class PizzaBuilder { late String _crust; int _diameter; late Set _toppings; PizzaBuilder(this._diameter); String get crust => _crust; set crust(String newCrust) { _crust = newCrust; } int get diameter => _diameter; set diameter(int newDiameter) { _diameter = newDiameter; } Set get toppings => _toppings; set toppings(Set newToppings) { _toppings = newToppings; _ensureCheese(); } void _ensureCheese() { _toppings.add("cheese"); } Pizza build() { return Pizza(this); } } class Pizza { late String _crust; late int _diameter; late Set _toppings; Pizza(PizzaBuilder builder) { _crust = builder.crust; _diameter = builder.diameter; _toppings = builder.toppings; } String get crust => _crust; int get diameter => _diameter; String get toppings => _stringifiedToppings(); String _stringifiedToppings() { var stringToppings = _toppings.join(", "); var lastComma = stringToppings.lastIndexOf(","); var replacement = ",".allMatches(stringToppings).length > 1 ? ", and" : " and"; return stringToppings.replaceRange(lastComma, lastComma + 1, replacement); } @override String toString() { return "A delicous $_diameter\" pizza with $_crust crust covered in $toppings"; } } void main() { // Create a handy PizzaBuilder with an 8" diameter. var pizzaBuilder = PizzaBuilder(8); // Add some attributes to the builder. pizzaBuilder.crust = "deep dish"; pizzaBuilder.toppings = Set.from(["pepperoni"]); // Let's make a pizza! var plainPizza = Pizza(pizzaBuilder); print("Behold! $plainPizza."); assert(plainPizza.toString() == "Behold! A delicous 8\" pizza with deep dish crust covered in pepperoni and cheese."); // Now to adjust some things for the next pizza... pizzaBuilder.crust = "gold plated"; pizzaBuilder.diameter = 72; pizzaBuilder.toppings = Set.from(["anchovies", "caviar", "diamonds"]); // The beauty of the build is you can quickly iterate and produce instances of a class. // For example, we have an early employee of the latest unicorn in line. So much disposable income! // Also note, we use the .build() function of the builder this time. var luxuriousPizza =; print("Wow! $luxuriousPizza? Someone is rich!"); assert(luxuriousPizza.toString() == "Wow! A delicous 72\" pizza with gold plated crust covered in anchovies, caviar, diamonds, and cheese? Someone is rich!"); }