class Grinder { String _type; Grinder(this._type); void grind() { print("Grinding $_type!"); } } class Maker { String _type; Maker(this._type); void fill() { print("Filling the $_type maker!"); } void retrieve() { print("Retrieving the $_type!"); } void start() { print("Starting the $_type maker!"); } } class Imbiber { String _beverage; Imbiber(this._beverage); void drink() { print("Mmmmm...drinking $_beverage!"); } } class MorningFacade { final _coffeeDrinker = Imbiber("coffee"); final _coffeeGrinder = Grinder("coffee beans"); final _coffeeMaker = Maker("coffee"); void prepareCoffee() { print("\r\nPreparing the coffee..."); _coffeeGrinder.grind(); _coffeeMaker ..fill() ..start(); print("Coffee is brewing!\r\n"); } void drinkCoffee() { print("\r\"); _coffeeMaker.retrieve(); _coffeeDrinker.drink(); print("This is damn fine coffee!"); } } void main() { var typicalMorning = MorningFacade(); print("Wake up! Grab a brush and put on a little makeup..."); print("\r\nStumble to the kitchen..."); typicalMorning.prepareCoffee(); print("Oh my...that smells good..."); typicalMorning.drinkCoffee(); print("\r\nI'm ready to attack the day!"); }