# ---> Go cmd # Binaries for programs and plugins ./cmd/*.exe ./cmd/*.exe~ ./cmd/*.dll ./cmd/*.so ./cmd/*.dylib # Test binary, built with `go test -c` ./cmd/*.test # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE ./cmd/*.out # Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it) # ./cmd/vendor/ # ---> Dart # Miscellaneous ./app/*.class ./app/*.log ./app/*.pyc ./app/*.swp ./app/.DS_Store ./app/.atom/ ./app/.buildlog/ ./app/.history ./app/.svn/ # IntelliJ related ./app/*.iml ./app/*.ipr ./app/*.iws ./app/.idea/ # The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in # VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line # is commented out by default. #.vscode/ # Flutter/Dart/Pub related ./app/**/doc/api/ ./app/**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id ./app/.dart_tool/ ./app/.flutter-plugins ./app/.flutter-plugins-dependencies ./app/.packages ./app/.pub-cache/ ./app/.pub/ ./app//build/ # Web related ./app/lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart # Symbolication related ./app/app.*.symbols # Obfuscation related ./app/app.*.map.json # Android Studio will place build artifacts here ./app//android/app/debug ./app//android/app/profile ./app//android/app/release