . get_body_encoding ( ) , ' base64 ' )
def test_get_body_encoding_with_uppercase_charset ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' text/plain; charset=UTF-8 '
eq ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; charset=UTF-8 ' )
charsets = msg . get_charsets ( )
eq ( len ( charsets ) , 1 )
eq ( charsets [ 0 ] , ' utf-8 ' )
charset = Charset ( charsets [ 0 ] )
eq ( charset . get_body_encoding ( ) , ' base64 ' )
msg . set_payload ( b ' hello world ' , charset = charset )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= \n ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , b ' hello world ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' base64 ' )
# Try another one
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' Content-Type ' ] = ' text/plain; charset= " US-ASCII " '
charsets = msg . get_charsets ( )
eq ( len ( charsets ) , 1 )
eq ( charsets [ 0 ] , ' us-ascii ' )
charset = Charset ( charsets [ 0 ] )
eq ( charset . get_body_encoding ( ) , encoders . encode_7or8bit )
msg . set_payload ( ' hello world ' , charset = charset )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' hello world ' )
eq ( msg [ ' content-transfer-encoding ' ] , ' 7bit ' )
def test_charsets_case_insensitive ( self ) :
lc = Charset ( ' us-ascii ' )
uc = Charset ( ' US-ASCII ' )
self . assertEqual ( lc . get_body_encoding ( ) , uc . get_body_encoding ( ) )
def test_partial_falls_inside_message_delivery_status ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
# The Parser interface provides chunks of data to FeedParser in 8192
# byte gulps. SF bug #1076485 found one of those chunks inside
# message/delivery-status header block, which triggered an
# unreadline() of NeedMoreData.
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_43.txt ' )
sfp = StringIO ( )
iterators . _structure ( msg , sfp )
eq ( sfp . getvalue ( ) , """ \
multipart / report
text / plain
message / delivery - status
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / plain
text / rfc822 - headers
""" )
def test_make_msgid_domain ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
email . utils . make_msgid ( domain = ' testdomain-string ' ) [ - 19 : ] ,
' @testdomain-string> ' )
def test_make_msgid_idstring ( self ) :
self . assertEqual (
email . utils . make_msgid ( idstring = ' test-idstring ' ,
domain = ' testdomain-string ' ) [ - 33 : ] ,
' .test-idstring@testdomain-string> ' )
def test_make_msgid_default_domain ( self ) :
with patch ( ' socket.getfqdn ' ) as mock_getfqdn :
mock_getfqdn . return_value = domain = ' pythontest.example.com '
self . assertTrue (
email . utils . make_msgid ( ) . endswith (
' @ ' + domain + ' > ' ) )
def test_Generator_linend ( self ) :
# Issue 14645.
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_26.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " , newline = ' \n ' ) as f :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msgtxt = f . read ( )
msgtxt_nl = msgtxt . replace ( ' \r \n ' , ' \n ' )
msg = email . message_from_string ( msgtxt )
s = StringIO ( )
g = email . generator . Generator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , msgtxt_nl )
def test_BytesGenerator_linend ( self ) :
# Issue 14645.
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_26.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " , newline = ' \n ' ) as f :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msgtxt = f . read ( )
msgtxt_nl = msgtxt . replace ( ' \r \n ' , ' \n ' )
msg = email . message_from_string ( msgtxt_nl )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = email . generator . BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg , linesep = ' \r \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) . decode ( ' ascii ' ) , msgtxt )
def test_BytesGenerator_linend_with_non_ascii ( self ) :
# Issue 14645.
with openfile ( ' msg_26.txt ' , ' rb ' ) as f :
msgtxt = f . read ( )
msgtxt = msgtxt . replace ( b ' with attachment ' , b ' fo \xf6 ' )
msgtxt_nl = msgtxt . replace ( b ' \r \n ' , b ' \n ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( msgtxt_nl )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = email . generator . BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg , linesep = ' \r \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , msgtxt )
def test_mime_classes_policy_argument ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' audiotest.au ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
audiodata = fp . read ( )
with openfile ( ' PyBanner048.gif ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
bindata = fp . read ( )
classes = [
( MIMEApplication , ( ' ' , ) ) ,
( MIMEAudio , ( audiodata , ) ) ,
( MIMEImage , ( bindata , ) ) ,
( MIMEMessage , ( Message ( ) , ) ) ,
( MIMENonMultipart , ( ' multipart ' , ' mixed ' ) ) ,
( MIMEText , ( ' ' , ) ) ,
for cls , constructor in classes :
with self . subTest ( cls = cls . __name__ , policy = ' compat32 ' ) :
m = cls ( * constructor )
self . assertIs ( m . policy , email . policy . compat32 )
with self . subTest ( cls = cls . __name__ , policy = ' default ' ) :
m = cls ( * constructor , policy = email . policy . default )
self . assertIs ( m . policy , email . policy . default )
# Test the iterator/generators
class TestIterators ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_body_line_iterator ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
neq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
# First a simple non-multipart message
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
it = iterators . body_line_iterator ( msg )
lines = list ( it )
eq ( len ( lines ) , 6 )
neq ( EMPTYSTRING . join ( lines ) , msg . get_payload ( ) )
# Now a more complicated multipart
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_02.txt ' )
it = iterators . body_line_iterator ( msg )
lines = list ( it )
eq ( len ( lines ) , 43 )
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_19.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
neq ( EMPTYSTRING . join ( lines ) , fp . read ( ) )
def test_typed_subpart_iterator ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_04.txt ' )
it = iterators . typed_subpart_iterator ( msg , ' text ' )
lines = [ ]
subparts = 0
for subpart in it :
subparts + = 1
lines . append ( subpart . get_payload ( ) )
eq ( subparts , 2 )
eq ( EMPTYSTRING . join ( lines ) , """ \
a simple kind of mirror
to reflect upon our own
a simple kind of mirror
to reflect upon our own
""" )
def test_typed_subpart_iterator_default_type ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_03.txt ' )
it = iterators . typed_subpart_iterator ( msg , ' text ' , ' plain ' )
lines = [ ]
subparts = 0
for subpart in it :
subparts + = 1
lines . append ( subpart . get_payload ( ) )
eq ( subparts , 1 )
eq ( EMPTYSTRING . join ( lines ) , """ \
Hi ,
Do you like this message ?
- Me
""" )
def test_pushCR_LF ( self ) :
''' FeedParser BufferedSubFile.push() assumed it received complete
line endings . A CR ending one push ( ) followed by a LF starting
the next push ( ) added an empty line .
imt = [
( " a \r \n " , 2 ) ,
( " b " , 0 ) ,
( " c \n " , 1 ) ,
( " " , 0 ) ,
( " d \r \n " , 1 ) ,
( " e \r " , 0 ) ,
( " \n f " , 1 ) ,
( " \r \n " , 1 ) ,
from email . feedparser import BufferedSubFile , NeedMoreData
bsf = BufferedSubFile ( )
om = [ ]
nt = 0
for il , n in imt :
bsf . push ( il )
nt + = n
n1 = 0
for ol in iter ( bsf . readline , NeedMoreData ) :
om . append ( ol )
n1 + = 1
self . assertEqual ( n , n1 )
self . assertEqual ( len ( om ) , nt )
self . assertEqual ( ' ' . join ( [ il for il , n in imt ] ) , ' ' . join ( om ) )
def test_push_random ( self ) :
from email . feedparser import BufferedSubFile , NeedMoreData
n = 10000
chunksize = 5
chars = ' abcd \t \r \n '
s = ' ' . join ( choice ( chars ) for i in range ( n ) ) + ' \n '
target = s . splitlines ( True )
bsf = BufferedSubFile ( )
lines = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( s ) , chunksize ) :
chunk = s [ i : i + chunksize ]
bsf . push ( chunk )
lines . extend ( iter ( bsf . readline , NeedMoreData ) )
self . assertEqual ( lines , target )
class TestFeedParsers ( TestEmailBase ) :
def parse ( self , chunks ) :
feedparser = FeedParser ( )
for chunk in chunks :
feedparser . feed ( chunk )
return feedparser . close ( )
def test_empty_header_name_handled ( self ) :
# Issue 19996
msg = self . parse ( " First: val \n : bad \n Second: val " )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' First ' ] , ' val ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' Second ' ] , ' val ' )
def test_newlines ( self ) :
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \n b: \r c: \r \n d: \n ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . keys ( ) , [ ' a ' , ' b ' , ' c ' , ' d ' ] )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \n b: \r c: \r \n d: ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . keys ( ) , [ ' a ' , ' b ' , ' c ' , ' d ' ] )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \r b ' , ' c: \n ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . keys ( ) , [ ' a ' , ' bc ' ] )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \r ' , ' b: \n ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . keys ( ) , [ ' a ' , ' b ' ] )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \r ' , ' \n b: \n ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . keys ( ) , [ ' a ' , ' b ' ] )
# Only CR and LF should break header fields
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \x85 b: \u2028 c: \n ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . items ( ) , [ ( ' a ' , ' \x85 b: \u2028 c: ' ) ] )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \r ' , ' b: \x85 ' , ' c: \n ' ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . items ( ) , [ ( ' a ' , ' ' ) , ( ' b ' , ' \x85 c: ' ) ] )
def test_long_lines ( self ) :
# Expected peak memory use on 32-bit platform: 6*N*M bytes.
M , N = 1000 , 20000
m = self . parse ( [ ' a:b \n \n ' ] + [ ' x ' * M ] * N )
self . assertEqual ( m . items ( ) , [ ( ' a ' , ' b ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . get_payload ( ) , ' x ' * M * N )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a:b \r \r ' ] + [ ' x ' * M ] * N )
self . assertEqual ( m . items ( ) , [ ( ' a ' , ' b ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . get_payload ( ) , ' x ' * M * N )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a:b \r \r ' ] + [ ' x ' * M + ' \x85 ' ] * N )
self . assertEqual ( m . items ( ) , [ ( ' a ' , ' b ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( m . get_payload ( ) , ( ' x ' * M + ' \x85 ' ) * N )
m = self . parse ( [ ' a: \r ' , ' b: ' ] + [ ' x ' * M ] * N )
self . assertEqual ( m . items ( ) , [ ( ' a ' , ' ' ) , ( ' b ' , ' x ' * M * N ) ] )
class TestParsers ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_header_parser ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# Parse only the headers of a complex multipart MIME document
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_02.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = HeaderParser ( ) . parse ( fp )
eq ( msg [ ' from ' ] , ' ppp-request@zzz.org ' )
eq ( msg [ ' to ' ] , ' ppp@zzz.org ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' multipart/mixed ' )
self . assertFalse ( msg . is_multipart ( ) )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . get_payload ( ) , str )
def test_bytes_header_parser ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# Parse only the headers of a complex multipart MIME document
with openfile ( ' msg_02.txt ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
msg = email . parser . BytesHeaderParser ( ) . parse ( fp )
eq ( msg [ ' from ' ] , ' ppp-request@zzz.org ' )
eq ( msg [ ' to ' ] , ' ppp@zzz.org ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , ' multipart/mixed ' )
self . assertFalse ( msg . is_multipart ( ) )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . get_payload ( ) , str )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , bytes )
def test_bytes_parser_does_not_close_file ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' msg_02.txt ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
email . parser . BytesParser ( ) . parse ( fp )
self . assertFalse ( fp . closed )
def test_bytes_parser_on_exception_does_not_close_file ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' msg_15.txt ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
bytesParser = email . parser . BytesParser
self . assertRaises ( email . errors . StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect ,
bytesParser ( policy = email . policy . strict ) . parse ,
fp )
self . assertFalse ( fp . closed )
def test_parser_does_not_close_file ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_02.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
email . parser . Parser ( ) . parse ( fp )
self . assertFalse ( fp . closed )
def test_parser_on_exception_does_not_close_file ( self ) :
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_15.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
parser = email . parser . Parser
self . assertRaises ( email . errors . StartBoundaryNotFoundDefect ,
parser ( policy = email . policy . strict ) . parse , fp )
self . assertFalse ( fp . closed )
def test_whitespace_continuation ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# This message contains a line after the Subject: header that has only
# whitespace, but it is not empty!
msg = email . message_from_string ( """ \
From : aperson @dom.ain
To : bperson @dom.ain
Subject : the next line has a space on it
Date : Mon , 8 Apr 2002 15 : 09 : 19 - 0400
Message - ID : spam
Here ' s the message body
""" )
eq ( msg [ ' subject ' ] , ' the next line has a space on it \n ' )
eq ( msg [ ' message-id ' ] , ' spam ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , " Here ' s the message body \n " )
def test_whitespace_continuation_last_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# Like the previous test, but the subject line is the last
# header.
msg = email . message_from_string ( """ \
From : aperson @dom.ain
To : bperson @dom.ain
Date : Mon , 8 Apr 2002 15 : 09 : 19 - 0400
Message - ID : spam
Subject : the next line has a space on it
Here ' s the message body
""" )
eq ( msg [ ' subject ' ] , ' the next line has a space on it \n ' )
eq ( msg [ ' message-id ' ] , ' spam ' )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , " Here ' s the message body \n " )
def test_crlf_separation ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_26.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " , newline = ' \n ' ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = Parser ( ) . parse ( fp )
eq ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
part1 = msg . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( part1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
eq ( part1 . get_payload ( ) , ' Simple email with attachment. \r \n \r \n ' )
part2 = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( part2 . get_content_type ( ) , ' application/riscos ' )
def test_crlf_flatten ( self ) :
# Using newline='\n' preserves the crlfs in this input file.
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_26.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " , newline = ' \n ' ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
text = fp . read ( )
msg = email . message_from_string ( text )
s = StringIO ( )
g = Generator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg , linesep = ' \r \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , text )
maxDiff = None
def test_multipart_digest_with_extra_mime_headers ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
neq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
with openfile ( ' msg_28.txt ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = email . message_from_file ( fp )
# Structure is:
# multipart/digest
# message/rfc822
# text/plain
# message/rfc822
# text/plain
eq ( msg . is_multipart ( ) , 1 )
eq ( len ( msg . get_payload ( ) ) , 2 )
part1 = msg . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( part1 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( part1 . is_multipart ( ) , 1 )
eq ( len ( part1 . get_payload ( ) ) , 1 )
part1a = part1 . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( part1a . is_multipart ( ) , 0 )
eq ( part1a . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
neq ( part1a . get_payload ( ) , ' message 1 \n ' )
# next message/rfc822
part2 = msg . get_payload ( 1 )
eq ( part2 . get_content_type ( ) , ' message/rfc822 ' )
eq ( part2 . is_multipart ( ) , 1 )
eq ( len ( part2 . get_payload ( ) ) , 1 )
part2a = part2 . get_payload ( 0 )
eq ( part2a . is_multipart ( ) , 0 )
eq ( part2a . get_content_type ( ) , ' text/plain ' )
neq ( part2a . get_payload ( ) , ' message 2 \n ' )
def test_three_lines ( self ) :
# A bug report by Andrew McNamara
lines = [ ' From: Andrew Person <aperson@dom.ain ' ,
' Subject: Test ' ,
' Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:43:45 +1000 ' ]
msg = email . message_from_string ( NL . join ( lines ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' date ' ] , ' Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:43:45 +1000 ' )
def test_strip_line_feed_and_carriage_return_in_headers ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# For [ 1002475 ] email message parser doesn't handle \r\n correctly
value1 = ' text '
value2 = ' more text '
m = ' Header: %s \r \n Next-Header: %s \r \n \r \n Body \r \n \r \n ' % (
value1 , value2 )
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
eq ( msg . get ( ' Header ' ) , value1 )
eq ( msg . get ( ' Next-Header ' ) , value2 )
def test_rfc2822_header_syntax ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = ' >From: foo \n From: bar \n ! " #QUX;~: zoo \n \n body '
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
eq ( len ( msg ) , 3 )
eq ( sorted ( field for field in msg ) , [ ' ! " #QUX;~ ' , ' >From ' , ' From ' ] )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' body ' )
def test_rfc2822_space_not_allowed_in_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = ' >From foo@example.com 11:25:53 \n From: bar \n ! " #QUX;~: zoo \n \n body '
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
eq ( len ( msg . keys ( ) ) , 0 )
def test_rfc2822_one_character_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = ' A: first header \n B: second header \n CC: third header \n \n body '
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
headers = msg . keys ( )
headers . sort ( )
eq ( headers , [ ' A ' , ' B ' , ' CC ' ] )
eq ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' body ' )
def test_CRLFLF_at_end_of_part ( self ) :
# issue 5610: feedparser should not eat two chars from body part ending
# with "\r\n\n".
m = (
" From: foo@bar.com \n "
" To: baz \n "
" Mime-Version: 1.0 \n "
" Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=BOUNDARY \n "
" \n "
" --BOUNDARY \n "
" Content-Type: text/plain \n "
" \n "
" body ending with CRLF newline \r \n "
" \n "
" --BOUNDARY-- \n "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertTrue ( msg . get_payload ( 0 ) . get_payload ( ) . endswith ( ' \r \n ' ) )
class Test8BitBytesHandling ( TestEmailBase ) :
# In Python3 all input is string, but that doesn't work if the actual input
# uses an 8bit transfer encoding. To hack around that, in email 5.1 we
# decode byte streams using the surrogateescape error handler, and
# reconvert to binary at appropriate places if we detect surrogates. This
# doesn't allow us to transform headers with 8bit bytes (they get munged),
# but it does allow us to parse and preserve them, and to decode body
# parts that use an 8bit CTE.
bodytest_msg = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : foo @bar.com
To : baz
Mime - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = { charset }
Content - Transfer - Encoding : { cte }
{ bodyline }
""" )
def test_known_8bit_CTE ( self ) :
m = self . bodytest_msg . format ( charset = ' utf-8 ' ,
cte = ' 8bit ' ,
bodyline = ' pöstal ' ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , " pöstal \n " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
" pöstal \n " . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
def test_unknown_8bit_CTE ( self ) :
m = self . bodytest_msg . format ( charset = ' notavalidcharset ' ,
cte = ' 8bit ' ,
bodyline = ' pöstal ' ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , " p \uFFFD \uFFFD stal \n " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
" pöstal \n " . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
def test_8bit_in_quopri_body ( self ) :
# This is non-RFC compliant data...without 'decode' the library code
# decodes the body using the charset from the headers, and because the
# source byte really is utf-8 this works. This is likely to fail
# against real dirty data (ie: produce mojibake), but the data is
# invalid anyway so it is as good a guess as any. But this means that
# this test just confirms the current behavior; that behavior is not
# necessarily the best possible behavior. With 'decode' it is
# returning the raw bytes, so that test should be of correct behavior,
# or at least produce the same result that email4 did.
m = self . bodytest_msg . format ( charset = ' utf-8 ' ,
cte = ' quoted-printable ' ,
bodyline = ' p=C3=B6stál ' ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' p=C3=B6stál \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
' pöstál \n ' . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
def test_invalid_8bit_in_non_8bit_cte_uses_replace ( self ) :
# This is similar to the previous test, but proves that if the 8bit
# byte is undecodeable in the specified charset, it gets replaced
# by the unicode 'unknown' character. Again, this may or may not
# be the ideal behavior. Note that if decode=False none of the
# decoders will get involved, so this is the only test we need
# for this behavior.
m = self . bodytest_msg . format ( charset = ' ascii ' ,
cte = ' quoted-printable ' ,
bodyline = ' p=C3=B6stál ' ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' p=C3=B6st \uFFFD \uFFFD l \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
' pöstál \n ' . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
# test_defect_handling:test_invalid_chars_in_base64_payload
def test_8bit_in_base64_body ( self ) :
# If we get 8bit bytes in a base64 body, we can just ignore them
# as being outside the base64 alphabet and decode anyway. But
# we register a defect.
m = self . bodytest_msg . format ( charset = ' utf-8 ' ,
cte = ' base64 ' ,
bodyline = ' cMO2c3RhbAá= ' ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
' pöstal ' . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
self . assertIsInstance ( msg . defects [ 0 ] ,
errors . InvalidBase64CharactersDefect )
def test_8bit_in_uuencode_body ( self ) :
# Sticking an 8bit byte in a uuencode block makes it undecodable by
# normal means, so the block is returned undecoded, but as bytes.
m = self . bodytest_msg . format ( charset = ' utf-8 ' ,
cte = ' uuencode ' ,
bodyline = ' <,.V<W1A; á ' ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) ,
' <,.V<W1A; á \n ' . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
headertest_headers = (
( ' From: foo@bar.com ' , ( ' From ' , ' foo@bar.com ' ) ) ,
( ' To: báz ' , ( ' To ' , ' =?unknown-8bit?q?b=C3=A1z?= ' ) ) ,
( ' Subject: Maintenant je vous présente mon collègue, le pouf célèbre \n '
' \t Jean de Baddie ' ,
( ' Subject ' , ' =?unknown-8bit?q?Maintenant_je_vous_pr=C3=A9sente_mon_ '
' coll=C3=A8gue=2C_le_pouf_c=C3=A9l=C3=A8bre?= \n '
' =?unknown-8bit?q?_Jean_de_Baddie?= ' ) ) ,
( ' From: göst ' , ( ' From ' , ' =?unknown-8bit?b?Z8O2c3Q=?= ' ) ) ,
headertest_msg = ( ' \n ' . join ( [ src for ( src , _ ) in headertest_headers ] ) +
' \n Yes, they are flying. \n ' ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
def test_get_8bit_header ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . headertest_msg )
self . assertEqual ( str ( msg . get ( ' to ' ) ) , ' b \uFFFD \uFFFD z ' )
self . assertEqual ( str ( msg [ ' to ' ] ) , ' b \uFFFD \uFFFD z ' )
def test_print_8bit_headers ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . headertest_msg )
self . assertEqual ( str ( msg ) ,
textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : { }
To : { }
Subject : { }
From : { }
Yes , they are flying .
""" ).format(*[expected[1] for (_, expected) in
self . headertest_headers ] ) )
def test_values_with_8bit_headers ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . headertest_msg )
self . assertListEqual ( [ str ( x ) for x in msg . values ( ) ] ,
[ ' foo@bar.com ' ,
' b \uFFFD \uFFFD z ' ,
' Maintenant je vous pr \uFFFD \uFFFD sente mon '
' coll \uFFFD \uFFFD gue, le pouf '
' c \uFFFD \uFFFD l \uFFFD \uFFFD bre \n '
' \t Jean de Baddie ' ,
" g \uFFFD \uFFFD st " ] )
def test_items_with_8bit_headers ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . headertest_msg )
self . assertListEqual ( [ ( str ( x ) , str ( y ) ) for ( x , y ) in msg . items ( ) ] ,
[ ( ' From ' , ' foo@bar.com ' ) ,
( ' To ' , ' b \uFFFD \uFFFD z ' ) ,
( ' Subject ' , ' Maintenant je vous '
' pr \uFFFD \uFFFD sente '
' mon coll \uFFFD \uFFFD gue, le pouf '
' c \uFFFD \uFFFD l \uFFFD \uFFFD bre \n '
' \t Jean de Baddie ' ) ,
( ' From ' , ' g \uFFFD \uFFFD st ' ) ] )
def test_get_all_with_8bit_headers ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . headertest_msg )
self . assertListEqual ( [ str ( x ) for x in msg . get_all ( ' from ' ) ] ,
[ ' foo@bar.com ' ,
' g \uFFFD \uFFFD st ' ] )
def test_get_content_type_with_8bit ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Type : text / pl \xA7in ; charset = utf - 8
""" ).encode( ' latin-1 ' ))
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_type ( ) , " text/pl \uFFFD in " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , " text " )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_subtype ( ) , " pl \uFFFD in " )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.non_ascii_in_params
def test_get_params_with_8bit ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes (
' X-Header: foo= \xa7 ne; b \xa7 r=two; baz=three \n ' . encode ( ' latin-1 ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_params ( header = ' x-header ' ) ,
[ ( ' foo ' , ' \uFFFD ne ' ) , ( ' b \uFFFD r ' , ' two ' ) , ( ' baz ' , ' three ' ) ] )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' Foo ' , header = ' x-header ' ) , ' \uFFFd ne ' )
# XXX: someday you might be able to get 'b\xa7r', for now you can't.
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' b \xa7 r ' , header = ' x-header ' ) , None )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.non_ascii_in_rfc2231_value
def test_get_rfc2231_params_with_8bit ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = us - ascii ;
title * = us - ascii ' en ' This % 20 is % 20 not % 20 f \xa7n """
) . encode ( ' latin-1 ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' title ' ) ,
( ' us-ascii ' , ' en ' , ' This is not f \uFFFD n ' ) )
def test_set_rfc2231_params_with_8bit ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = us - ascii ;
title * = us - ascii ' en ' This % 20 is % 20 not % 20 f \xa7n """
) . encode ( ' latin-1 ' ) )
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , ' test ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' title ' ) , ' test ' )
def test_del_rfc2231_params_with_8bit ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = us - ascii ;
title * = us - ascii ' en ' This % 20 is % 20 not % 20 f \xa7n """
) . encode ( ' latin-1 ' ) )
msg . del_param ( ' title ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_param ( ' title ' ) , None )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_maintype ( ) , ' text ' )
def test_get_payload_with_8bit_cte_header ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Content - Transfer - Encoding : b \xa7se64
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = latin - 1
""" ).encode( ' latin-1 ' ))
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( ) , ' payload \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_payload ( decode = True ) , b ' payload \n ' )
non_latin_bin_msg = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : foo @bar.com
To : báz
Subject : Maintenant je vous présente mon collègue , le pouf célèbre
\tJean de Baddie
Mime - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " utf-8 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
Да , они летят .
""" ).encode( ' utf-8 ' )
def test_bytes_generator ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . non_latin_bin_msg )
out = BytesIO ( )
email . generator . BytesGenerator ( out ) . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( out . getvalue ( ) , self . non_latin_bin_msg )
def test_bytes_generator_handles_None_body ( self ) :
#Issue 11019
msg = email . message . Message ( )
out = BytesIO ( )
email . generator . BytesGenerator ( out ) . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( out . getvalue ( ) , b " \n " )
non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit_wrapped = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : foo @bar.com
To : = ? unknown - 8 bit ? q ? b = C3 = A1z ? =
Subject : = ? unknown - 8 bit ? q ? Maintenant_je_vous_pr = C3 = A9sente_mon_coll = C3 = A8gue ? =
= ? unknown - 8 bit ? q ? = 2 C_le_pouf_c = C3 = A9l = C3 = A8bre ? =
= ? unknown - 8 bit ? q ? _Jean_de_Baddie ? =
Mime - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " utf-8 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : base64
0 JTQsCwg0L7QvdC4INC70LXRgtGP0YIuCg ==
""" )
def test_generator_handles_8bit ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . non_latin_bin_msg )
out = StringIO ( )
email . generator . Generator ( out ) . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( out . getvalue ( ) , self . non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit_wrapped )
def test_str_generator_should_not_mutate_msg_when_handling_8bit ( self ) :
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . non_latin_bin_msg )
out = BytesIO ( )
BytesGenerator ( out ) . flatten ( msg )
orig_value = out . getvalue ( )
Generator ( StringIO ( ) ) . flatten ( msg ) # Should not mutate msg!
out = BytesIO ( )
BytesGenerator ( out ) . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( out . getvalue ( ) , orig_value )
def test_bytes_generator_with_unix_from ( self ) :
# The unixfrom contains a current date, so we can't check it
# literally. Just make sure the first word is 'From' and the
# rest of the message matches the input.
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( self . non_latin_bin_msg )
out = BytesIO ( )
email . generator . BytesGenerator ( out ) . flatten ( msg , unixfrom = True )
lines = out . getvalue ( ) . split ( b ' \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( lines [ 0 ] . split ( ) [ 0 ] , b ' From ' )
self . assertEqual ( b ' \n ' . join ( lines [ 1 : ] ) , self . non_latin_bin_msg )
non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit = non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit_wrapped . split ( ' \n ' )
non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit [ 2 : 4 ] = [
' Subject: =?unknown-8bit?q?Maintenant_je_vous_pr=C3=A9sente_mon_ '
' coll=C3=A8gue=2C_le_pouf_c=C3=A9l=C3=A8bre?= ' ]
non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit = ' \n ' . join ( non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit )
def test_message_from_binary_file ( self ) :
fn = ' test.msg '
self . addCleanup ( unlink , fn )
with open ( fn , ' wb ' ) as testfile :
testfile . write ( self . non_latin_bin_msg )
with open ( fn , ' rb ' ) as testfile :
m = email . parser . BytesParser ( ) . parse ( testfile )
self . assertEqual ( str ( m ) , self . non_latin_bin_msg_as7bit )
latin_bin_msg = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : foo @bar.com
To : Dinsdale
Subject : Nudge nudge , wink , wink
Mime - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " latin-1 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
oh là là , know what I mean , know what I mean ?
""" ).encode( ' latin-1 ' )
latin_bin_msg_as7bit = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
From : foo @bar.com
To : Dinsdale
Subject : Nudge nudge , wink , wink
Mime - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " iso-8859-1 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : quoted - printable
oh l = E0 l = E0 , know what I mean , know what I mean ?
""" )
def test_string_generator_reencodes_to_quopri_when_appropriate ( self ) :
m = email . message_from_bytes ( self . latin_bin_msg )
self . assertEqual ( str ( m ) , self . latin_bin_msg_as7bit )
def test_decoded_generator_emits_unicode_body ( self ) :
m = email . message_from_bytes ( self . latin_bin_msg )
out = StringIO ( )
email . generator . DecodedGenerator ( out ) . flatten ( m )
#DecodedHeader output contains an extra blank line compared
#to the input message. RDM: not sure if this is a bug or not,
#but it is not specific to the 8bit->7bit conversion.
self . assertEqual ( out . getvalue ( ) ,
self . latin_bin_msg . decode ( ' latin-1 ' ) + ' \n ' )
def test_bytes_feedparser ( self ) :
bfp = email . feedparser . BytesFeedParser ( )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( self . latin_bin_msg ) , 10 ) :
bfp . feed ( self . latin_bin_msg [ i : i + 10 ] )
m = bfp . close ( )
self . assertEqual ( str ( m ) , self . latin_bin_msg_as7bit )
def test_crlf_flatten ( self ) :
with openfile ( ' msg_26.txt ' , ' rb ' ) as fp :
text = fp . read ( )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( text )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = email . generator . BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg , linesep = ' \r \n ' )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , text )
def test_8bit_multipart ( self ) :
# Issue 11605
source = textwrap . dedent ( """ \
Date : Fri , 18 Mar 2011 17 : 15 : 43 + 0100
To : foo @example.com
From : foodwatch - Newsletter < bar @example.com >
Subject : Aktuelles zu Japan , Klonfleisch und Smiley - System
Message - ID : < 76 a486bee62b0d200f33dc2ca08220ad @localhost.localdomain >
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : multipart / alternative ;
boundary = " b1_76a486bee62b0d200f33dc2ca08220ad "
- - b1_76a486bee62b0d200f33dc2ca08220ad
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " utf-8 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
Guten Tag , ,
mit großer Betroffenheit verfolgen auch wir im foodwatch - Team die
Nachrichten aus Japan .
- - b1_76a486bee62b0d200f33dc2ca08220ad
Content - Type : text / html ; charset = " utf-8 "
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
< ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN "
" http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd " >
< html lang = " de " >
< head >
< title > foodwatch - Newsletter < / title >
< / head >
< body >
< p > mit gro & szlig ; er Betroffenheit verfolgen auch wir im foodwatch - Team
die Nachrichten aus Japan . < / p >
< / body >
< / html >
- - b1_76a486bee62b0d200f33dc2ca08220ad - -
""" ).encode( ' utf-8 ' )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( source )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = email . generator . BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( msg )
self . assertEqual ( s . getvalue ( ) , source )
def test_bytes_generator_b_encoding_linesep ( self ) :
# Issue 14062: b encoding was tacking on an extra \n.
m = Message ( )
# This has enough non-ascii that it should always end up b encoded.
m [ ' Subject ' ] = Header ( ' žluťoučký kůň ' )
s = BytesIO ( )
g = email . generator . BytesGenerator ( s )
g . flatten ( m , linesep = ' \r \n ' )
self . assertEqual (
s . getvalue ( ) ,
b ' Subject: =?utf-8?b?xb5sdcWlb3XEjWvDvSBrxa/FiA==?= \r \n \r \n ' )
def test_generator_b_encoding_linesep ( self ) :
# Since this broke in ByteGenerator, test Generator for completeness.
m = Message ( )
# This has enough non-ascii that it should always end up b encoded.
m [ ' Subject ' ] = Header ( ' žluťoučký kůň ' )
s = StringIO ( )
g = email . generator . Generator ( s )
g . flatten ( m , linesep = ' \r \n ' )
self . assertEqual (
s . getvalue ( ) ,
' Subject: =?utf-8?b?xb5sdcWlb3XEjWvDvSBrxa/FiA==?= \r \n \r \n ' )
maxDiff = None
class BaseTestBytesGeneratorIdempotent :
maxDiff = None
def _msgobj ( self , filename ) :
with openfile ( filename , ' rb ' ) as fp :
data = fp . read ( )
data = self . normalize_linesep_regex . sub ( self . blinesep , data )
msg = email . message_from_bytes ( data )
return msg , data
def _idempotent ( self , msg , data , unixfrom = False ) :
b = BytesIO ( )
g = email . generator . BytesGenerator ( b , maxheaderlen = 0 )
g . flatten ( msg , unixfrom = unixfrom , linesep = self . linesep )
self . assertEqual ( data , b . getvalue ( ) )
class TestBytesGeneratorIdempotentNL ( BaseTestBytesGeneratorIdempotent ,
TestIdempotent ) :
linesep = ' \n '
blinesep = b ' \n '
normalize_linesep_regex = re . compile ( br ' \ r \ n ' )
class TestBytesGeneratorIdempotentCRLF ( BaseTestBytesGeneratorIdempotent ,
TestIdempotent ) :
linesep = ' \r \n '
blinesep = b ' \r \n '
normalize_linesep_regex = re . compile ( br ' (?<! \ r) \ n ' )
class TestBase64 ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def test_len ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( base64mime . header_length ( ' hello ' ) ,
len ( base64mime . body_encode ( b ' hello ' , eol = ' ' ) ) )
for size in range ( 15 ) :
if size == 0 : bsize = 0
elif size < = 3 : bsize = 4
elif size < = 6 : bsize = 8
elif size < = 9 : bsize = 12
elif size < = 12 : bsize = 16
else : bsize = 20
eq ( base64mime . header_length ( ' x ' * size ) , bsize )
def test_decode ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( base64mime . decode ( ' ' ) , b ' ' )
eq ( base64mime . decode ( ' aGVsbG8= ' ) , b ' hello ' )
def test_encode ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
eq ( base64mime . body_encode ( b ' ' ) , ' ' )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
eq ( base64mime . body_encode ( b ' hello ' ) , ' aGVsbG8= \n ' )
# Test the binary flag
eq ( base64mime . body_encode ( b ' hello \n ' ) , ' aGVsbG8K \n ' )
# Test the maxlinelen arg
eq ( base64mime . body_encode ( b ' xxxx ' * 20 , maxlinelen = 40 ) , """ \
eHh4eCB4eHh4IA ==
""" )
# Test the eol argument
eq ( base64mime . body_encode ( b ' xxxx ' * 20 , maxlinelen = 40 , eol = ' \r \n ' ) ,
""" \
eHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHggeHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHgg \r
eHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHggeHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHgg \r
eHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHggeHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHgg \r
eHh4eCB4eHh4IA == \r
""" )
def test_header_encode ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
he = base64mime . header_encode
eq ( he ( ' hello ' ) , ' =?iso-8859-1?b?aGVsbG8=?= ' )
eq ( he ( ' hello \r \n world ' ) , ' =?iso-8859-1?b?aGVsbG8NCndvcmxk?= ' )
eq ( he ( ' hello \n world ' ) , ' =?iso-8859-1?b?aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=?= ' )
# Test the charset option
eq ( he ( ' hello ' , charset = ' iso-8859-2 ' ) , ' =?iso-8859-2?b?aGVsbG8=?= ' )
eq ( he ( ' hello \n world ' ) , ' =?iso-8859-1?b?aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ=?= ' )
class TestQuopri ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
# Set of characters (as byte integers) that don't need to be encoded
# in headers.
self . hlit = list ( chain (
range ( ord ( ' a ' ) , ord ( ' z ' ) + 1 ) ,
range ( ord ( ' A ' ) , ord ( ' Z ' ) + 1 ) ,
range ( ord ( ' 0 ' ) , ord ( ' 9 ' ) + 1 ) ,
( c for c in b ' !*+-/ ' ) ) )
# Set of characters (as byte integers) that do need to be encoded in
# headers.
self . hnon = [ c for c in range ( 256 ) if c not in self . hlit ]
assert len ( self . hlit ) + len ( self . hnon ) == 256
# Set of characters (as byte integers) that don't need to be encoded
# in bodies.
self . blit = list ( range ( ord ( ' ' ) , ord ( ' ~ ' ) + 1 ) )
self . blit . append ( ord ( ' \t ' ) )
self . blit . remove ( ord ( ' = ' ) )
# Set of characters (as byte integers) that do need to be encoded in
# bodies.
self . bnon = [ c for c in range ( 256 ) if c not in self . blit ]
assert len ( self . blit ) + len ( self . bnon ) == 256
def test_quopri_header_check ( self ) :
for c in self . hlit :
self . assertFalse ( quoprimime . header_check ( c ) ,
' Should not be header quopri encoded: %s ' % chr ( c ) )
for c in self . hnon :
self . assertTrue ( quoprimime . header_check ( c ) ,
' Should be header quopri encoded: %s ' % chr ( c ) )
def test_quopri_body_check ( self ) :
for c in self . blit :
self . assertFalse ( quoprimime . body_check ( c ) ,
' Should not be body quopri encoded: %s ' % chr ( c ) )
for c in self . bnon :
self . assertTrue ( quoprimime . body_check ( c ) ,
' Should be body quopri encoded: %s ' % chr ( c ) )
def test_header_quopri_len ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( quoprimime . header_length ( b ' hello ' ) , 5 )
# RFC 2047 chrome is not included in header_length().
eq ( len ( quoprimime . header_encode ( b ' hello ' , charset = ' xxx ' ) ) ,
quoprimime . header_length ( b ' hello ' ) +
# =?xxx?q?...?= means 10 extra characters
10 )
eq ( quoprimime . header_length ( b ' h@e@l@l@o@ ' ) , 20 )
# RFC 2047 chrome is not included in header_length().
eq ( len ( quoprimime . header_encode ( b ' h@e@l@l@o@ ' , charset = ' xxx ' ) ) ,
quoprimime . header_length ( b ' h@e@l@l@o@ ' ) +
# =?xxx?q?...?= means 10 extra characters
10 )
for c in self . hlit :
eq ( quoprimime . header_length ( bytes ( [ c ] ) ) , 1 ,
' expected length 1 for %r ' % chr ( c ) )
for c in self . hnon :
# Space is special; it's encoded to _
if c == ord ( ' ' ) :
eq ( quoprimime . header_length ( bytes ( [ c ] ) ) , 3 ,
' expected length 3 for %r ' % chr ( c ) )
eq ( quoprimime . header_length ( b ' ' ) , 1 )
def test_body_quopri_len ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
for c in self . blit :
eq ( quoprimime . body_length ( bytes ( [ c ] ) ) , 1 )
for c in self . bnon :
eq ( quoprimime . body_length ( bytes ( [ c ] ) ) , 3 )
def test_quote_unquote_idempotent ( self ) :
for x in range ( 256 ) :
c = chr ( x )
self . assertEqual ( quoprimime . unquote ( quoprimime . quote ( c ) ) , c )
def _test_header_encode ( self , header , expected_encoded_header , charset = None ) :
if charset is None :
encoded_header = quoprimime . header_encode ( header )
else :
encoded_header = quoprimime . header_encode ( header , charset )
self . assertEqual ( encoded_header , expected_encoded_header )
def test_header_encode_null ( self ) :
self . _test_header_encode ( b ' ' , ' ' )
def test_header_encode_one_word ( self ) :
self . _test_header_encode ( b ' hello ' , ' =?iso-8859-1?q?hello?= ' )
def test_header_encode_two_lines ( self ) :
self . _test_header_encode ( b ' hello \n world ' ,
' =?iso-8859-1?q?hello=0Aworld?= ' )
def test_header_encode_non_ascii ( self ) :
self . _test_header_encode ( b ' hello \xc7 there ' ,
' =?iso-8859-1?q?hello=C7there?= ' )
def test_header_encode_alt_charset ( self ) :
self . _test_header_encode ( b ' hello ' , ' =?iso-8859-2?q?hello?= ' ,
charset = ' iso-8859-2 ' )
def _test_header_decode ( self , encoded_header , expected_decoded_header ) :
decoded_header = quoprimime . header_decode ( encoded_header )
self . assertEqual ( decoded_header , expected_decoded_header )
def test_header_decode_null ( self ) :
self . _test_header_decode ( ' ' , ' ' )
def test_header_decode_one_word ( self ) :
self . _test_header_decode ( ' hello ' , ' hello ' )
def test_header_decode_two_lines ( self ) :
self . _test_header_decode ( ' hello=0Aworld ' , ' hello \n world ' )
def test_header_decode_non_ascii ( self ) :
self . _test_header_decode ( ' hello=C7there ' , ' hello \xc7 there ' )
def test_header_decode_re_bug_18380 ( self ) :
# Issue 18380: Call re.sub with a positional argument for flags in the wrong position
self . assertEqual ( quoprimime . header_decode ( ' =30 ' * 257 ) , ' 0 ' * 257 )
def _test_decode ( self , encoded , expected_decoded , eol = None ) :
if eol is None :
decoded = quoprimime . decode ( encoded )
else :
decoded = quoprimime . decode ( encoded , eol = eol )
self . assertEqual ( decoded , expected_decoded )
def test_decode_null_word ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' ' , ' ' )
def test_decode_null_line_null_word ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' \r \n ' , ' \n ' )
def test_decode_one_word ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello ' , ' hello ' )
def test_decode_one_word_eol ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello ' , ' hello ' , eol = ' X ' )
def test_decode_one_line ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n ' , ' hello \n ' )
def test_decode_one_line_lf ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \n ' , ' hello \n ' )
def test_decode_one_line_cr ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r ' , ' hello \n ' )
def test_decode_one_line_nl ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \n ' , ' helloX ' , eol = ' X ' )
def test_decode_one_line_crnl ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n ' , ' helloX ' , eol = ' X ' )
def test_decode_one_line_one_word ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n world ' , ' hello \n world ' )
def test_decode_one_line_one_word_eol ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n world ' , ' helloXworld ' , eol = ' X ' )
def test_decode_two_lines ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n world \r \n ' , ' hello \n world \n ' )
def test_decode_two_lines_eol ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n world \r \n ' , ' helloXworldX ' , eol = ' X ' )
def test_decode_one_long_line ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' Spam ' * 250 , ' Spam ' * 250 )
def test_decode_one_space ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' ' , ' ' )
def test_decode_multiple_spaces ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' ' * 5 , ' ' )
def test_decode_one_line_trailing_spaces ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n ' , ' hello \n ' )
def test_decode_two_lines_trailing_spaces ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' hello \r \n world \r \n ' , ' hello \n world \n ' )
def test_decode_quoted_word ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' =22quoted=20words=22 ' , ' " quoted words " ' )
def test_decode_uppercase_quoting ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' ab=CD=EF ' , ' ab \xcd \xef ' )
def test_decode_lowercase_quoting ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' ab=cd=ef ' , ' ab \xcd \xef ' )
def test_decode_soft_line_break ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' soft line= \r \n break ' , ' soft linebreak ' )
def test_decode_false_quoting ( self ) :
self . _test_decode ( ' A=1,B=A ==> A+B==2 ' , ' A=1,B=A ==> A+B==2 ' )
def _test_encode ( self , body , expected_encoded_body , maxlinelen = None , eol = None ) :
kwargs = { }
if maxlinelen is None :
# Use body_encode's default.
maxlinelen = 76
else :
kwargs [ ' maxlinelen ' ] = maxlinelen
if eol is None :
# Use body_encode's default.
eol = ' \n '
else :
kwargs [ ' eol ' ] = eol
encoded_body = quoprimime . body_encode ( body , * * kwargs )
self . assertEqual ( encoded_body , expected_encoded_body )
if eol == ' \n ' or eol == ' \r \n ' :
# We know how to split the result back into lines, so maxlinelen
# can be checked.
for line in encoded_body . splitlines ( ) :
self . assertLessEqual ( len ( line ) , maxlinelen )
def test_encode_null ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' ' , ' ' )
def test_encode_null_lines ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' \n \n ' , ' \n \n ' )
def test_encode_one_line ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' hello \n ' , ' hello \n ' )
def test_encode_one_line_crlf ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' hello \r \n ' , ' hello \n ' )
def test_encode_one_line_eol ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' hello \n ' , ' hello \r \n ' , eol = ' \r \n ' )
def test_encode_one_line_eol_after_non_ascii ( self ) :
# issue 20206; see changeset 0cf700464177 for why the encode/decode.
self . _test_encode ( ' hello \u03c5 \n ' . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) . decode ( ' latin1 ' ) ,
' hello=CF=85 \r \n ' , eol = ' \r \n ' )
def test_encode_one_space ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' ' , ' =20 ' )
def test_encode_one_line_one_space ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' \n ' , ' =20 \n ' )
# XXX: body_encode() expect strings, but uses ord(char) from these strings
# to index into a 256-entry list. For code points above 255, this will fail.
# Should there be a check for 8-bit only ord() values in body, or at least
# a comment about the expected input?
def test_encode_two_lines_one_space ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' \n \n ' , ' =20 \n =20 \n ' )
def test_encode_one_word_trailing_spaces ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' hello ' , ' hello =20 ' )
def test_encode_one_line_trailing_spaces ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' hello \n ' , ' hello =20 \n ' )
def test_encode_one_word_trailing_tab ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' hello \t ' , ' hello =09 ' )
def test_encode_one_line_trailing_tab ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' hello \t \n ' , ' hello =09 \n ' )
def test_encode_trailing_space_before_maxlinelen ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' abcd \n 1234 ' , ' abcd = \n \n 1234 ' , maxlinelen = 6 )
def test_encode_trailing_space_at_maxlinelen ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' abcd \n 1234 ' , ' abcd= \n =20 \n 1234 ' , maxlinelen = 5 )
def test_encode_trailing_space_beyond_maxlinelen ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' abcd \n 1234 ' , ' abc= \n d=20 \n 1234 ' , maxlinelen = 4 )
def test_encode_whitespace_lines ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' \n ' * 5 , ' =20 \n ' * 5 )
def test_encode_quoted_equals ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' a = b ' , ' a =3D b ' )
def test_encode_one_long_string ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' x ' * 100 , ' x ' * 75 + ' = \n ' + ' x ' * 25 )
def test_encode_one_long_line ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' x ' * 100 + ' \n ' , ' x ' * 75 + ' = \n ' + ' x ' * 25 + ' \n ' )
def test_encode_one_very_long_line ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' x ' * 200 + ' \n ' ,
2 * ( ' x ' * 75 + ' = \n ' ) + ' x ' * 50 + ' \n ' )
def test_encode_shortest_maxlinelen ( self ) :
self . _test_encode ( ' = ' * 5 , ' =3D= \n ' * 4 + ' =3D ' , maxlinelen = 4 )
def test_encode_maxlinelen_too_small ( self ) :
self . assertRaises ( ValueError , self . _test_encode , ' ' , ' ' , maxlinelen = 3 )
def test_encode ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
eq ( quoprimime . body_encode ( ' ' ) , ' ' )
eq ( quoprimime . body_encode ( ' hello ' ) , ' hello ' )
# Test the binary flag
eq ( quoprimime . body_encode ( ' hello \r \n world ' ) , ' hello \n world ' )
# Test the maxlinelen arg
eq ( quoprimime . body_encode ( ' xxxx ' * 20 , maxlinelen = 40 ) , """ \
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx =
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx =
x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx = 20 """ )
# Test the eol argument
eq ( quoprimime . body_encode ( ' xxxx ' * 20 , maxlinelen = 40 , eol = ' \r \n ' ) ,
""" \
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx = \r
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx = \r
x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx = 20 """ )
eq ( quoprimime . body_encode ( """ \
one line
two line """ ), """ \
one line
two line """ )
# Test the Charset class
class TestCharset ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def tearDown ( self ) :
from email import charset as CharsetModule
try :
del CharsetModule . CHARSETS [ ' fake ' ]
except KeyError :
def test_codec_encodeable ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# Make sure us-ascii = no Unicode conversion
c = Charset ( ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( c . header_encode ( ' Hello World! ' ) , ' Hello World! ' )
# Test 8-bit idempotency with us-ascii
s = ' \xa4 \xa2 \xa4 \xa4 \xa4 \xa6 \xa4 \xa8 \xa4 \xaa '
self . assertRaises ( UnicodeError , c . header_encode , s )
c = Charset ( ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( c . header_encode ( s ) , ' =?utf-8?b?wqTCosKkwqTCpMKmwqTCqMKkwqo=?= ' )
def test_body_encode ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
# Try a charset with QP body encoding
c = Charset ( ' iso-8859-1 ' )
eq ( ' hello w=F6rld ' , c . body_encode ( ' hello w \xf6 rld ' ) )
# Try a charset with Base64 body encoding
c = Charset ( ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( ' aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= \n ' , c . body_encode ( b ' hello world ' ) )
# Try a charset with None body encoding
c = Charset ( ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( ' hello world ' , c . body_encode ( ' hello world ' ) )
# Try the convert argument, where input codec != output codec
c = Charset ( ' euc-jp ' )
# With apologies to Tokio Kikuchi ;)
## try:
## eq('\x1b$B5FCO;~IW\x1b(B',
## c.body_encode('\xb5\xc6\xc3\xcf\xbb\xfe\xc9\xd7'))
## eq('\xb5\xc6\xc3\xcf\xbb\xfe\xc9\xd7',
## c.body_encode('\xb5\xc6\xc3\xcf\xbb\xfe\xc9\xd7', False))
## except LookupError:
## # We probably don't have the Japanese codecs installed
## pass
# Testing SF bug #625509, which we have to fake, since there are no
# built-in encodings where the header encoding is QP but the body
# encoding is not.
from email import charset as CharsetModule
CharsetModule . add_charset ( ' fake ' , CharsetModule . QP , None , ' utf-8 ' )
c = Charset ( ' fake ' )
eq ( ' hello world ' , c . body_encode ( ' hello world ' ) )
def test_unicode_charset_name ( self ) :
charset = Charset ( ' us-ascii ' )
self . assertEqual ( str ( charset ) , ' us-ascii ' )
self . assertRaises ( errors . CharsetError , Charset , ' asc \xff ii ' )
# Test multilingual MIME headers.
class TestHeader ( TestEmailBase ) :
def test_simple ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' Hello World! ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ' Hello World! ' )
h . append ( ' Goodbye World! ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ' Hello World! Goodbye World! ' )
def test_simple_surprise ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( ' Hello World! ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ' Hello World! ' )
h . append ( ' Goodbye World! ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ' Hello World! Goodbye World! ' )
def test_header_needs_no_decoding ( self ) :
h = ' no decoding needed '
self . assertEqual ( decode_header ( h ) , [ ( h , None ) ] )
def test_long ( self ) :
h = Header ( " I am the very model of a modern Major-General; I ' ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral; I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical from Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical; I ' m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical; I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical; about binomial theorem I ' m teeming with a lot o ' news, with many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse. " ,
maxlinelen = 76 )
for l in h . encode ( splitchars = ' ' ) . split ( ' \n ' ) :
self . assertLessEqual ( len ( l ) , 76 )
def test_multilingual ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
g = Charset ( " iso-8859-1 " )
cz = Charset ( " iso-8859-2 " )
utf8 = Charset ( " utf-8 " )
g_head = ( b ' Die Mieter treten hier ein werden mit einem '
b ' Foerderband komfortabel den Korridor entlang, '
b ' an s \xfc dl \xfc ndischen Wandgem \xe4 lden vorbei, '
b ' gegen die rotierenden Klingen bef \xf6 rdert. ' )
cz_head = ( b ' Finan \xe8 ni metropole se hroutily pod tlakem jejich '
b ' d \xf9 vtipu.. ' )
utf8_head = ( ' \u6b63 \u78ba \u306b \u8a00 \u3046 \u3068 \u7ffb \u8a33 \u306f '
' \u3055 \u308c \u3066 \u3044 \u307e \u305b \u3093 \u3002 \u4e00 '
' \u90e8 \u306f \u30c9 \u30a4 \u30c4 \u8a9e \u3067 \u3059 \u304c '
' \u3001 \u3042 \u3068 \u306f \u3067 \u305f \u3089 \u3081 \u3067 '
' \u3059 \u3002 \u5b9f \u969b \u306b \u306f \u300c Wenn ist das '
' Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder '
' die Flipperwaldt gersput. \u300d \u3068 \u8a00 \u3063 \u3066 '
' \u3044 \u307e \u3059 \u3002 ' )
h = Header ( g_head , g )
h . append ( cz_head , cz )
h . append ( utf8_head , utf8 )
enc = h . encode ( maxlinelen = 76 )
eq ( enc , """ \
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? Die_Mieter_treten_hier_ein_werden_mit_einem_Foerderband_kom ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? fortabel_den_Korridor_entlang = 2 C_an_s = FCdl = FCndischen_Wand ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? gem = E4lden_vorbei = 2 C_gegen_die_rotierenden_Klingen_bef = F6r ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? dert = 2 E_ ? = = ? iso - 8859 - 2 ? q ? Finan = E8ni_metropole_se_hroutily ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 2 ? q ? _pod_tlakem_jejich_d = F9vtipu = 2 E = 2 E_ ? = = ? utf - 8 ? b ? 5 q2j56K6 ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 Gr6KiA44GG44Go57 + 76 Kiz44Gv44GV44KM44Gm44GE44G + 44 Gb44KT44CC ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 5 LiA6YOo44Gv44OJ44Kk44OE6Kqe44Gn44GZ44GM44CB44GC44Go44Gv44Gn ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 Gf44KJ44KB44Gn44GZ44CC5a6f6Zqb44Gr44Gv44CMV2VubiBpc3QgZGFz ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? IE51bnN0dWNrIGdpdCB1bmQgU2xvdGVybWV5ZXI / IEphISBCZWloZXJodW5k ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? IGRhcyBPZGVyIGRpZSBGbGlwcGVyd2FsZHQgZ2Vyc3B1dC7jgI3jgajoqIA = ? =
= ? utf - 8 ? b ? 44 Gj44Gm44GE44G + 44 GZ44CC ? = """ )
decoded = decode_header ( enc )
eq ( len ( decoded ) , 3 )
eq ( decoded [ 0 ] , ( g_head , ' iso-8859-1 ' ) )
eq ( decoded [ 1 ] , ( cz_head , ' iso-8859-2 ' ) )
eq ( decoded [ 2 ] , ( utf8_head . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) , ' utf-8 ' ) )
ustr = str ( h )
eq ( ustr ,
( b ' Die Mieter treten hier ein werden mit einem Foerderband '
b ' komfortabel den Korridor entlang, an s \xc3 \xbc dl \xc3 \xbc ndischen '
b ' Wandgem \xc3 \xa4 lden vorbei, gegen die rotierenden Klingen '
b ' bef \xc3 \xb6 rdert. Finan \xc4 \x8d ni metropole se hroutily pod '
b ' tlakem jejich d \xc5 \xaf vtipu.. \xe6 \xad \xa3 \xe7 \xa2 \xba \xe3 \x81 '
b ' \xab \xe8 \xa8 \x80 \xe3 \x81 \x86 \xe3 \x81 \xa8 \xe7 \xbf \xbb \xe8 \xa8 \xb3 '
b ' \xe3 \x81 \xaf \xe3 \x81 \x95 \xe3 \x82 \x8c \xe3 \x81 \xa6 \xe3 \x81 \x84 \xe3 '
b ' \x81 \xbe \xe3 \x81 \x9b \xe3 \x82 \x93 \xe3 \x80 \x82 \xe4 \xb8 \x80 \xe9 \x83 '
b ' \xa8 \xe3 \x81 \xaf \xe3 \x83 \x89 \xe3 \x82 \xa4 \xe3 \x83 \x84 \xe8 \xaa \x9e '
b ' \xe3 \x81 \xa7 \xe3 \x81 \x99 \xe3 \x81 \x8c \xe3 \x80 \x81 \xe3 \x81 \x82 \xe3 '
b ' \x81 \xa8 \xe3 \x81 \xaf \xe3 \x81 \xa7 \xe3 \x81 \x9f \xe3 \x82 \x89 \xe3 \x82 '
b ' \x81 \xe3 \x81 \xa7 \xe3 \x81 \x99 \xe3 \x80 \x82 \xe5 \xae \x9f \xe9 \x9a \x9b '
b ' \xe3 \x81 \xab \xe3 \x81 \xaf \xe3 \x80 \x8c Wenn ist das Nunstuck git '
b ' und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt '
b ' gersput. \xe3 \x80 \x8d \xe3 \x81 \xa8 \xe8 \xa8 \x80 \xe3 \x81 \xa3 \xe3 \x81 '
b ' \xa6 \xe3 \x81 \x84 \xe3 \x81 \xbe \xe3 \x81 \x99 \xe3 \x80 \x82 '
) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
# Test make_header()
newh = make_header ( decode_header ( enc ) )
eq ( newh , h )
def test_empty_header_encode ( self ) :
h = Header ( )
self . assertEqual ( h . encode ( ) , ' ' )
def test_header_ctor_default_args ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( )
eq ( h , ' ' )
h . append ( ' foo ' , Charset ( ' iso-8859-1 ' ) )
eq ( h , ' foo ' )
def test_explicit_maxlinelen ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
hstr = ( ' A very long line that must get split to something other '
' than at the 76th character boundary to test the non-default '
' behavior ' )
h = Header ( hstr )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ''' \
A very long line that must get split to something other than at the 76 th
character boundary to test the non - default behavior ''' )
eq ( str ( h ) , hstr )
h = Header ( hstr , header_name = ' Subject ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ''' \
A very long line that must get split to something other than at the
76 th character boundary to test the non - default behavior ''' )
eq ( str ( h ) , hstr )
h = Header ( hstr , maxlinelen = 1024 , header_name = ' Subject ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , hstr )
eq ( str ( h ) , hstr )
def test_quopri_splittable ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( charset = ' iso-8859-1 ' , maxlinelen = 20 )
x = ' xxxx ' * 20
h . append ( x )
s = h . encode ( )
eq ( s , """ \
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xxx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _x ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _ ? = """ )
eq ( x , str ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) ) )
h = Header ( charset = ' iso-8859-1 ' , maxlinelen = 40 )
h . append ( ' xxxx ' * 20 )
s = h . encode ( )
eq ( s , """ \
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? x_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_ ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx ? =
= ? iso - 8859 - 1 ? q ? _xxxx_xxxx_ ? = """ )
eq ( x , str ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) ) )
def test_base64_splittable ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
h = Header ( charset = ' koi8-r ' , maxlinelen = 20 )
x = ' xxxx ' * 20
h . append ( x )
s = h . encode ( )
eq ( s , """ \
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHgg ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHgg ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHgg ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHgg ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHgg ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHgg ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IA == ? = """ )
eq ( x , str ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) ) )
h = Header ( charset = ' koi8-r ' , maxlinelen = 40 )
h . append ( x )
s = h . encode ( )
eq ( s , """ \
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHggeHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eCB4eHh4IHh4eHggeHh4eCB4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4IHh4eHggeHh4eCB4eHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? IHh4eHggeHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4 ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHggeHh4eCB4eHh4IHh4eHgg ? =
= ? koi8 - r ? b ? eHh4eCB4eHh4IA == ? = """ )
eq ( x , str ( make_header ( decode_header ( s ) ) ) )
def test_us_ascii_header ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
s = ' hello '
x = decode_header ( s )
eq ( x , [ ( ' hello ' , None ) ] )
h = make_header ( x )
eq ( s , h . encode ( ) )
def test_string_charset ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
h = Header ( )
h . append ( ' hello ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' )
eq ( h , ' hello ' )
## def test_unicode_error(self):
## raises = self.assertRaises
## raises(UnicodeError, Header, u'[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
## raises(UnicodeError, Header, '[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
## h = Header()
## raises(UnicodeError, h.append, u'[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
## raises(UnicodeError, h.append, '[P\xf6stal]', 'us-ascii')
## raises(UnicodeError, Header, u'\u83ca\u5730\u6642\u592b', 'iso-8859-1')
def test_utf8_shortest ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
h = Header ( ' p \xf6 stal ' , ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ' =?utf-8?q?p=C3=B6stal?= ' )
h = Header ( ' \u83ca \u5730 \u6642 \u592b ' , ' utf-8 ' )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , ' =?utf-8?b?6I+K5Zyw5pmC5aSr?= ' )
def test_bad_8bit_header ( self ) :
raises = self . assertRaises
eq = self . assertEqual
x = b ' Ynwp4dUEbay Auction Semiar- No Charge \x96 Earn Big '
raises ( UnicodeError , Header , x )
h = Header ( )
raises ( UnicodeError , h . append , x )
e = x . decode ( ' utf-8 ' , ' replace ' )
eq ( str ( Header ( x , errors = ' replace ' ) ) , e )
h . append ( x , errors = ' replace ' )
eq ( str ( h ) , e )
def test_escaped_8bit_header ( self ) :
x = b ' Ynwp4dUEbay Auction Semiar- No Charge \x96 Earn Big '
e = x . decode ( ' ascii ' , ' surrogateescape ' )
h = Header ( e , charset = email . charset . UNKNOWN8BIT )
self . assertEqual ( str ( h ) ,
' Ynwp4dUEbay Auction Semiar- No Charge \uFFFD Earn Big ' )
self . assertEqual ( email . header . decode_header ( h ) , [ ( x , ' unknown-8bit ' ) ] )
def test_header_handles_binary_unknown8bit ( self ) :
x = b ' Ynwp4dUEbay Auction Semiar- No Charge \x96 Earn Big '
h = Header ( x , charset = email . charset . UNKNOWN8BIT )
self . assertEqual ( str ( h ) ,
' Ynwp4dUEbay Auction Semiar- No Charge \uFFFD Earn Big ' )
self . assertEqual ( email . header . decode_header ( h ) , [ ( x , ' unknown-8bit ' ) ] )
def test_make_header_handles_binary_unknown8bit ( self ) :
x = b ' Ynwp4dUEbay Auction Semiar- No Charge \x96 Earn Big '
h = Header ( x , charset = email . charset . UNKNOWN8BIT )
h2 = email . header . make_header ( email . header . decode_header ( h ) )
self . assertEqual ( str ( h2 ) ,
' Ynwp4dUEbay Auction Semiar- No Charge \uFFFD Earn Big ' )
self . assertEqual ( email . header . decode_header ( h2 ) , [ ( x , ' unknown-8bit ' ) ] )
def test_modify_returned_list_does_not_change_header ( self ) :
h = Header ( ' test ' )
chunks = email . header . decode_header ( h )
chunks . append ( ( ' ascii ' , ' test2 ' ) )
self . assertEqual ( str ( h ) , ' test ' )
def test_encoded_adjacent_nonencoded ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
h = Header ( )
h . append ( ' hello ' , ' iso-8859-1 ' )
h . append ( ' world ' )
s = h . encode ( )
eq ( s , ' =?iso-8859-1?q?hello?= world ' )
h = make_header ( decode_header ( s ) )
eq ( h . encode ( ) , s )
def test_whitespace_keeper ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
s = ' Subject: =?koi8-r?b?8NLP18XSy8EgzsEgxsnOwczYztk=?= =?koi8-r?q?=CA?= zz. '
parts = decode_header ( s )
eq ( parts , [ ( b ' Subject: ' , None ) , ( b ' \xf0 \xd2 \xcf \xd7 \xc5 \xd2 \xcb \xc1 \xce \xc1 \xc6 \xc9 \xce \xc1 \xcc \xd8 \xce \xd9 \xca ' , ' koi8-r ' ) , ( b ' zz. ' , None ) ] )
hdr = make_header ( parts )
eq ( hdr . encode ( ) ,
' Subject: =?koi8-r?b?8NLP18XSy8EgzsEgxsnOwczYztnK?= zz. ' )
def test_broken_base64_header ( self ) :
raises = self . assertRaises
s = ' Subject: =?EUC-KR?B?CSixpLDtKSC/7Liuvsax4iC6uLmwMcijIKHaILzSwd/H0SC8+LCjwLsgv7W/+Mj3I ?= '
raises ( errors . HeaderParseError , decode_header , s )
def test_shift_jis_charset ( self ) :
h = Header ( ' 文 ' , charset = ' shift_jis ' )
self . assertEqual ( h . encode ( ) , ' =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCSjgbKEI=?= ' )
def test_flatten_header_with_no_value ( self ) :
# Issue 11401 (regression from email 4.x) Note that the space after
# the header doesn't reflect the input, but this is also the way
# email 4.x behaved. At some point it would be nice to fix that.
msg = email . message_from_string ( " EmptyHeader: " )
self . assertEqual ( str ( msg ) , " EmptyHeader: \n \n " )
def test_encode_preserves_leading_ws_on_value ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg [ ' SomeHeader ' ] = ' value with leading ws '
self . assertEqual ( str ( msg ) , " SomeHeader: value with leading ws \n \n " )
def test_whitespace_header ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( Header ( ' ' ) . encode ( ) , ' ' )
# Test RFC 2231 header parameters (en/de)coding
class TestRFC2231 ( TestEmailBase ) :
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_with_double_quotes
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_inside_double_quotes
def test_get_param ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_29.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' title ' ) ,
( ' us-ascii ' , ' en ' , ' This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! ' ) )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' title ' , unquote = False ) ,
( ' us-ascii ' , ' en ' , ' " This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! " ' ) )
def test_set_param ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , ' This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! ' ,
charset = ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' title ' ) ,
( ' us-ascii ' , ' ' , ' This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! ' ) )
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , ' This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! ' ,
charset = ' us-ascii ' , language = ' en ' )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' title ' ) ,
( ' us-ascii ' , ' en ' , ' This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! ' ) )
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , ' This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! ' ,
charset = ' us-ascii ' , language = ' en ' )
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
Return - Path : < bbb @zzz.org >
Delivered - To : bbb @zzz.org
Received : by mail . zzz . org ( Postfix , from userid 889 )
\tid 27 CEAD38CC ; Fri , 4 May 2001 14 : 05 : 44 - 0400 ( EDT )
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
Message - ID : < 15090.61304 .110929 .45684 @aaa.zzz.org >
From : bbb @ddd.com ( John X . Doe )
To : bbb @zzz.org
Subject : This is a test message
Date : Fri , 4 May 2001 14 : 05 : 44 - 0400
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = us - ascii ;
title * = us - ascii ' en ' This % 20 is % 20 even % 20 more % 20 % 2 A % 2 A % 2 Afun % 2 A % 2 A % 2 A % 20 isn % 27 t % 20 it % 21
Hi ,
Do you like this message ?
- Me
""" )
def test_set_param_requote ( self ) :
msg = Message ( )
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , ' foo ' )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; title= " foo " ' )
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , ' bar ' , requote = False )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; title=bar ' )
# tspecial is still quoted.
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , " (bar)bell " , requote = False )
self . assertEqual ( msg [ ' content-type ' ] , ' text/plain; title= " (bar)bell " ' )
def test_del_param ( self ) :
eq = self . ndiffAssertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_01.txt ' )
msg . set_param ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , charset = ' us-ascii ' , language = ' en ' )
msg . set_param ( ' title ' , ' This is even more ***fun*** isn \' t it! ' ,
charset = ' us-ascii ' , language = ' en ' )
msg . del_param ( ' foo ' , header = ' Content-Type ' )
eq ( msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 78 ) , """ \
Return - Path : < bbb @zzz.org >
Delivered - To : bbb @zzz.org
Received : by mail . zzz . org ( Postfix , from userid 889 )
\tid 27 CEAD38CC ; Fri , 4 May 2001 14 : 05 : 44 - 0400 ( EDT )
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 7 bit
Message - ID : < 15090.61304 .110929 .45684 @aaa.zzz.org >
From : bbb @ddd.com ( John X . Doe )
To : bbb @zzz.org
Subject : This is a test message
Date : Fri , 4 May 2001 14 : 05 : 44 - 0400
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " us-ascii " ;
title * = us - ascii ' en ' This % 20 is % 20 even % 20 more % 20 % 2 A % 2 A % 2 Afun % 2 A % 2 A % 2 A % 20 isn % 27 t % 20 it % 21
Hi ,
Do you like this message ?
- Me
""" )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_charset
# I changed the charset name, though, because the one in the file isn't
# a legal charset name. Should add a test for an illegal charset.
def test_rfc2231_get_content_charset ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
msg = self . _msgobj ( ' msg_32.txt ' )
eq ( msg . get_content_charset ( ) , ' us-ascii ' )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_no_double_quotes
def test_rfc2231_parse_rfc_quoting ( self ) :
m = textwrap . dedent ( ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = ' ' This % 20 is % 20 even % 20 more % 20 ;
\tfilename * 1 * = % 2 A % 2 A % 2 Afun % 2 A % 2 A % 2 A % 20 ;
\tfilename * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
''' )
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
self . assertEqual ( m , msg . as_string ( ) )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_with_double_quotes
def test_rfc2231_parse_extra_quoting ( self ) :
m = textwrap . dedent ( ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = " ' ' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
''' )
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
self . assertEqual ( m , msg . as_string ( ) )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_no_language_or_charset
# but new test uses *0* because otherwise lang/charset is not valid.
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_segmented_normal_values
def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
Content - Disposition : inline ; filename = " file____C__DOCUMENTS_20AND_20SETTINGS_FABIEN_LOCAL_20SETTINGS_TEMP_nsmail.htm "
Content - Type : text / html ; NAME * 0 = file____C__DOCUMENTS_20AND_20SETTINGS_FABIEN_LOCAL_20SETTINGS_TEM ; NAME * 1 = P_nsmail . htm
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
param = msg . get_param ( ' NAME ' )
self . assertNotIsInstance ( param , tuple )
self . assertEqual (
param ,
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_no_charset
def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = " ' ' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
# Duplicate of previous test?
def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_filename_encoded ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = " ' ' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_partly_encoded,
# but the test below is wrong (the first part should be decoded).
def test_rfc2231_partly_encoded ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 = " ' ' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual (
msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
def test_rfc2231_partly_nonencoded ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 = " This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 1 = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual (
msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more %20% 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A %20i s it not.pdf ' )
def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_boundary ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Type : multipart / alternative ;
\tboundary * 0 * = " ' ' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tboundary * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tboundary * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_boundary ( ) ,
' This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
def test_rfc2231_no_language_or_charset_in_charset ( self ) :
# This is a nonsensical charset value, but tests the code anyway
m = ''' \
Content - Type : text / plain ;
\tcharset * 0 * = " This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tcharset * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tcharset * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_charset ( ) ,
' this is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_unknown_charset_treated_as_ascii
def test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_filename ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = " bogus ' xx ' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 2 = " is it not.pdf "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf ' )
def test_rfc2231_bad_encoding_in_charset ( self ) :
m = """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset * = bogus ' ' utf - 8 % E2 % 80 % 9 D
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
# This should return None because non-ascii characters in the charset
# are not allowed.
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_charset ( ) , None )
def test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_charset ( self ) :
m = """ \
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset * = ascii ' ' utf - 8 % E2 % 80 % 9 D
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
# This should return None because non-ascii characters in the charset
# are not allowed.
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_content_charset ( ) , None )
def test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_filename ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = " ascii ' xx ' This %20i s %20e ven % 20more % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 1 * = " % 2A % 2A % 2Afun % 2A % 2A % 2A % 20 " ;
\tfilename * 2 * = " is it not.pdf %E 2 "
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) ,
' This is even more ***fun*** is it not.pdf \ufffd ' )
def test_rfc2231_unknown_encoding ( self ) :
m = """ \
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
Content - Disposition : inline ; filename * = X - UNKNOWN ' ' myfile . txt
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) , ' myfile.txt ' )
def test_rfc2231_bad_character_in_encoding ( self ) :
m = """ \
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
Content - Disposition : inline ; filename * = utf - 8 \udce2 \udc80 \udc9d ' ' myfile . txt
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual ( msg . get_filename ( ) , ' myfile.txt ' )
def test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename_extended ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = """ \
Content - Type : application / x - foo ;
\tname * 0 * = \" Frank ' s \" ; name*1*= \" Document \"
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
charset , language , s = msg . get_param ( ' name ' )
eq ( charset , None )
eq ( language , None )
eq ( s , " Frank ' s Document " )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_inside_double_quotes
def test_rfc2231_single_tick_in_filename ( self ) :
m = """ \
Content - Type : application / x - foo ; name * 0 = \" Frank ' s \" ; name*1= \" Document \"
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
param = msg . get_param ( ' name ' )
self . assertNotIsInstance ( param , tuple )
self . assertEqual ( param , " Frank ' s Document " )
def test_rfc2231_missing_tick ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = " ' This %20i s % 20broken " ;
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual (
msg . get_filename ( ) ,
" ' This is broken " )
def test_rfc2231_missing_tick_with_encoded_non_ascii ( self ) :
m = ''' \
Content - Disposition : inline ;
\tfilename * 0 * = " ' This %20i s %E 2broken " ;
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
self . assertEqual (
msg . get_filename ( ) ,
" ' This is \ufffd broken " )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_in_value_with_charset_and_lang
def test_rfc2231_tick_attack_extended ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = """ \
Content - Type : application / x - foo ;
\tname * 0 * = \" us-ascii ' en-us ' Frank ' s \" ; name*1*= \" Document \"
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
charset , language , s = msg . get_param ( ' name ' )
eq ( charset , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( language , ' en-us ' )
eq ( s , " Frank ' s Document " )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quote_in_non_encoded_value
def test_rfc2231_tick_attack ( self ) :
m = """ \
Content - Type : application / x - foo ;
\tname * 0 = \" us-ascii ' en-us ' Frank ' s \" ; name*1= \" Document \"
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
param = msg . get_param ( ' name ' )
self . assertNotIsInstance ( param , tuple )
self . assertEqual ( param , " us-ascii ' en-us ' Frank ' s Document " )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_single_quotes_inside_quotes
def test_rfc2231_no_extended_values ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = """ \
Content - Type : application / x - foo ; name = \" Frank ' s Document \"
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
eq ( msg . get_param ( ' name ' ) , " Frank ' s Document " )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments
def test_rfc2231_encoded_then_unencoded_segments ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = """ \
Content - Type : application / x - foo ;
\tname * 0 * = \" us-ascii ' en-us ' My \" ;
\tname * 1 = \" Document \" ;
\tname * 2 * = \" For You \"
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
charset , language , s = msg . get_param ( ' name ' )
eq ( charset , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( language , ' en-us ' )
eq ( s , ' My Document For You ' )
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments
# test_headerregistry.TestContentTypeHeader.rfc2231_quoted_unencoded_then_encoded_segments
def test_rfc2231_unencoded_then_encoded_segments ( self ) :
eq = self . assertEqual
m = """ \
Content - Type : application / x - foo ;
\tname * 0 = \" us-ascii ' en-us ' My \" ;
\tname * 1 * = \" Document \" ;
\tname * 2 * = \" For You \"
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
charset , language , s = msg . get_param ( ' name ' )
eq ( charset , ' us-ascii ' )
eq ( language , ' en-us ' )
eq ( s , ' My Document For You ' )
def test_should_not_hang_on_invalid_ew_messages ( self ) :
messages = [ """ From: user@host.com
To : user @host.com
Bad - Header :
= ? us - ascii ? Q ? LCSwrV11 + IB0rSbSker + M9vWR7wEDSuGqmHD89Gt = ea0nJFSaiz4vX3XMJPT4vrE ? =
= ? us - ascii ? Q ? xGUZeOnp0o22pLBB7CYLH74Js = wOlK6Tfru2U47qR ? =
= ? us - ascii ? Q ? 72 OfyEY2p2 = 2 FrA9xNFyvH + fBTCmazxwzF8nGkK6D ? =
Hello !
""" , """ From : ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ < xxx @xxx >
To : " xxx " < xxx @xxx >
Subject : ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½
MIME - Version : 1.0
Content - Type : text / plain ; charset = " windows-1251 " ;
Content - Transfer - Encoding : 8 bit
ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½ ï ¿ ½
""" ]
for m in messages :
with self . subTest ( m = m ) :
msg = email . message_from_string ( m )
# Tests to ensure that signed parts of an email are completely preserved, as
# required by RFC1847 section 2.1. Note that these are incomplete, because the
# email package does not currently always preserve the body. See issue 1670765.
class TestSigned ( TestEmailBase ) :
def _msg_and_obj ( self , filename ) :
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with openfile ( filename , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as fp :
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original = fp . read ( )
msg = email . message_from_string ( original )
return original , msg
def _signed_parts_eq ( self , original , result ) :
# Extract the first mime part of each message
import re
repart = re . compile ( r ' ^--([^ \ n]+) \ n(.*?) \ n-- \ 1$ ' , re . S | re . M )
inpart = repart . search ( original ) . group ( 2 )
outpart = repart . search ( result ) . group ( 2 )
self . assertEqual ( outpart , inpart )
def test_long_headers_as_string ( self ) :
original , msg = self . _msg_and_obj ( ' msg_45.txt ' )
result = msg . as_string ( )
self . _signed_parts_eq ( original , result )
def test_long_headers_as_string_maxheaderlen ( self ) :
original , msg = self . _msg_and_obj ( ' msg_45.txt ' )
result = msg . as_string ( maxheaderlen = 60 )
self . _signed_parts_eq ( original , result )
def test_long_headers_flatten ( self ) :
original , msg = self . _msg_and_obj ( ' msg_45.txt ' )
fp = StringIO ( )
Generator ( fp ) . flatten ( msg )
result = fp . getvalue ( )
self . _signed_parts_eq ( original , result )
2022-10-09 16:27:10 +03:00
class TestHeaderRegistry ( TestEmailBase ) :
# See issue gh-93010.
def test_HeaderRegistry ( self ) :
reg = HeaderRegistry ( )
a = reg ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' attachment; 0*00= " foo " ' )
self . assertIsInstance ( a . defects [ 0 ] , errors . InvalidHeaderDefect )
2022-09-17 15:26:13 +03:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
unittest . main ( )